CExpansions.BundleLoader.ABAssetInfo | |
CExpansions.BundleLoader.ABInfo | |
CVehiclePhysics.Brakes.AbsSettings | |
CAbundanceRequest | |
CResourceCache.AbundanceSummary | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.AccessorBase | Wrapper around MemberInfo providing transparent access to fields, propteries and constant-index arrays. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.FieldAccessor | Access field members of an object |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.PropertyAccessor | Access field members of an object |
CActionGroupList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionEditorHistory.ActionStack | Custom implementation of a stack based on a list |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.KerbalPortraitGallery.ActiveCrewItem | Class to hold the Active Crew. Kerbal or KerbalEVA reference must be set. If kerbal is set - its an IVA kerbal. |
CSteamworks.AddAppDependencyResult_t | |
CSteamworks.AddUGCDependencyResult_t | |
CAeroFXState | |
CContracts.Agents.Agent | |
►CContracts.Agents.AgentMentality | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Commercial | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Competitive | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Conglomerate | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Cooperative | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.EasyGoing | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Ecomental | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Economic | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Hasty | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Industrial | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Kerbalminded | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Moral | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.NoRandomContractMentality | Mentality that can be used to prevent random contracts from being assigned to the agent. |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Patient | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Perfectionist | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Pioneer | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Record | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Scientific | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Startup | |
CContracts.Agents.Mentalities.Stern | |
CContracts.Agents.AgentStanding | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.AggregateContext< U, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.AggregateContext< U, T, C, P > | |
CPQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPVehicleJoint.AngularJointMotion | |
CAnimatorTools | |
CCommNet.CommNode.AntennaInfo | Holds information about the node's transceiver capabilities |
CVehiclePhysics.AntiSpin | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.ApplauncherLayout | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SimpleLayout | |
CEdyCommonTools.ApplicationUtility | |
CSteamworks.AppProofOfPurchaseKeyResponse_t | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberDropdown.AppUIDropdownItem | A Data representation of a drop down item |
CTransferDataSimpleTopData.APPUIMemberLabelListItem | The data class for a row in the top window. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.UIAppSpawner.AppWrapper | |
CAPSkillExtensions | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ARM | |
CArrayExtensions | |
CAssemblyLoader.AssemblyDependency | |
CAssemblyInfo | |
CAssemblyLoader | |
CExpansions.AssetBundleNameInfo | Class to split asset bundle names using underscores function_group_name So for expansions function = expansion group = expansion name name = bundle name |
►CAssetPostprocessor | |
CDisableAutoMaterialCreation | |
CEdyCommonTools.EditorTools.EdysBlenderImporter | |
CProjectCleanup | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMPro_TexturePostProcessor | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.AssetUsageDetector | |
CSteamworks.AssociateWithClanResult_t | |
CAtlasSplitter.Atlas | |
CProceduralFairings.FairingPanel.AttachedFlagParts | |
CAttachNode | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.PartReplace.attachNodeOffset | Structure for attachNode offset changes |
CAttachNodeSnapshot | Represents the state of an attachment node |
CAttachRules | |
►CAttribute | |
CDatabaseLoaderAttrib | |
CEffectDefinition | |
CExpansions.Missions.MEScoreModule | Attribute class that defines wich kind of score modules are allowed in a IScoreableObjective |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestrictionOptions | |
►CFieldAttribute | Attribute applied to fields to make them available to the KSP GUI |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Control | Attribute applied to fields to make available to the action pane parameter UI. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Asteroid | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_AsteroidSelect | System attribute to specify an asteroid selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Button | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Category | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_CelestialBody | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_CelestialBody_Biomes | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_CelestialBody_Orbit | System attribute to specify a celestial body orbit |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Checkbox | System attribute to specify a checkbox control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_ColorPicker | System attribute to specify a color picker control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Comet | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_CometSelect | System attribute to specify a comet selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_CrewList | System attribute to specify a kerbal crew member |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Dropdown | System attribute to specify a dropdown control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_LaunchSiteSelect | System attribute to specify a launch site selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_ParameterSwitchCompound_KeyField | This attribute is applied to the keyfield for the Switcher |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_DynamicModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_DynamicModuleList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_FlagSelect | System attribute to specify a flag selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_GameParameters | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_InputField | System attribute to specify an input field control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Label | System attribute to specify a text label |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_LaunchSiteSituation | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_ListOrder | System attribute to specify a list order control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_MissionInstructor | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_MissionKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_NodeLabelNodeSelect | System attribute to specify a node label node selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_NodeSelect | System attribute to specify a node selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_NumberRange | System attribute to specify a number slider - can be used on int, float and double |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_ParameterSwitchCompound | Inidicates this class is a parameterswitch compound param. This means that child controls will be rendered, but only one of them is active at any time based on the KeyField |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_PartPicker | System attribute to specify a part picker control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Quaternion | System attribute to specify a number slider - can be used on int, float and double |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_ScoreRangeList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_ScrollViewSelector | System attribute to specify a scroll view selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_SurfaceArea | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_SurfaceVolume | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_TextArea | System attribute to specify a text area control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_Time | System attribute to specify a dropdown control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_VesselGroundLocation | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_VesselLocation | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_VesselPartSelect | System attribute to specify a vessel part selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_VesselSelect | System attribute to specify a vessel selector control |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUI_VesselSituation | |
►CKSPField | Paw default base Attribute field implementation Automatic persistance can only be applied to types which implement the IConfigNode interface or one of the following.. string, bool, int, float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4 or Quaternion |
CKSPAxisField | Indicate that the field will be manipulated by an AxisGroup. |
►CGameParameters.CustomParameterUI | Attribute that needs to be used for custom parameters to be shown in the custom parameter UI. |
CGameParameters.CustomFloatParameterUI | |
CGameParameters.CustomIntParameterUI | |
CGameParameters.CustomStringParameterUI | |
►CKSP.UI.AppUI_Control | Base attribute for AppUI Input controls |
►CKSP.UI.AppUI_Dropdown | A dropdown of items to choose from |
CKSP.UI.AppUI_DropdownMultiLine | A dropdown of items to choose from, has the guilabel above the dropdown |
CKSP.UI.AppUI_Heading | A Header for separating the inputs. the label will show the value of the string thats been attributed, or the guiName if the string has no value |
►CKSP.UI.AppUI_Input | A string input |
CKSP.UI.AppUI_InputFloat | A numeric input |
CKSP.UI.AppUI_InputDateTime | A DateTime input |
►CKSP.UI.AppUI_Label | A label display |
CKSP.UI.AppUI_LabelList | A label list display |
CKSP.UI.AppUI_RadioBool | A toggle between two values underpinned by a bool |
►CKSP.UI.AppUI_SliderFloat | A numeric slider |
CKSP.UI.AppUI_SliderFloatMultiLine | A numeric slider with the name above the slider |
CKSP.UI.AppUI_ToggleBool | A toggle between two values underpinned by a bool |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsValue | |
CKSPAction | Tells the compiler that this method is an action and allows you to set up the KSP specific stuff. ** REQUIRED BY ALL ACTION METHODS ** |
CKSPAddon | |
CKSPAssembly | |
CKSPAssemblyDependency | |
CKSPAssemblyDependencyEqualMajor | |
CKSPCapability | Add to a class to allow Capability to parse this class into lists of string values |
CKSPCapabilityValue | Add to a field or property to allow the Capability to parse this field into a string value |
CKSPEvent | Tells the compiler that this method is an action and allows you to set up the KSP specific stuff. ** REQUIRED BY ALL ACTION METHODS ** |
CKSPModelEvent | |
CKSPModule | |
CKSPPart | |
CPartInfo | |
CPersistent | Add Persistent to a field to allow it to serialize/deserialize |
CPersistentLinkable | Add PersistentLinkable to a class/struct if you expect it may be linked to from other objects |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.UpgradeModule | |
CSoftMasking.GlobalMaterialReplacerAttribute | Mark an implementation of the IMaterialReplacer interface with this attribute to register it in the global material replacer chain. The global replacers will be used automatically by all SoftMasks |
►CUI_Control | |
CUI_ChooseOption | |
CUI_ColorPicker | This class is a UI Control for the colour picker field types. |
CUI_Cycle | |
CUI_FieldFloatRange | |
CUI_FloatEdit | |
CUI_FloatRange | |
CUI_Grid | This class is a UI Control for the Inventory and slots. |
CUI_Group | |
CUI_Label | |
CUI_MinMaxRange | |
CUI_ProgressBar | |
CUI_Resources | This class is a UI Control for the Resources to drain. |
CUI_ScaleEdit | |
CUI_Toggle | |
CUI_VariantSelector | |
CUI_Vector2 | |
►CAttribute | |
CKSP.Testing.TestInfo | Used to mark a method as a test for the Unit Testing framework |
CKSPScenario | |
CReflectionUtil.AttributedType< Tatt > | |
CAlarmClockScenarioAudio.AudioClipMap | This is inside this class so as not to clash with the others - simple key based map like the texture ones |
CiT.AudioFrom | Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time with FULL customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied. |
CiT.AudioTo | Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource with FULL customization options. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used (if one exists) if not supplied. |
CiT.AudioUpdate | Similar to AudioTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. |
CAvailablePart | |
CMCAvatarController.AvatarAnimation | randomLoop must be set up with at least one looping animation set to "isFallback". |
CMCAvatarController.AvatarAnimationClip | |
CSteamworks.AvatarImageLoaded_t | |
CMCAvatarController.AvatarState | |
CRDArchivesAvatarController.AvatarState | |
CAxisFieldLimit | Data Structure for the IAxisFieldLimits interface |
CAxisGroupsManager | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPWeightData.AxleGroup | |
►CBackgroundWorker | |
CSafeAbortBackgroundWorker | This class can be used to provide a BackgroundWorker thread with a safe Abort() capability. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.BacktrackDetector | Used to find backtracking Slinq usage |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Base | |
CBaseAction | A part action |
CBaseEvent | A part action |
CBaseEventDetails | A wrapped list of key/value pairs which may be passed to an action |
►CBaseField | Paw default base field implmentation, this uses KSPField integration and UI_Control handeling. |
CBaseAxisField | |
►CBaseField< K > | Container class, this contains the reference to the KSPField attribute and the affected host object |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.BaseAPField | Action pane BaseField implementation, used in the Action pane UI. |
CBaseFieldList | Paw default BaseField implementation, this uses KSPField and BaseField default implementations. |
►CBaseGameEvent | Base class for all events. |
CEventData< T > | Generic event wrapper |
CEventData< T, U > | Generic event wrapper |
CEventData< T, U, V > | Generic event wrapper |
CEventData< T, U, V, W > | Generic event wrapper |
CEventDataModifier< T, U > | Generic event wrapper |
CEventDoubleMax | Event wrapper which returns the maximum returned value of all methods |
CEventDoubleMin | Event wrapper which returns the minimum returned value of all methods |
CEventFloatMax | Event wrapper which returns the maximum returned value of all methods |
CEventFloatMin | Event wrapper which returns the minimum returned value of all methods |
CEventIntMax | Event wrapper which returns the maximum returned value of all methods |
CEventIntMin | Event wrapper which returns the minimum returned value of all methods |
CEventValueComparison< T > | Event wrapper which returns the minimum returned value of all methods |
CEventValueOperation< T > | Event wrapper which returns the minimum returned value of all methods |
CEventVoid | Event wrapper with no data |
CBasePAWGroup | Class defining Groups on PAW objects for grouping |
CEdyCommonTools.BiasedRatio | |
CBiDictionaryOneToOne< TFirst, TSecond > | This is a dictionary guaranteed to have only one of each value and key. It may be searched either by TFirst or by TSecond, giving a unique answer because it is 1 to 1. |
CBiomeLockData | |
CPartToolsEditor.BitmapWriter | |
►CVehiclePhysics.Block | |
CVehiclePhysics.Brake | |
CVehiclePhysics.Clutch | |
CVehiclePhysics.Differential | |
CVehiclePhysics.DifferentialGeneric | |
CVehiclePhysics.DirectDrive | |
CVehiclePhysics.Engine | |
CVehiclePhysics.Gear | |
CVehiclePhysics.Gearbox | |
CVehiclePhysics.Gearset | |
CVehiclePhysics.InertialDrive | |
CVehiclePhysics.InertialFlywheel | |
CVehiclePhysics.Retarder | |
CVehiclePhysics.SynchronousDrive | |
CVehiclePhysics.TorqueInjector | |
CVehiclePhysics.TorqueSplitter | |
CVehiclePhysics.Wheel | |
CVehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.BlockState | |
CVehiclePhysics.Brakes | |
CSteamworks.BroadcastUploadStart_t | |
CSteamworks.BroadcastUploadStop_t | |
CExpansions.ExpansionSO.BundleInfo | |
►CButton | |
CXButton | |
CKSP.UI.ButtonColorState | |
CKSP.UI.ButtonSpritesMgr.ButtonSprites | |
CKSP.UI.UISelectableListItem_ColorButton.ButtonState | |
CKSP.UI.UISelectableListItem_StateButton.ButtonState | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateToggleButton.ButtonState | |
CKSP.UI.ButtonState | |
CKSP.UI.ButtonStateTooltip | |
CSteamworks.CallbackDispatcher | |
CSteamworks.CallbackIdentities | |
CSteamworks.CallbackMsg_t | |
CCallbackUtil | |
CiT.CameraFadeFrom | Instantly changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade and then returns it back over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.CameraFadeTo | Changes the amount(transparency) of a camera fade over time with FULL customization options. |
CCameraFXModules.CameraFXCollection | |
►CCameraFXModules.CameraFXModule | |
CCameraFXModules.Fade | |
CCameraFXModules.Wobble | |
CCutsceneCamera.CameraKeyFrame | |
►CVehiclePhysics.CameraMode | |
CVehiclePhysics.CameraAttachTo | |
CVehiclePhysics.CameraFree | |
CVehiclePhysics.CameraLookAt | |
CVehiclePhysics.CameraOrbit | |
CVehiclePhysics.CameraSmoothFollow | |
CCanvasUtil | |
CKSP.UI.UIMasterController.CanvasWrapper | |
CCapability | Represents a capability of a class to do various things. Contains a category, optional name and list of values |
CVectrosity.CapInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapNode.CaptionData | Little helper class to group information that needs to be updated |
CTMPro.CaretInfo | Structure which contains the character index and position of caret relative to the character. |
CKSP.UI.UICascadingList.CascadingListItem | |
COrbit.CASolutionState | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.Category | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer.Category | |
CCBAttributeMap | |
CCBTextureAtlasSO.CBTextureAtlasPoint | Container class for information on each point in the celestial body texture atlas |
CCelestialBodyScienceParams | |
CPlanetarium.CelestialFrame | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.CelestialUtilities | |
CCenterOfLiftQuery | |
CCenterOfThrustQuery | |
CVehiclePhysics.ProjectPatchAsset.Change | |
CVehiclePhysics.Channel | |
CVehiclePhysics.DataLogger.Channel | |
CCharacterAnimationState | |
CCharacterAnimationUtil | |
CCheatOptions | |
CUniLinq.Check | |
CSteamworks.CheckFileSignature_t | |
CSpaceObjectCollider.Chunk | |
CCIBuildScript | This is used on Jenkins. |
CKerbalEVA.ClamberPath | |
CSteamworks.ClanOfficerListResponse_t | |
CSteamworks.ClientGameServerDeny_t | |
CVehiclePhysics.Engine.ClutchSettings | |
CDestructibleBuilding.CollapsibleObject | |
CProceduralFairings.ColliderChunk | |
CProceduralFairings.ColliderSection | |
CEdyCommonTools.ColliderUtility | |
CiT.ColorFrom | Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. |
CColorHSV | Representation of color in HSV model |
CiT.ColorTo | Changes a GameObject's color values over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation. |
CXKCDColors.ColorTranslator | |
CiT.ColorUpdate | Similar to ColorTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. |
CStabilityOverlayTest.CoLTest | |
CCometDefinition | Class to store the details necessary to pass an instance of comet deifnition between methods |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometDetection | |
CCometOrbitType | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometSample | |
CCometVesselExtension | |
CGameEvents.CommNet | |
CEdyCommonTools.EditorTools.CommonEditorTools | |
CSmooth.Comparisons.Comparisons | Provides various methods for creating comparisons. |
CSmooth.Comparisons.Comparisons< T > | Caches delegates for the comparsion methods of IComparer<T>s and IEqualityComparer<T>s. |
CFinePrint.Utilities.CompatibilityUtilities | |
CSpaceObjectCollider.CompositeSolid | |
CTMPro.Compute_DT_EventArgs | |
CSteamworks.ComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResult_t | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.ConcatContext< C2, T, C > | |
CUrlDir.ConfigDirectory | |
CConfigNode | Acts as a config file reader and writer. Contains a list of values and sub nodes. Can read or write itself or objects to files. |
CConfigurableJointExtensions | |
CSmooth.Compare.Configuration | |
CConfirmDialog | A GUI-drawn dialog that gives the player two options |
CTargeting.Conic | |
CVehiclePhysics.Block.Connection | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.DebugScreenConsole.ConsoleCommand | |
CSteamworks.Constants | |
CFXModuleConstrainPosition.ConstrainedObject | |
CFXModuleLookAtConstraint.ConstrainedObject | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.ConstructionExtensions | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.ConstructionPart | Data class that holds the details of a Part that can be used by a construction contract. |
CFinePrint.Utilities.ConstructionParts | |
CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction.ContactPatch | |
CGameEvents.Contract | |
►CContracts.ContractPredicate | |
CContracts.Predicates.AgentFlag | |
CContracts.Predicates.AgentParts | |
CContracts.Predicates.IsActiveVessel | |
CContracts.Predicates.IsControllable | |
CContracts.Predicates.LaunchID | |
CSteamworks.ControllerAnalogActionData_t | |
CSteamworks.ControllerDigitalActionData_t | |
CSteamworks.ControllerMotionData_t | |
CControlPoint | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindow.ControlWrapper | |
CConversionRecipe | |
CConverterResults | |
CLoadCraftDialog.CraftEntry | |
CCraftThumbnail | |
CSteamworks.CreateItemResult_t | |
CCrewGenerator | |
CCrewTransfer.CrewTransferData | |
CDragCubeList.CubeData | A struct to hold the data calculated for cubes |
CCurrencyModifierQuery | |
CCursors.CursorItem | Represents a cursor in the CursorController's cursor stack |
►CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction.CurveBase | |
CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction.FlatFriction | |
CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction.LinealFriction | |
CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction.PacejkaFriction | |
CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction.ParametricFriction | |
CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction.SmoothFriction | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.CurveControlPoint | |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanel.CurvePanelPointChangeInfo | Class to store data about point changes for callbacks |
CVehiclePhysics.EngineDataAsset.CurvePoint | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPCameraTarget.CustomCamera | |
►CCursors.CustomCursor | |
CCursors.TextureCursor | |
CSoftMasking.Editor.SoftMaskEditor.CustomEditors | |
CLibNoise.Models.Cylinder | Model that maps the output of a module onto a cylinder. |
CDatabaseLoaderModel_DAE.DAE | |
►CDatabaseLoader< T > | |
CDatabaseLoaderAudio | |
CDatabaseLoaderModel_DAE | |
CDatabaseLoaderModel_MU | |
CDatabaseLoaderTexture_DDS | |
CDatabaseLoaderTexture_JPEG | |
CDatabaseLoaderTexture_MBM | |
CDatabaseLoaderTexture_PNG | |
CDatabaseLoaderTexture_TGA | |
CDatabaseLoaderTexture_TRUECOLOR | |
CVehiclePhysics.DataBus | |
CVehiclePhysics.DataLogger | |
CVehiclePhysics.DataRecorder | |
CDDSHeaders.DDSHeader | |
CDDSHeaders.DDSHeaderDX10 | |
CDDSHeaders.DDSPixelFormat | |
CDDSHeaders.DDSValues | |
CDebugDrawUtil | |
CEdyCommonTools.DebugUtility | |
►CDecoratorDrawer | |
CEdyCommonTools.EditorTools.HelpBoxAttributeDrawer | |
CiTween.Defaults | A collection of baseline presets that iTween needs and utilizes if certain parameters are not provided. |
CDelegateExtensions | |
CSmooth.Delegates.DelegateExtensions | Provides extension methods related to delegate usage. |
CSteamworks.DeleteItemResult_t | |
CDeltaVAppValues | |
CDeltaVCalc | This data class is used to store DeltaV Calculations. |
CDeltaVEngineBurnTotals | Stores the Burn Totals for an Engine for Delta V calculations. |
CDeltaVEngineExtensions | |
CDeltaVEngineInfo | Stores Information for VesselDeltaV calculations for a ModuleEngines. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.DeltaVEngineInfoListExtensions | |
CDeltaVEngineResourcePartExtensions | |
CDeltaVEngineResourcePartInfo | This class is used by DeltaStageInfo to record Propellant/Fuel Resource usage on Parts in the stage by engines in the stage. |
CDeltaVEngineStageSet | Storage class to store a Set of DeltaVengineInfo and DeltaVStageInfo. |
CDeltaVExtensions | |
CDeltaVPartExtensions | |
CDeltaVPartInfo | Stores Part Info for Delta V calculations. |
CDeltaVPropellantInfo | Stores Information for VesselDeltaV calculations for a ModuleEngines Propellant. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.DeltaVPropellantInfoListExtensions | |
CDeltaVStageInfo | Stores Information for VesselDeltaV calculations for a Stage. |
CDeltaVEngineStageSet.DeltaVStageInfoEntry | Storage class to store DeltaVStageInfo and DeltaVEngineInfo. There are two instances of each. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.DeltaVStageInfoListExtensions | |
CStrategies.DepartmentConfig | |
CDepletionData | |
CDepletionNode | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.DeployedScience | |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedScienceExtensions | |
CVehiclePhysics.Block.Derivative | |
CDialogCanvasUtil | |
►CDialogGUIBase | |
CDialogGUIBox | |
►CDialogGUIButton | An option to be used in MultiOptionDialogs |
CDialogGUIButton< T > | |
CFlagBrowserGUIButton | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapContextMenuOptions.MapContextMenuOption | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapContextMenuOptions.AddManeuver | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapContextMenuOptions.AutoWarpToUT | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapContextMenuOptions.DeleteCustomWaypoint | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapContextMenuOptions.FocusObject | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapContextMenuOptions.SetAsTarget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapContextMenuOptions.WaypointNavigation | |
CDialogGUIContentSizer | |
CDialogGUIImage | |
CDialogGUILabel | |
►CDialogGUILayoutBase | |
CDialogGUIGridLayout | |
CDialogGUIHorizontalLayout | |
CDialogGUIRadialLayout | |
►CDialogGUIVerticalLayout | |
CAlarmClockSettingsUI | This is the settings page for gameplay settings. For the main settings database, see GameSettings.cs |
CAudioFXSettings | |
CGameplaySettingsScreen | This is the settings page for gameplay settings. For the main settings database, see GameSettings.cs |
CInputSettings | |
CVideoSettings | |
CDialogGUILayoutEnd | |
CDialogGUIScrollList | |
CDialogGUISlider | |
►CDialogGUISpace | |
CDialogGUIFlexibleSpace | |
CDialogGUISprite | |
CDialogGUITextInput | |
►CDialogGUIToggle | |
CDialogGUIToggleButton | |
CDialogGUIToggleGroup | |
CMultiOptionDialog | A GUI-Drawn Dialog that gives the player any amount of options |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionPlayDialog.dialogList | |
CSmooth.Collections.Dictionary | Helper class for instantiating Dictionary<>s without specifying a comparer. |
►CDictionary< _Data, _Link > | |
CCommNet.Network.Node< _Net, _Data, _Link, _Path > | Node on the network. Overload and use network.Add to hook in |
►CDictionary< System.Type, Dictionary< string, System.Type >> | |
CAssemblyLoader.LoadedTypesDictionary | |
►CDictionary< System.Type, List< System.Type >> | |
CAssemblyLoader.LoadedTypes | |
CSmooth.Pools.DictionaryPool< K, V > | Singleton Dictionary<K, V> pool. |
CKSP.UI.Language.DictionarySerializerHelper | |
►CDictionaryValueList< TKey, TValue > | Note: One-one mapping required! Cannot map multiple keys to same value! |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberDropdown.AppUIDropdownItemDictionary | A Dictionary of dropdown items so we can correlate the selected index with the actual value |
CDiscoverableObjectsUtil | |
CDishController.Dish | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.DisplayParameter | |
CVehiclePhysics.DataLogger.DisplaySettings | |
CSmooth.Dispose.DisposalQueue | Queues pooled resources for cleanup by a background thread |
CDistributionData | |
CSteamworks.DlcInstalled_t | |
CSteamworks.DllCheck | |
CSteamworks.DownloadClanActivityCountsResult_t | |
CSteamworks.DownloadItemResult_t | |
CDragCube | |
CDragCubeList | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAudio.Drags | |
CDrawing | http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/71979-Drawing-lines-in-the-editor |
CVehiclePhysics.Driveline | |
CVehiclePhysics.DrivelineHelper | |
CDynamicNodeSet | |
►CEditor | |
►CAlarmClockScenarioEditorBase | |
CAlarmClockAppEditor | |
CAlarmClockScenarioEditor | |
CAtlasSplitterEditor | |
CCameraShaderReplacementEditor | |
CCBAttributeMapSOEditor | |
CCBTextureAtlasSOEditor | |
CCreditsSceneControl | |
CEdyCommonTools.EditorTools.SplineInspector | |
CExpansions.ExpansionSOEditor | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEFlowParserEditor | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEFlowUIGroup_OrEditor | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEFlowUIGroup_ThenEditor | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEFlowUINodeEditor | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeEditor | |
CFacilitySceneryLoaderEditor | |
CHighLogicEditor | |
CKSCUpgradeableLevelTextEditor | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindowEditor | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsScreenSetupEditor | |
CKSP.UI.Util.CanvasToolsEditor | |
CLinkedMeshSOEditor | |
CLoadingScreenEditor | |
CMainMenuEditor | |
CMapNodeEditor | |
CMeshLocatorEditor | |
CMiniBiomeEditor | |
COrbitDriverEditor | |
COrbitRendererEditor | |
CPartToolsLibraryEditor | |
CPQSEditor | |
CPQSMod_LandClassController_Editor | |
CPropToolsEditor | |
CPSystemEditor | |
CScriptOffloadingMBInspector | |
CScrollRectNoDragEditor | |
CSoftMasking.Editor.SoftMaskEditor | |
CStageManagerEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_ColorGradientEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_ContextMenus | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_EditorPanel | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_SettingsEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_SpriteAssetEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_StyleEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_SubMesh_Editor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_SubMeshUI_Editor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMPro_TextContainerEditor | |
CUITransparencyControllerEditor | |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableInteriorEditor | |
CVectorObject2DEditor | |
►CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.VPInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.AdvancedDamperInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.AntiRollBarInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.DynamicSuspensionInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.EngineDataAssetInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.LiquidCargoInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.ProjectPatchAssetInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.SolidCargoInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.TireFrictionModifierInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.VehicleControllerInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.WheelColliderInspector | |
►CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.VPInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.VehicleControllerInspector | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.WheelColliderInspector | |
CVesselDeltaVEditor | |
CEditorEnumExtensions | |
CEditorGeometryUtil | |
CEditorPartListFilter< T > | |
CEditorPartListFilterList< T > | |
CEditorReRootUtil | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.EditorShaderUtilities | |
CEditorUtilityGUI | |
►CEditorWindow | |
CAssets.Scripts.Util_Scripts.Editor.TagSearcher | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.AssetUsageDetectorWindow | |
CAtlasSize_1K | |
CAtlasSize_2K | |
CAtlasSize_4K | |
CAtlasSize_512 | |
CBacktraceReference | |
CCodeInspectorWindow | |
CColorInspector | |
CDependencyChecker | |
CEconomyWidgetsTest | |
CEditorGameLaunchDialog | |
CEditorTool_FuelFlowOverlay | |
CExpansions.ExpansionBuildWindow | |
CFindMissingScriptsRecursively | |
CGameVariablesTest | |
CLocalization.Editor.LanguageSwitcher | |
CLocalization.Editor.LanguageUtilities | |
CMassEditParts | |
CMiniBiomeEditor.CreateMiniBiome | |
CMonoScriptDebugModifier | |
CPartConfigTool | |
CPropToolsWindow | |
CRomfarerTab | |
CSaveAsPrefab | |
CSceneObjectFinder | |
CScriptOffloadingAssistant | |
CShaderPropertyFixer | |
CShaderSwapper | |
CStabilityOverlayTest | |
CTextGenTest | |
CTextureArrayGenerator | |
CTextureConvertor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMPro_FontAssetCreatorWindow | |
CTMPro.TMP_SpriteAssetImporter | |
CTriggersTools | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.EngineTuningToolWindow | |
CVesselTeleporter | |
CEffectList | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.EitherContext< C2, T, C > | |
CFlightUIModeController.elementScalingDetails | The details we need to store to know the positions of elements when loaded from the prefabs |
CSteamworks.EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t | |
CVehiclePhysics.EnergyProvider | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAudio.Engine | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAudio.EngineExtras | |
CVehiclePhysics.Engine.EngineSpecs | |
CCameraFXModules.FlightCameraFX.EngineVibrations | |
CFlightLog.Entry | Flight log entry |
CUniLinq.Enumerable | |
CEnumExtensions | |
CEVAConstructionUtil | Utility functions for all parts of EVAConstrcution mode |
CSmooth.Compare.EventExtensions | |
CEventReport | |
►CEventValueWrapper | |
CPartValues | |
►CException | |
CKSP.IO.IOException | |
CSoftMasking.TextMeshPro.Editor.PatchException | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Sentinel.Exceptional | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometDetection.Exceptional | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometSample.Exceptional | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.RoverConstruction.Exceptional | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.VesselRepair.Exceptional | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.OrbitalConstruction.Exceptional | |
CExitPlayModeOnScriptCompile | This script exits play mode whenever script compilation is detected during an editor update. |
CExpansions.ExpansionsCIBuildScripts | |
CExpansions.ExpansionsEditorSigning | |
►CExperience.ExperienceEffect | |
CExperience.Effects.AutopilotSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.ConverterSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.DeployedScienceExpSkill | This Experience Effect is used by the Deployed Science Functionality and is used to set the science percentage/generation rate for deployed ground science experiments. |
CExperience.Effects.DeployedSciencePowerSkill | This Experience Effect is used by the Deployed Science Functionality and is used to set the boost to number of power units a power generation part will generate for deployed ground science. |
CExperience.Effects.DrillSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.EnginePower | |
CExperience.Effects.EVAChuteSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.ExternalExperimentSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.FailureRepairSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.FuelUsage | |
CExperience.Effects.FullVesselControlSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.GeeForceTolerance | Effect for adding increased (or decreased) gee-force tolerance. |
CExperience.Effects.HeatProduction | |
CExperience.Effects.MaxThrottle | |
CExperience.Effects.PartScienceReturn | |
CExperience.Effects.RepairSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.ScienceResetSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.ScienceSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.SpecialExperimentSkill | |
CExperience.Effects.VesselScienceReturn | |
CExperience.ExperienceEffectConfig | |
CExperience.ExperienceSystemConfig | |
CExperience.ExperienceTrait | |
CExperience.ExperienceTraitConfig | |
CExperimentResultDialogPage | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ARM.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Base.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Flag.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Grand.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ISRU.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Recovery.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Satellite.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Research.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Sentinel.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometDetection.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Station.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Survey.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Test.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Tour.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.DeployedScience.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceArm.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceRetrieval.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometSample.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.RoverConstruction.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.VesselRepair.Expire | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.OrbitalConstruction.Expire | |
CGameEvents.ExplosionReaction | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEBasicNode.ExtendedInfo | Struct representing the information to be displayed in the extended information box. |
CExpansions.Missions.Scenery.Scripts.PositionMobileLaunchPad.ExtensionPoint | |
CTMPro.Extents | |
CFaceIndices | |
CTMPro.FaceInfo | Class that contains the basic information about the font. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.BuildingPicker.FacilityUIInfo | |
CSmooth.Compare.Factory | |
CiT.FadeFrom | Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter. |
CiT.FadeTo | Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time with FULL customization options. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter. |
CiT.FadeUpdate | Similar to FadeTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. |
CCameraFXModules.FadeWobbleFXParams | |
CProceduralFairings.FairingPanel | |
CProceduralFairings.FairingPanelFlags | This class is usde to group up and reference a Fairing Index with the parts attached to it. |
CTMPro.FastAction | |
CTMPro.FastAction< A > | |
CTMPro.FastAction< A, B > | |
CTMPro.FastAction< A, B, C > | |
CSteamworks.FavoritesListAccountsUpdated_t | |
CSteamworks.FavoritesListChanged_t | |
CConfigNode.ReadFieldList.FieldItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsSetup.FieldWrapper | |
CKSP.IO.File | |
CSteamworks.FileDetailsResult_t | |
CKSP.IO.FileInfo | File IO methods |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDArchivesController.Filter | |
CMapViewFiltering.FilterButton | |
CSmooth.Compare.Finder | Manages comparer registration and lookup for Smooth.Compare. |
CKSP.FX.Fireworks.FireworkFXDefinition | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Flag | |
CFlagBrowser.FlagEntry | |
CFlagMesh | Flag mesh reference in order to load meshes within a model file and displaying different meshes sizes as flag parts. The class groups together meshes from the same size and different orientation. |
CFlagNameManager | Contains the names and display names for the flag parts. Names are organized by orientation, structural type, and name type. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.FlattenContext< T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.FlattenContext< T, C1, C2 > | |
CFlightLog | Class used for flight and kerbal career logging |
CFlightState | Represents the state of the flight scene. |
CFlightUIModeControllerUtil.FlightUIModeControllerUtil | |
CRUI.Algorithms.FlowGraph< T > | |
CTMPro.FontCreationSetting | |
CKSP.UI.Language.Language.FontData | |
CKSP.Localization.FontLangSettings | |
CKSP.Localization.FontSettings | |
CPart.ForceHolder | |
CTargeting.Frame | |
CSteamworks.FriendGameInfo_t | |
CSteamworks.FriendRichPresenceUpdate_t | |
CSteamworks.FriendsEnumerateFollowingList_t | |
CSteamworks.FriendSessionStateInfo_t | |
CSteamworks.FriendsGetFollowerCount_t | |
CSteamworks.FriendsIsFollowing_t | |
CGameEvents.FromToAction< A, B > | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.FT_FaceInfo | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.FT_GlyphInfo | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.FT_KerningPair | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.FuncContext< T > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.FuncContext< T, P > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.FuncOptionContext< T > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.FuncOptionContext< T, P > | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ARM.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Base.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Flag.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Grand.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ISRU.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Progression.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Recovery.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Satellite.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Research.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Sentinel.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometDetection.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Station.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Survey.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Test.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Tour.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.DeployedScience.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceArm.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceRetrieval.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometSample.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.RoverConstruction.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.VesselRepair.Funds | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.OrbitalConstruction.Funds | |
CFXCurve | |
CFXGroup | An FX group is a wrapper for a collection of effects. It abstracts the effects themselves, so it's possible to have any number of effects assigned to a group, or none. A group holds collections for particle emmiters, lights, and sound. All are executed when the effect is on. FX Groups are used by Parts, since the number or position of effect nodes is unknown. Instead of handling the effects themselves, the parts handle FXGroups |
CFXCurve.FXKeyFrame | |
CCameraFXModules.FXModuleParams | |
CFXObject | |
CGame | Defines a complete game save. |
CGameBackup | |
CSteamworks.GameConnectedChatJoin_t | |
CSteamworks.GameConnectedChatLeave_t | |
CSteamworks.GameConnectedClanChatMsg_t | |
CSteamworks.GameConnectedFriendChatMsg_t | |
►CGameEventsBase | |
CGameEvents | Static manager class which contains the global event system |
CSteamworks.GameLobbyJoinRequested_t | |
CGameEvents.GameModifiers | |
CGameObjectExtension | |
CSteamworks.GameOverlayActivated_t | |
CSteamworks.GamepadTextInputDismissed_t | |
CGamePersistence | Handles saving and loading of SFS files and FlightState objects. Use this as an entry point for all saving/loading-related things. |
CSteamworks.GameRichPresenceJoinRequested_t | |
CSteamworks.GameServer | |
CSteamworks.GameServerChangeRequested_t | |
CSteamworks.gameserveritem_t | |
CScenarioLoadDialog.ScenarioSaveInfo.GameStateInfo | |
CSteamworks.GameWebCallback_t | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBodyState_Base | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBodyState_Biomes | State machine for Celestial Body in the GAP when displaying Biomes. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBodyState_Orbit | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBodyState_SurfaceGizmo | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPSurfaceIcon | |
CGaugeLEDRange | |
CSteamworks.GCMessageAvailable_t | |
CSteamworks.GCMessageFailed_t | |
CEdyCommonTools.GColor | |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1, T2 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1, T2, T3 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CSmooth.Events.GenericEvent< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > | Struct wrapped event that allows raising the event from outside the containing class. |
CGeometryBuffer | |
CSteamworks.GetAppDependenciesResult_t | |
CSteamworks.GetAuthSessionTicketResponse_t | |
CSteamworks.GetOPFSettingsResult_t | |
CSteamworks.GetUserItemVoteResult_t | |
CSteamworks.GetVideoURLResult_t | |
CGizmoDrawUtil | |
CSteamworks.GlobalAchievementPercentagesReady_t | |
CSteamworks.GlobalStatsReceived_t | |
CTMPro.GlyphValueRecord | Positional adjustments of a glyph |
CPQS.GnomonicUV | |
CLingoona.Grammar | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Grand | |
►CGraphic | |
CXGraphic | A dummy graphic object which can be used for 'invisible' mouse areas. Best used paired with XButton |
►CGraphicRaycaster | |
CKSP.UI.KSPGraphicRaycaster | |
CRUI.Algorithms.SCCFlowGraph.GraphSet | |
CRUI.Algorithms.SCCFlowGraphUCFinder.GraphSet | |
CVehiclePhysics.Gravity | Static utility class for handling gravity in Vehicle Physics Pro |
CVehiclePhysics.DataLogger.GridSettings | |
CVehiclePhysics.GroundMaterial | |
CVehiclePhysics.GroundMaterialHit | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.GroupByContext< K, T > | |
CGeometryBuffer.GroupData | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.Grouping | Extension methods for performing operations related to groupings without specifying generic parameters. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.Grouping< K, T > | Represents a list of values associated with a key |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.Grouping< K, T, C > | Represents a list of values associated with a key |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.GroupJoinContext< U, K, T2, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.GroupJoinContext< U, K, T2, T, C, P > | |
CSteamworks.GSClientAchievementStatus_t | |
CSteamworks.GSClientApprove_t | |
CSteamworks.GSClientDeny_t | |
CSteamworks.GSClientGroupStatus_t | |
CSteamworks.GSClientKick_t | |
CSteamworks.GSGameplayStats_t | |
CSteamworks.GSPolicyResponse_t | |
CSteamworks.GSReputation_t | |
CSteamworks.GSStatsReceived_t | |
CSteamworks.GSStatsStored_t | |
CSteamworks.GSStatsUnloaded_t | |
CGUILayoutx | |
CGUIUtil | |
CSmooth.Collections.HashSet | Helper class for instantiating HashSet<>s without specifying a comparer. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.HashSetContext< K, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.HashSetContext< K, T, C, P > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.HashSetContext< T, C > | |
CSmooth.Pools.HashSetPool< T > | Singleton HashSet<T> pool. |
CMapSO.HeightAlpha | |
CKerbalEVA.HelmetColliderSetup | Class to hold on/off values for the head/helmet sphere collider |
CXKCDColors.HexFormat | |
CHierarchyUtil | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionEditorHistory.HistoryAction | Action data holder class |
CVehiclePhysics.VPHeadMotion.HorizontalMotion | |
CGameEvents.HostedFromToAction< A, B > | |
CGameEvents.HostTargetAction< A, B > | |
CHsvColor | |
CHSVUtil | |
CSteamworks.HTML_BrowserReady_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_CanGoBackAndForward_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_ChangedTitle_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_CloseBrowser_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_FileOpenDialog_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_FinishedRequest_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_HideToolTip_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_HorizontalScroll_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_JSAlert_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_JSConfirm_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_LinkAtPosition_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_NeedsPaint_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_NewWindow_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_OpenLinkInNewTab_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_SearchResults_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_SetCursor_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_ShowToolTip_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_StartRequest_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_StatusText_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_UpdateToolTip_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_URLChanged_t | |
CSteamworks.HTML_VerticalScroll_t | |
CSteamworks.HTTPRequestCompleted_t | |
CSteamworks.HTTPRequestDataReceived_t | |
CSteamworks.HTTPRequestHeadersReceived_t | |
►CKSP.UI.Dialogs.IAccessKerbNet | |
CModuleKerbNetAccess | |
►CScenarioAchievements.IAchievementProvider | |
CScenarioAchievements.DebugAchievementProvider | |
►CIActivateOnDecouple | This will be called whenever part.decouple is called, with the node name as the node that is decoupling and weDecouple based on whether this interface is on the part decoupling, or on the parent of the part decoupling. |
CModuleJettison | |
CModuleProceduralFairing | |
CModuleStructuralNode | |
►CIActiveJointHost | |
CModuleGrappleNode | |
CModuleJointMotorTest | |
►CIAirstreamShield | |
CModuleCargoBay | |
►CModuleDecouplerBase | |
CModuleAnchoredDecoupler | |
CModuleDecouple | |
CIAnalyticOverheatModule | |
CIAnalyticPreview | This interface allows parts to get a preview of analytic numbers, and then adjust their internal generation. |
CIAnalyticTemperatureModifier | This interface is used to modify the final temps applied to a part's skin and internals. The idea is that there is at most one per part. Analytic will use the Set() to tell the module what temps it plans to set, and what the calculated analytic temp was. Analytic will then set the part's skin and internal temp based on the Gets. |
►CIAnimatedModule | |
►CBaseConverter | |
►CBaseDrill | |
CModuleAsteroidDrill | |
CModuleCometDrill | |
CModuleResourceHarvester | |
CModuleResourceConverter | |
CModuleScienceConverter | |
CModuleGPS | |
►CModuleGroundPart | |
►CModuleGroundSciencePart | |
►CModuleGroundCommsPart | This class implements ICommAntenna for the Deployed Science CommNet parts. |
CModuleGroundExpControl | |
CModuleGroundExperiment | |
CModuleOrbitalScanner | |
CModuleOrbitalSurveyor | |
CModuleResourceScanner | |
►CIAxisFieldLimits | Interface applied to PartModules so they can expose hard/soft limits for AxisFields to other parts of code |
►CExpansions.Serenity.BaseServo | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticRotationServo | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticServoHinge | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticServoPiston | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticServoRotor | |
►CIBeginDragHandler | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay_BiSelector | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay_CelestialBody | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBody | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPPartPicker | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPPrefabDisplay | A GAP component to display any GameObject in the window. It will just allow rotation, and will duplicate the GameObject that is passed on Setup. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPVesselDisplay | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeIcon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIPanelSeparator | This classes define the behaviour of a drageable separator, that resizes MEGUIPanels |
CExpansions.Serenity.AxisLimitLine | An object that visualizes the soft limit on some axis displays in the contrroller Window UI |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanelPoint | A point that defines a line on a Curve |
CKSP.UI.Dialogs.WaypointTarget | |
►CKSP.UI.DragHandler | |
CKSP.UI.UIDragPanel | |
CKSP.UI.UIWindowArea | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.RectManipulator | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
CUIPartActionWindow | |
►CICancelHandler | |
CTMPro.TMP_Dropdown | |
►CICanvasElement | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
CUnityEngine.UI.BoxSlider | |
►CICanvasRaycastFilter | |
CSoftMasking.SoftMask | SoftMask is a component that can be added to UI elements for masking the children. It works like a standard Unity's Mask but supports alpha. |
►CICfgEditorScript | |
CAddBulkheadProfileTags | |
CAddBulkheadProfileTags2 | |
CReplaceValue | |
►CFinePrint.Utilities.ICheckSpecificVessels | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.BaseContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.SatelliteContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.StationContract | |
►CIClippable | |
CTMPro.TMP_SubMeshUI | |
►CICloneable | |
►CAlarmTypeBase | |
►CAlarmTypeFlightNodeBase | This is a base alarm type to be used for map nodes like Ap, Pe, SOI change |
CAlarmTypeApoapsis | |
CAlarmTypePeriapsis | |
CAlarmTypeSOI | |
CAlarmTypeManeuver | |
CAlarmTypeRaw | |
CAlarmTypeTransferWindow | |
CAxisBinding | |
CAxisBinding_Single | |
CAxisKeyBinding | Combine analog axis binding and plus/minus key bindings |
CAxisKeyBindingList | Handle an array of axis/key bindings |
►CExpansions.Missions.DynamicModule | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterPartModuleBase | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterActiveRadiatorBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterActiveRadiatorMaxEnergyTransfer | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureActiveRadiatorStuck | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterAlternatorBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterAlternatorOutput | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterAnchoredDecouplerBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureAnchoredDecouplerCantDecouple | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterCargoBayBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureCargoBayStuck | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterControlSurfaceBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterControlSurfaceActuatorSpeed | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureControlSurfaceDisableControl | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterDataTransmitterBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterDataTransmitterPower | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureDataTransmitterBroken | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterDecoupleBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureDecoupleCantDecouple | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterDeployablePartBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureDeployablePartStuck | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterDeployableSolarPanelBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterDeployableSolarPanelEfficiency | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterDockingNodeBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureDockingNodeCantUndock | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterEnginesBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterEnginesThrottle | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureEnginesDeadEngine | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterFuelLineBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureFuelLineBlocked | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterGeneratorBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterGeneratorEfficiency | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterGimbalBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterGimbalLimitControl | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterGPSBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureGPSNoDisplay | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterGrappleNodeBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureGrappleNodeCantGrapple | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureGrappleNodeCantRelease | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterKerbNetAccessBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterKerbNetAccessDisabled | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterLiftingSurfaceBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterLiftingSurfaceLiftForce | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterLightBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterLightIntensity | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureLightFlickering | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureLightStuck | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterProbeControlPointBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureProbeControlPointBroken | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterRCSBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureRCSFireRandomly | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureRCSStopWorking | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterReactionWheelBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterReactionWheelTorque | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureReactionWheelBroken | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureReactionWheelStuck | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterResourceIntakeBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureResourceIntakeStuck | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterSASBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterSASServiceLevel | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterScienceExperimentBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureScienceExperimentDisable | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterToggleCrossfeedBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureCrossfeedStuck | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterWheelBrakesBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterWheelBrakesTorque | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterWheelDeploymentBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.FailureWheelDeploymentStuck | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterWheelMotorBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterWheelMotorTorque | |
►CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_Fuel | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_KerbalsDied | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_KerbalsSurvived | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_LandedOn | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_MissionTime | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_PlanetsLanded | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_Score | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_TraveledLessThan | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_TraveledMoreThan | |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardModule_VesselsUsed | |
►CExpansions.Missions.ScoreModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.ScoreModule_Accuracy | |
CExpansions.Missions.ScoreModule_Completion | |
CExpansions.Missions.ScoreModule_Modifier | |
CExpansions.Missions.ScoreModule_Resource | |
CExpansions.Missions.ScoreModule_Time | |
►CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction_Cost | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction_Crew | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction_Mass | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction_PartCount | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction_RequiredParts | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction_Resource | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction_Size | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestriction_Stages | |
►CExpansions.Missions.DynamicModuleList | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionAwards | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionScore | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselRestrictionList | |
►CInputBinding | |
CAxisBinding_Single | |
CKeyBinding | |
CKeyBinding | |
►CICMTweakTarget | |
CCompoundParts.CModuleLinkedMesh | |
►CICollection | |
CEdyCommonTools.CircularBuffer< T > | |
►CICollection< T > | |
CEdyCommonTools.CircularBuffer< T > | |
CSmooth.Collections.ICollectionExtensions | Extension methods for ICollection<>s. |
►CICollisionEvents | |
CCollisionAnimationHandler | This component will store a list of Animation components in the attached GameObject and all it's children. If a Collision occurs on any collider on the object it will stop any of the animations from playing. |
CDestructibleBuilding | |
►CICommAntenna | An interface which any partmodule which offers antenna functionality should implement. |
CModuleDataTransmitter | |
CModuleGroundCommsPart | This class implements ICommAntenna for the Deployed Science CommNet parts. |
►CCommNet.ICommNetControlSource | Interface for dealing with CommNetVessel |
CKerbalSeat | |
CModuleCommand | |
CModuleGroundExpControl | |
►CIComparable | |
CDoubleKeyframe | |
►CIComparable< AccountID_t > | |
CSteamworks.AccountID_t | |
►CIComparable< AppId_t > | |
CSteamworks.AppId_t | |
►CIComparable< CGameID > | |
CSteamworks.CGameID | |
►CIComparable< ClientUnifiedMessageHandle > | |
CSteamworks.ClientUnifiedMessageHandle | |
►CIComparable< ControllerActionSetHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.ControllerActionSetHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< ControllerHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.ControllerHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< CSteamID > | |
CSteamworks.CSteamID | |
►CIComparable< DepotId_t > | |
CSteamworks.DepotId_t | |
►CIComparable< Either< L, R >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Either< L, R > | Struct representing a value that can be an instance of either the L (left) or the R (right) type. |
►CIComparable< FairingXSection > | |
CProceduralFairings.FairingXSection | |
►CIComparable< FriendsGroupID_t > | |
CSteamworks.FriendsGroupID_t | |
►CIComparable< HAuthTicket > | |
CSteamworks.HAuthTicket | |
►CIComparable< HHTMLBrowser > | |
CSteamworks.HHTMLBrowser | |
►CIComparable< HServerQuery > | |
CSteamworks.HServerQuery | |
►CIComparable< HSteamPipe > | |
CSteamworks.HSteamPipe | |
►CIComparable< HSteamUser > | |
CSteamworks.HSteamUser | |
►CIComparable< HTTPCookieContainerHandle > | |
CSteamworks.HTTPCookieContainerHandle | |
►CIComparable< HTTPRequestHandle > | |
CSteamworks.HTTPRequestHandle | |
►CIComparable< ManifestId_t > | |
CSteamworks.ManifestId_t | |
►CIComparable< MEGUINodeIcon > | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeIcon | |
►CIComparable< OcclusionData > | |
COcclusionData | |
►CIComparable< Option< T >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Option< T > | Struct representing an optional value of type T. An option that contains the value t is called a "Some" or "Some(t)". An empty option is called a "None". Option<T> can be thought of as a far more robust version of Nullable<T> or as an IEnumerable<T> that may contain exactly 0 or 1 element(s) |
►CIComparable< PublishedFileId_t > | |
CSteamworks.PublishedFileId_t | |
►CIComparable< PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< ScreenshotHandle > | |
CSteamworks.ScreenshotHandle | |
►CIComparable< SNetListenSocket_t > | |
CSteamworks.SNetListenSocket_t | |
►CIComparable< SNetSocket_t > | |
CSteamworks.SNetSocket_t | |
►CIComparable< SteamAPICall_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamAPICall_t | |
►CIComparable< SteamInventoryResult_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamInventoryResult_t | |
►CIComparable< SteamItemDef_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamItemDef_t | |
►CIComparable< SteamItemInstanceID_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamItemInstanceID_t | |
►CIComparable< SteamLeaderboard_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamLeaderboard_t | |
►CIComparable< SteamLeaderboardEntries_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamLeaderboardEntries_t | |
►CIComparable< TemperatureGauge > | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.TemperatureGauge | |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1 > | Struct representing a sequence of one element, aka: a singleton. |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1, T2 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2 > | Struct representing a sequence of two elements, aka: an ordered pair. |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3 > | Struct representing a sequence of three elements, aka: an ordered triplet. |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Struct representing a sequence of four elements. |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | Struct representing a sequence of five elements. |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > | Struct representing a sequence of six elements. |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > | Struct representing a sequence of seven elements. |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > | Struct representing a sequence of eight elements. |
►CIComparable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > | Struct representing a sequence of nine elements. |
►CIComparable< UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< UGCHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.UGCHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< UGCQueryHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.UGCQueryHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< UGCUpdateHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.UGCUpdateHandle_t | |
►CIComparable< Unit > | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Unit | Represents a type that holds no information. Units have no state, and all instances of Unit are considered equal. |
►CIComparer< DeltaVStageInfoEntry > | |
CDeltaVEngineStageSet.StageSortingInstanceOne | |
►CIComparer< int > | |
►CUniLinq.SortContext< TElement > | |
CUniLinq.SortSequenceContext< TElement, TKey > | |
►CIComparer< PartThermalData > | |
CPartThermalDataIntComparer | |
CPartThermalDataSkinComparer | |
►CIComparer< T > | |
CRUIutils.FuncComparer< T > | |
►CSmooth.Collections.Comparer< T > | Analog to System.Collections.Generic.Comparer<T>. |
CSmooth.Compare.Comparers.KeyValuePairComparer< K, V > | Allocation free sort order comparer for KeyValuePair<K,V>s. |
CSmooth.Comparisons.FuncComparer< T > | Performs type-specific comparisons using the comparison delegate supplied to the constructor. |
CSmooth.Comparisons.IComparableComparer< T > | Allocation free sort order comparer for type T where T implements IComparable<T> |
CCompoundParts.ICompoundPartAnchorMethod | |
CRUI.Icons.Simple.Icon | Used in the RDController for tech tree icons |
CRUI.Icons.Selectable.Icon | Used in PartCategorizer for editor part category icons |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapNode.IconData | |
►CIConfigNode | Can this item be saved using a KSPField persitance object. Creates a subnode for this type |
►CActiveJoint | |
CActiveJointPivot | |
CAlarmActions | Structure of actions to be taken when an alarm is triggered |
CAlarmClockSettings | Alarm Clock Settings for persistence |
CAvailableVariantTheme | |
CAxisBinding | |
CAxisBinding_Single | |
CAxisKeyBinding | Combine analog axis binding and plus/minus key bindings |
CAxisKeyBindingList | Handle an array of axis/key bindings |
CCelestialBodyLog | |
CCometManager.CometTailColor | |
CCommNet.Network.Path< _Net, _Data, _Link, _Path > | Network path. Used for pathfinding. |
CDiscoveryInfo | |
CDockedVesselInfo | |
CDoubleCurve | |
►CExpansions.Missions.ActionModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateAsteroid | This node will Spawn an asteroid in the game. It will be set Landed or in Orbit depending on its own settings. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateComet | This node will Spawn a comet in the game. It will be set Landed or in Orbit depending on its own settings. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateFlag | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateLaunchSite | This node will Spawn a LaunchSite in the game. It must be docked to the start node in the mission or it does nothing. It does not Fire as per the other Action Modules. Rather the MissionSystem will call the Methods in this class to add/remove the launchsite as appropriate. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateVessel | This node will Spawn a vessel in the game. If the vessel situation asks for the player to build it, it will change the scene to the editor and after building it, it will spawn it in the defined position. The vessel will be instantiated once the craft file is defined. In the case that the player builds the vessel, after creating it in the editor, the craft file reference will linked to this vessel situation which will allow when fire again, to spawn the vessel. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionDialogMessage | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionMessage | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionMissionScore | Perform an Action on the Mission Score to adjust the score. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionModifierScore | Perform an Action on the Mission Score to modify the score. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionModifierFunds | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionPartExplode | Perform an Action on a Part to make it explode. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionPartFailure | Perform an Action on a Part to add some adjusters. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionPartRepair | Perform an Action on a Part to remove some adjusters. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionPartResourceDrain | Perform an Action on a Part to drain a resource from it over time. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionSetCamera | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionVessel | Action Vessel is a base class for any other Action that involves a single vessel as a target. It can have an optional vesselID on its parameters, if its not defined it will use the active vessel as the target. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionPartResourceAmount | Perform an Action on the Active Vessel to adjust Resource Levels. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionVesselExplode | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionVesselActionGroup | Action that triggers an action group on the current vessel. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionVesselStage | Action that activates the next stage on the current vesel. |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterPartModuleBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Asteroid | Contains the information exposed in the MEditor for an Asteroid instance. |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardDefinition | The AwardDefinition class stores the values of an award entry |
CExpansions.Missions.Comet | Contains the information exposed in the MEditor for a Comet instance. |
CExpansions.Missions.Crew | Contains the assigned Crew for a Part in a vessel |
CExpansions.Missions.DynamicModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.DynamicModuleList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEBasicNode | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowBlock | Base class for all Block types |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowOrBlock | An Or Block - the items in the list are divergent paths - they occur one after the other |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowThenBlock | A Then Block - the items in the list flow one after the other |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MENodePathInfo | Class to hold info about all the paths from a specific node |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEPath | A path through a mission |
►CExpansions.Missions.IActionModule | Implement this on a Action Module to be able to run, note. i don't really see the point of having this interface instead of relay purly on the ActionModule class |
CExpansions.Missions.ActionModule | |
►CExpansions.Missions.ITestModule | Implement this on a Test Module to be able to run tests, interface ensures we can generically load it like part modules |
►CExpansions.Missions.TestModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestAccuracy | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestCrewAssignment | Test if a Specific Crew Member in specific part or specific vessel |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestDistance | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestEmptyFalse | Base class thats always True - use this as join point |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestEmptyTrue | Base class thats always True - use this as join point |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestFundsRecovery | Test for the recovered vessel funds amount. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestGameEvent | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestGrapple | Test if a grappling device is grappling to anything. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalBoarded | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalEVA | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalKilled | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalRecovery | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalRescue | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestMissionFunds | TestModule to test the current Mission Score |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestMissionScore | TestModule to test the current Mission Score |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestMissionTime | Test for mission time. This compares the game UT to the UT since the mission begin. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestPartDocking | Test if two specific parts are docked or undocked (part of the same vessel or not). |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestPlantFlag | Test for plant flag. This test when a plant flag event is triggered in the specified body name and (optional)biome. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestScienceExperiment | Test for Science Experiments. Two situations are catered for. Experiments transmitted successfully to RnD and Experiments when deployed. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestTakeKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestTimeSinceNode | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVessel | Test Vessel is a base class for any other Test that involves a single vessel as a target. It can have an optional vesselID on its parameters, if its not defined it will use the active vessel as the target. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestFlyThrough | Test if a vessel has reached a target volume. needs Vessel Selection. Might want 3d marker to appear in game when playing. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestGoTo | Test if a vessel has reached a target volume. needs Vessel Selection. Might want 3d marker to appear in game when playing. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestMETTime | Test for time in mission for a vessel. This compares the Vessel's mission time against the actual time |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestOrbit | Test for vessel orbit. This test if the current orbit is within the tolerance value of another orbit. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestOrbitParams | Test for vessel orbit. This test if the current orbit is within the tolerance value of another orbit. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestResourcesRecovery | Test for the recovered resources when returned to HomeBody |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestSOILeft | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestSOIReached | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselActive | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselAltitude | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselCrewCount | Test for vessel crew count Test the aumount of kerbals within a vessel. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselMass | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselPartCount | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselRecovery | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselResource | Test for vessel resource. Test the aumount of a resource within a vessel. |
►CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituation | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationFlying | Test if the selected vessel is flying |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationLanded | Test if the selected vessel is Landed |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationSplashed | Test if the selected vessel Splashed Down |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselStage | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselStageActivated | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselState | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselStateCrashed | Test if the selected vessel has crashed |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselVelocity | Test if the selected vessel has reached a specific speed |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselActiveCount | |
CExpansions.Missions.LaunchSiteSituation | Contains the Start Situation for a vessel in a mission |
CExpansions.Missions.MENode | |
CExpansions.Missions.Mission | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionFlow | Class to store the flow information for a mission |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionPack | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionPartFilter | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionScoreInfo | The MissionScoreInfo class handles the score info collection for all the missions playthroughs |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionSituation | |
CExpansions.Missions.ParamChoices_CelestialBodySurface | A class for letting the Creator choose a target location from Any, CB, Biome or Area targets |
CExpansions.Missions.ParamChoices_VesselSimpleLocation | A class for letting the Creator choose a vessel location from Landed or orbit, it doesnt have any option for Launchsites (Hence SimpleLocation) |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionPlayDialog.MissionProfileInfo | This class holds the details that are displayed for each mission in the MissionPlayDialog |
CExpansions.Missions.ScoreInfo | The score info class stores the final score/awards obtained in a single mission playthrough |
CExpansions.Missions.ScoreRange | |
CExpansions.Missions.SurfaceArea | Contains the Ground Location Parameters for a vessel in a mission |
CExpansions.Missions.SurfaceVolume | Contains the parameters for an area above the surface of the planet, it can have 2 different shapes. |
CExpansions.Missions.TestGroup | |
CExpansions.Missions.TestModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselGroundLocation | Contains the Ground Location Parameters for a vessel in a mission |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselLocation | Contains the Location Parameters for a vessel in a mission |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselPartIDPair | |
CExpansions.Missions.VesselSituation | Contains the Start Situation for a vessel in a mission |
►CExpansions.Serenity.ControlledBase | The base class for all controlled items managed by the ModuleRoboticController |
CExpansions.Serenity.ControlledAction | Class that manages a KSPAction that is being driven by ModuleRobiticController |
CExpansions.Serenity.ControlledAxis | Class that manages a KSPBaseField that is being driven by ModuleRobiticController |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedScienceCluster | A Data Class used to hold the information about a Manned Science Cluster. |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedScienceExperiment | A Data Class used to hold the information about a Manned Science Experiment. |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedSciencePart | A Data Class used to hold the information about a Manned Science Power Unit. |
►CExpansions.Serenity.RobotArmFX.RobotArmScannerFX | |
CExpansions.Serenity.RobotArmFX.RobotArmFXDrill | |
CExpansions.Serenity.RobotArmFX.RobotArmFXLaser | |
CExpansions.Serenity.RobotArmFX.RobotArmFXSpectrometer | |
CFlightCtrlState | |
CFloatCurve | |
CGameParameters | |
►CGameParameters.ParameterNode | |
CGameParameters.CareerParams | |
►CGameParameters.CustomParameterNode | |
CCommNet.CommNetParams | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionParamsExtras | Visual Facility settings |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionParamsFacilities | Facilities related section |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionParamsGeneral | Mission Settings section |
CGameParameters.AdvancedParams | |
CGameParameters.DifficultyParams | |
CGameParameters.EditorParams | |
CGameParameters.FlightParams | |
CGameParameters.SpaceCenterParams | |
CGameParameters.TrackingStationParams | |
CInputBinding | |
CInputDevices | |
CInternalDialIncrement | |
CInternalIndicatorPanel.IndicatorList | |
CKeyBinding | |
►CKSP.UI.AppUI_Data | The base class for a Data class that will use AppUI fields for display |
CAlarmTypeBase | |
►CTransferDataBase | This class is the base data class for a Maneuver Transfer. |
CTransferDataSimple | |
►CTransferDataTopDataBase | This is the Base data class for the Top window of the Maneuver App. |
CTransferDataSimpleTopData | This is the Data class for the top window of the Maneuver App for a simple Transfer |
CKSP.UI.Screens.CraftProfileInfo | This class holds the details that are displayed for each craft file in the CraftBrowserDialog |
CKSPAchievements.CrewRef | |
CKSPAchievements.VesselRef | |
CManeuverNode | |
CModuleResource | |
CModuleScienceExperiment.EVASituation | Class that Stores EVA situations that are loaded from EVASITUATION nodes within the MODULE node. |
CPartMaterialInfo | A class that holds information on how a material of a part its supposed to look. It holds the name of the material to target, the shader that its supposed to have, and a list of commands that have to be executed in the material. This commands usually change the texture, color or values of a material. If the name is ommited, the changes will be applied to all materials. |
CPartTestConstraint | |
CPartVariant | Part variants hold information on how a part looks. It will only allow visual changes, so it will hold information regarding materials or models. A part is allowed to have mutiple variants if needed, the user can toggle this variants in the VAB/SPH when building a vessel. Or in the part selector with a small button in the corner. This class needs to be serialized so it can be copy its properties correctly to part instances. |
CProceduralFairings.FairingXSection | |
►CProgressNode | |
CKSPAchievements.BaseConstruction | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodyEscape | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodyFlight | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodyFlyby | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodyLanding | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodyOrbit | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodyReturn | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodyScience | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodySplashdown | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodySuborbit | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodySubtree | |
CKSPAchievements.CelestialBodyTransfer | |
CKSPAchievements.CrewRecovery | |
CKSPAchievements.Docking | |
CKSPAchievements.FirstLaunch | |
CKSPAchievements.FlagPlant | |
CKSPAchievements.PointOfInterest | |
CKSPAchievements.ReachSpace | |
CKSPAchievements.RecordsAltitude | |
CKSPAchievements.RecordsDepth | |
CKSPAchievements.RecordsDistance | |
CKSPAchievements.RecordsSpeed | |
CKSPAchievements.Rendezvous | |
CKSPAchievements.Spacewalk | |
CKSPAchievements.StationConstruction | |
CKSPAchievements.SurfaceEVA | |
CKSPAchievements.TargetedLanding | |
CKSPAchievements.TowerBuzz | |
CProgressTree | |
CProtoTargetInfo | |
CProtoWaypointInfo | |
CScalarModuleSetHandler | |
►CScenarioModule | ScenarioModule provides a base to write scenario-specific logic, like tutorials and missions. It handles persistence integration. |
CAlarmClockScenario | Scenario manager for the Alarm Clock System |
CCommNet.CommNetScenario | |
CContracts.ContractSystem | |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionSystem | |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedScience | |
CFinePrint.ScenarioContractEvents | Inactive contracts cannot easily respond to events. This provides a place to make that a possibility, currently only for SpecificVesselParameter. |
CFunding | |
CKerbalInventoryScenario | |
CPartUpgradeManager | |
CProgressTracking | |
CReputation | |
CResearchAndDevelopment | |
CResourceScenario | |
CROCScenario | |
CScenarioAchievements | |
CScenarioCustomWaypoints | |
CScenarioDestructibles | |
CScenarioDiscoverableObjects | |
CScenarioUpgradeableFacilities | |
CSentinelMission.SentinelScenario | |
CStrategies.StrategySystem | |
►CTutorialScenario | |
CESAMissionScreenTutorial | |
►CMETutorialScenario | |
CAdvancedTutorial | |
CBasicTutorial | |
CIntermediateTutorial | |
CMissionScreenTutorial | |
CScenarioNewGameIntro | |
CTutorialAscent | |
CTutorialAsteroid1 | |
CTutorialAsteroid2 | |
CTutorialDemo | |
CTutorialDocking | |
CTutorialDuna | |
CTutorialEditor | |
CTutorialEditorAdvanced | |
CTutorialEditorMid | |
CTutorialFlightBasics | |
CTutorialFlightSuborbital | |
CTutorialFromMun | |
CTutorialMunDescent | |
CTutorialMunFlight1 | |
CTutorialOrbit101 | |
CTutorialScience | |
CVesselRecovery | |
CScienceData | |
CScienceSubject | |
CTrackIR | |
CTrackIR.AxisProperties | |
CTrackIR.Settings | This helper class is used to hook the TrackIR component into the GameSettings system. |
CVesselNaming | |
CVesselRanges | |
CVesselRanges.Situation | |
CWheel | |
►CIConstruction | Implement to aid EVA Construction. A PartModule can implement this interface and return try or false for if it can be Detached, Offset or Rotated during EVA construction. |
CBaseConverter | |
CExpansions.Serenity.BaseServo | |
CKerbalSeat | |
►CModuleDeployablePart | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRobotArmScanner | |
CModuleDeployableAntenna | |
CModuleDeployableRadiator | |
CModuleDeployableSolarPanel | |
►CModuleEngines | |
CModuleEnginesFX | |
►CModuleRCS | |
CModuleRCSFX | |
CModuleResourceDrain | Perform an Action on a Part to drain a resource from it over time. |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelDamage | |
►CIContractObjectiveModule | Represents a group of modules for contract objectives, or even a subset within a single module, such as relay antennae, or motorized wheels. |
CModuleDataTransmitter | |
CModuleDeployableSolarPanel | |
CModuleDockingNode | |
CModuleGenerator | |
CModuleGrappleNode | |
CModuleWheelBase | |
►CContracts.IContractParameterHost | |
►CContracts.Contract | |
CContracts.Templates.CollectScience | |
CContracts.Templates.GrandTour | |
CContracts.Templates.OrbitalConstructionContract | |
CContracts.Templates.PartTest | |
CContracts.Templates.PlantFlag | |
CContracts.Templates.RecoverAsset | |
CContracts.Templates.RoverConstructionContract | |
CContracts.Templates.VesselRepairContract | |
CExpansions.Serenity.Contracts.DeployedScienceContract | |
CExpansions.Serenity.Contracts.ROCScienceArmContract | |
CExpansions.Serenity.Contracts.ROCScienceRetrievalContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.ARMContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.BaseContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.CometSampleContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.ExplorationContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.ISRUContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.SatelliteContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.StationContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.SurveyContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.TourismContract | |
CSentinelMission.CometDetectionContract | |
CSentinelMission.SentinelContract | |
►CContracts.ContractParameter | |
CContracts.Parameters.AcquireCrew | |
CContracts.Parameters.AcquirePart | |
CContracts.Parameters.CollectScience | |
CContracts.Parameters.EnterOrbit | |
CContracts.Parameters.EnterSOI | |
CContracts.Parameters.KerbalDeaths | |
CContracts.Parameters.LandOnBody | |
CContracts.Parameters.OR | |
CContracts.Parameters.PartTest | |
CContracts.Parameters.PlantFlag | |
CContracts.Parameters.ReachAltitudeEnvelope | |
CContracts.Parameters.ReachBiome | |
CContracts.Parameters.ReachDestination | |
CContracts.Parameters.ReachFlightEnvelope | |
CContracts.Parameters.ReachSituation | |
CContracts.Parameters.ReachSpeedEnvelope | |
CContracts.Parameters.RecoverKerbal | |
CContracts.Parameters.RecoverPart | |
CContracts.Parameters.XOR | |
CExpansions.Serenity.Contracts.CollectDeployedScience | |
CExpansions.Serenity.Contracts.CollectROCScienceArm | |
CExpansions.Serenity.Contracts.CollectROCScienceRetrieval | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.AsteroidParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.CometDetectionParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.CometParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.CometScienceParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.ConstructionParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.CrewCapacityParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.CrewTraitParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.KerbalDestinationParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.KerbalGeeAdventureParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.KerbalTourParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.LocationAndSituationParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.MobileBaseParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.PartRequestParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.ProgressTrackingParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.RepairPartParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.ResourceExtractionParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.ResourcePossessionParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.SpecificOrbitParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.StabilityParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.StationaryPointParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.SurveyWaypointParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.VesselDestinationParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.VesselSystemsParameter | |
►CFinePrint.Utilities.WaypointParameter | A simple abstract class that abstracts parameters with waypoints to set up, clean up, and update via WaypointManager. |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.RoverWayPointParameter | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.SpecificVesselParameter | |
CSentinelMission.SentinelParameter | |
CIDateFormatterExtensions | Extensions to the IDateFormatter |
►CIDateTimeFormatter | |
CKSPUtil.DefaultDateTimeFormatter | |
►CIDeselectHandler | |
CTMPro.TMP_ScrollbarEventHandler | |
►CXSelectable | |
CKSP.UI.UIHoverToggler | |
►CPreFlightTests.IDesignConcern | |
►CPreFlightTests.DesignConcernBase | |
CPreFlightTests.AirBreathingEnginesForIntakes | |
CPreFlightTests.AntennaPresent | |
CPreFlightTests.ComOffset | |
CPreFlightTests.ContractEquipment | |
CPreFlightTests.DecouplerFacing | |
CPreFlightTests.DecouplersBeforeClamps | |
CPreFlightTests.DockingPortAsDecoupler | |
CPreFlightTests.DockingPortFacing | |
CPreFlightTests.DockingPortRCS | |
CPreFlightTests.ElectricBatteryAndNoCharge | |
CPreFlightTests.ElectricChargeAndNoBattery | |
CPreFlightTests.ElectricChargeAndNoConsumer | |
CPreFlightTests.ElectricConsumerAndNoCharge | |
CPreFlightTests.EnginesJettisonedBeforeUse | |
CPreFlightTests.HatchObstructed | |
CPreFlightTests.InputAuthority | |
CPreFlightTests.IntakesForAirBreathingEngines | Checks for whether the vessel has air breathing engines and intakes connected to them. if no intakes are found when engines are present, the test fails. |
CPreFlightTests.KerbalSeatCollision | |
CPreFlightTests.LadderPresent | |
CPreFlightTests.LandingGearPresent | |
CPreFlightTests.MissingCrew | |
CPreFlightTests.NoControlSources | |
CPreFlightTests.NoCrewInMannedVessel | |
CPreFlightTests.NonRootCmdMissaligned | |
CPreFlightTests.ParachuteOnEngineStage | |
CPreFlightTests.ParachuteOnFirstStage | |
CPreFlightTests.ParachutePresent | |
CPreFlightTests.RequiredIScienceDataTransmitter | |
CPreFlightTests.ResourceConsumersReachable | Tests if each resource consumer on a vessel gets the fuel it needs Hightlights containers not reached. |
CPreFlightTests.ResourceContainersReachable | Tests if each resource container on a vessel is reachable by a consumer Hightlights containers not reached. |
CPreFlightTests.StationHubAttachments | |
CSmooth.Collections.IDictionaryExtensions | Extension methods for IDictionary<>s. |
►CIDiscoverable | |
CCelestialBody | |
CExpansions.Missions.MENode | |
CVessel | Vessels define individual ships in flight. They work essentially as a header for the set of parts that make up the ship. |
►CIDisposable | |
►CIntermediateTutorialPageStep | |
CApplyScoreTutorialStep | |
CBiomeTutorialStep | |
CDialogOrbitTutorialStep | |
CDialogScienceTutorialStep | |
CEventExplanationTutorialStep | |
CEventSelectionTutorialStep | |
CEventStartTutorialStep | |
CScienceNodeTutorialStep | |
CTimeSinceTutorialStep | |
CVesselTutorialStep | |
CKSP.IO.BinaryReader | Identical to System.IO.BinaryReader, but with added IDisposable methods (for use in using structures), and a factory method instead of constructors. |
CKSP.IO.BinaryWriter | |
CKSP.IO.FileStream | |
CKSP.IO.TextReader | Sandboxed version of TextReader class from System.IO. |
CKSP.IO.TextWriter | |
CSmooth.Dispose.Disposable< T > | Wrapper around a value that uses the IDisposable interface to dispose of the value |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.Linked< K, T > | Represents a node in a singly linked list of key, value pairs. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.Linked< T > | Represents a node in a singly linked list. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.Lookup< K, T > | Represents a list of keys each mapped to a list of values. |
CSoftMasking.ClearListAtExit< T > | |
►CSpaceNavigator | |
CSpaceNavigatorNoDevice | |
CSteamworks.Callback< T > | |
CSteamworks.CallResult< T > | |
CSteamworks.InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle | |
►CIDragHandler | |
CDragPanel | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeIcon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIPanelSeparator | This classes define the behaviour of a drageable separator, that resizes MEGUIPanels |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCanvasBackground | |
CExpansions.Serenity.AxisLimitLine | An object that visualizes the soft limit on some axis displays in the contrroller Window UI |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanelPoint | A point that defines a line on a Curve |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanelPointHandle | A Handle of a CurvePanelPoint, used ffor setting tangents on keyframes |
CKSP.UI.Dialogs.WaypointTarget | |
CKSP.UI.DragHandler | |
CKSP.UI.UIWindowArea | |
CManeuverNodeEditorVectorHandle | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.Draggable | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.RectManipulator | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
CUIPartActionWindow | |
CUnityEngine.UI.BoxSlider | |
►CIDropHandler | |
►CKSP.UI.DropHandler | |
CKSP.UI.UIListDropArea | Drop Area to be used in the child hierarchy of a UIList Constructed to invoke events on a parent UIList or the specified dropOnList Requires a UIMasterController in the scene with a UIDragAndDropController (should always be true) |
CSoftMasking.SoftMask.MaterialParameters.Ids | |
►CIDynamicCargoOccluder | |
CModuleProceduralFairing | |
►CIEndDragHandler | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeIcon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIPanelSeparator | This classes define the behaviour of a drageable separator, that resizes MEGUIPanels |
CExpansions.Serenity.AxisLimitLine | An object that visualizes the soft limit on some axis displays in the contrroller Window UI |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanelPoint | A point that defines a line on a Curve |
CKSP.UI.Dialogs.WaypointTarget | |
CKSP.UI.DragHandler | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.RectManipulator | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
CUIPartActionWindow | |
►CIEngineStatus | |
CModuleEngines | |
CMultiModeEngine | |
►CIEnumerable | |
►CBaseFieldList< R, K > | This class handles and array of BaseFields attributes of a single object. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.BaseAPFieldList | Action pane BaseFieldList implementation, used in the Action pane logic to handle a list of BaseFields for the attributed paramters. |
CConfigNode.ConfigNodeList | |
CConfigNode.ValueList | |
CEdyCommonTools.CircularBuffer< T > | |
CKSP.FX.Fireworks.FireworkFXList | |
CPartModuleList | |
CPartResourceDefinitionList | |
CPartUpgradeHandler | |
CUrlDir.ConfigFileType | |
►CIEnumerable< IGrouping< TKey, TElement >> | |
►CUniLinq.ILookup< TKey, TElement > | |
CUniLinq.Lookup< TKey, TElement > | |
CUniLinq.Lookup< TKey, TElement > | |
►CIEnumerable< LinkedListNode< T >> | |
CSmooth.Collections.LinkedListStepperNodes< T > | Helper class for enuemrating the nodes in a LinkedList<T> using a start node and step value. |
►CIEnumerable< LoadedAssembly > | |
CAssemblyLoader.LoadedAssembyList | |
►CIEnumerable< Object > | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ObjectToSearchEnumerator | |
►CIEnumerable< Part > | |
CShipConstruct | |
►CIEnumerable< PartResource > | |
CPartResourceList | |
►CIEnumerable< Smooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T, int >> | |
CSmooth.Collections.IListStepperWithIndex< T > | Helper class for enuemrating the element, index pairs of an IList<T> using a start index and step value. |
►CIEnumerable< T > | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.EmptyEnumerator< T > | |
CEdyCommonTools.CircularBuffer< T > | |
CSmooth.Collections.FuncEnumerable< T > | Enumerable that contains the elements defined by a seed value and step function. |
CSmooth.Collections.FuncEnumerable< T, P > | Enumerable that contains the elements defined by a seed value and step function. |
CSmooth.Collections.IListStepper< T > | Helper class for enuemrating the elements of an IList<T> using a start index and step value. |
CSmooth.Collections.LinkedListStepper< T > | Helper class for enuemrating the values in a LinkedList<T> using a start node and step value. |
►CIEnumerable< TElement > | |
►CUniLinq.IGrouping< TKey, TElement > | |
CUniLinq.Grouping< K, T > | |
►CUniLinq.IOrderedEnumerable< TElement > | |
►CUniLinq.OrderedEnumerable< TElement > | |
CUniLinq.OrderedSequence< TElement, TKey > | |
►CIEnumerable< Vector3 > | |
CPQSMeshPlanet.VertList | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.IEnumerableContext< T > | |
►CIEnumerator< Object > | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ObjectToSearchEnumerator.Enumerator | |
►CIEnumerator< T > | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.EmptyEnumerator< T > | |
►CIEqualityComparer< Smooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2 >> | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.SlinqTest.Equals_1< T1, T2 > | |
►CIEqualityComparer< T > | |
►CSmooth.Collections.EqualityComparer< T > | Analog to System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer<T>. |
CSmooth.Compare.Comparers.KeyValuePairEqualityComparer< K, V > | Allocation free equality comparer for KeyValuePair<K,V>s. |
CSmooth.Comparisons.FuncEqualityComparer< T > | Performs type-specific equality comparisons and hashCode generation using the functions supplied to the constructor. |
CSmooth.Comparisons.IEquatableEqualityComparer< T > | Allocation free equality comparer for type T where T implements IEquatable<T> |
►CIEquatable< AccountID_t > | |
CSteamworks.AccountID_t | |
►CIEquatable< AppId_t > | |
CSteamworks.AppId_t | |
►CIEquatable< CGameID > | |
CSteamworks.CGameID | |
►CIEquatable< ClientUnifiedMessageHandle > | |
CSteamworks.ClientUnifiedMessageHandle | |
►CIEquatable< ControllerActionSetHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.ControllerActionSetHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< ControllerHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.ControllerHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< CSteamID > | |
CSteamworks.CSteamID | |
►CIEquatable< DepotId_t > | |
CSteamworks.DepotId_t | |
►CIEquatable< Either< L, R >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Either< L, R > | Struct representing a value that can be an instance of either the L (left) or the R (right) type. |
►CIEquatable< Equals_1< T1, T2 >> | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.SlinqTest.Equals_1< T1, T2 > | |
►CIEquatable< FriendsGroupID_t > | |
CSteamworks.FriendsGroupID_t | |
►CIEquatable< HAuthTicket > | |
CSteamworks.HAuthTicket | |
►CIEquatable< HHTMLBrowser > | |
CSteamworks.HHTMLBrowser | |
►CIEquatable< HServerListRequest > | |
CSteamworks.HServerListRequest | |
►CIEquatable< HServerQuery > | |
CSteamworks.HServerQuery | |
►CIEquatable< HSteamPipe > | |
CSteamworks.HSteamPipe | |
►CIEquatable< HSteamUser > | |
CSteamworks.HSteamUser | |
►CIEquatable< HTTPCookieContainerHandle > | |
CSteamworks.HTTPCookieContainerHandle | |
►CIEquatable< HTTPRequestHandle > | |
CSteamworks.HTTPRequestHandle | |
►CIEquatable< LinkedHeadTail< K, T >> | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.LinkedHeadTail< K, T > | Represents a singly linked list. |
►CIEquatable< LinkedHeadTail< T >> | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.LinkedHeadTail< T > | Represents a singly linked list. |
►CIEquatable< ManifestId_t > | |
CSteamworks.ManifestId_t | |
►CIEquatable< Option< T >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Option< T > | Struct representing an optional value of type T. An option that contains the value t is called a "Some" or "Some(t)". An empty option is called a "None". Option<T> can be thought of as a far more robust version of Nullable<T> or as an IEnumerable<T> that may contain exactly 0 or 1 element(s) |
►CIEquatable< PublishedFileId_t > | |
CSteamworks.PublishedFileId_t | |
►CIEquatable< PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.PublishedFileUpdateHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< ScreenshotHandle > | |
CSteamworks.ScreenshotHandle | |
►CIEquatable< SNetListenSocket_t > | |
CSteamworks.SNetListenSocket_t | |
►CIEquatable< SNetSocket_t > | |
CSteamworks.SNetSocket_t | |
►CIEquatable< SteamAPICall_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamAPICall_t | |
►CIEquatable< SteamInventoryResult_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamInventoryResult_t | |
►CIEquatable< SteamItemDef_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamItemDef_t | |
►CIEquatable< SteamItemInstanceID_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamItemInstanceID_t | |
►CIEquatable< SteamLeaderboard_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamLeaderboard_t | |
►CIEquatable< SteamLeaderboardEntries_t > | |
CSteamworks.SteamLeaderboardEntries_t | |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1 > | Struct representing a sequence of one element, aka: a singleton. |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1, T2 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2 > | Struct representing a sequence of two elements, aka: an ordered pair. |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3 > | Struct representing a sequence of three elements, aka: an ordered triplet. |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Struct representing a sequence of four elements. |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | Struct representing a sequence of five elements. |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > | Struct representing a sequence of six elements. |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > | Struct representing a sequence of seven elements. |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > | Struct representing a sequence of eight elements. |
►CIEquatable< Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 >> | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > | Struct representing a sequence of nine elements. |
►CIEquatable< UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.UGCFileWriteStreamHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< UGCHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.UGCHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< UGCQueryHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.UGCQueryHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< UGCUpdateHandle_t > | |
CSteamworks.UGCUpdateHandle_t | |
►CIEquatable< Unit > | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Unit | Represents a type that holds no information. Units have no state, and all instances of Unit are considered equal. |
►CIEventSystemHandler | |
►CXHoverable | |
CKSP.UI.UIHoverText | |
CXSelectable | |
►CIInitializePotentialDragHandler | |
CKSP.UI.DragHandler | |
CUnityEngine.UI.BoxSlider | |
►CIJointLockState | Implement this on PartModule that allows joint rotation/translation. |
CExpansions.Serenity.BaseServo | |
CModuleDockingNode | |
CModuleGrappleNode | |
►CModuleJointMotor | |
CModuleRotatingJoint | |
CModuleJointMotorTest | |
►CIKSPCamera | |
CFlightCamera | |
CPlanetariumCamera | |
CSpaceCenterCamera2 | |
CSPHCamera | |
CVABCamera | |
►CKSP.UI.Language.ILanguageKey | |
CKSP.UI.Language.LanguageText | |
►CILayoutController | |
CKSP.UI.ContentAspectController | |
CKSPAssets.KSPedia.KSPediaAspectController | |
►CILayoutElement | |
CTMPro.TextMeshPro | |
CTMPro.TextMeshProUGUI | |
►CILayoutSelfController | |
CKSP.UI.ContentAspectController | |
CKSPAssets.KSPedia.KSPediaAspectController | |
►CILiftProvider | |
►CModuleLiftingSurface | |
►CModuleControlSurface | |
CModuleAeroSurface | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.IListContext< T > | |
CSmooth.Collections.IListExtensions | Extension methods for IList<>s. |
CKSP.UI.UIStateImage.ImageState | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateRawImage.ImageState | |
►CIMaskable | |
CTMPro.TMP_SubMeshUI | |
►CIMaterialModifier | |
CSoftMasking.SoftMaskable | |
CTMPro.TMP_SubMeshUI | |
►CSoftMasking.IMaterialReplacer | Used by SoftMask to automatically replace materials which don't support Soft Mask by those that do. |
CSoftMasking.MaterialReplacerChain | |
CSoftMasking.TextMeshPro.MaterialReplacer | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Flow.IMEFlowBlock | Interface applied to all classes that can be used in MEFlow |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowBlock | Base class for all Block types |
CExpansions.Missions.MENode | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.IMEHistoryTarget | Interface |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIConnector | Mission expansion line connector, this uses vectoricy to draw a line between to MEGUINodes |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINode | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameter | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUICompoundParameter | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterAsteroid | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCelestialBody | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCelestialBody_Area | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCelestialBody_Biomes | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCelestialBody_VesselGroundLocation | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCelestialBody_Volume | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCelestialBodyOrbit | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterComet | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterDynamicModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterAwardModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterDynamicModuleList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterLaunchSiteSituation | Mission Expansions GUI Parameter for a LaunchSiteSituation |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterMissionInstructor | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterMissionKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterQuaternion | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterSwitchCompound | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterVessel | Control class used as a base class for controls that interact with the vessel display |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterVesselDropdownList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterVesselPartSelector | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterVesselLocation | Mission Expansions GUI Parameter for a VesselSituation |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterVesselSituation | Mission Expansions GUI Parameter for a VesselSituation |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIFooterAdditionalButton | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterAsteroidDropdownList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterButton | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCheckbox | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterColorPicker | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCometDropdownList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterCrewList | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterDropdownList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterLaunchSiteDropdownList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterFlagDropdownList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterGameParameters | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterGroup | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterInputField | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterLabel | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterListOrder | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterNodeDropdownList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterNodeLabelNodeDropdownList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterNumberRange | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterPartPicker | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterScoreRangeList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterScrollViewSelector | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterTextArea | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterTime | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterGameParameters | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterPartPicker | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionEditorLogic | |
►CExpansions.Missions.IMENodeDisplay | |
CExpansions.Missions.DynamicModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.IActionModule | Implement this on a Action Module to be able to run, note. i don't really see the point of having this interface instead of relay purly on the ActionModule class |
CExpansions.Missions.ITestModule | Implement this on a Test Module to be able to run tests, interface ensures we can generically load it like part modules |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionSituation | |
►CExpansions.Missions.IMissionKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateKerbal | |
CIModular | |
►CLibNoise.IModule | |
CLibNoise.Billow | |
CLibNoise.Checkerboard | |
CLibNoise.Cylinders | |
CLibNoise.FastBillow | |
CLibNoise.FastNoise | |
CLibNoise.FastRidgedMultifractal | |
CLibNoise.FastTurbulence | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.AbsoluteOutput | Module that returns the absolute value of the output of a source module. |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Add | Module that returns the output of two source modules added together. |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.BiasOutput | Module that biases the output of a source module by adding a given value to the output. |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Blend | Module that blends the output of two source modules using the output of an weight module as the blending weight. |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.ClampOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Constant | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.CurveOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.DisplaceInput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.ExponentialOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.InvertInput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.InvertOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.LargerOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Multiply | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Power | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.RotateInput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.ScaleBiasOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.ScaleInput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.ScaleOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Select | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.SmallerOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Terrace | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.TranslateInput | |
CLibNoise.Perlin | |
CLibNoise.RidgedMultifractal | |
CLibNoise.Spheres | |
CLibNoise.Turbulence | |
CLibNoise.Voronoi | |
►CIModuleInfo | Implement this on a Part Module to be able to return information to the part list tooltip |
CCompoundParts.CModuleFuelLine | |
CCompoundParts.CModuleStrut | |
CModuleDataTransmitter | |
CModuleDecouplerBase | |
CModuleEngines | |
CModuleKerbNetAccess | |
CModulePartVariants | This part module will allow a part to have multiple "Variants". A Variant is a visual alternative of a part. It can change its materials properites and model. (Model changes shouldnt be drastic so it keeps consistent but are possible) When adding this module, an automatic "Base" Variant is made, this variant will reset the part to its original state. Parts that have variants will display a small icon in the left corner of the part selector, this icon can be clicked to toggle between them. You can also select a variant from the PAW by rightclicking in the part. |
CModuleProceduralFairing | |
CModuleWheelBase | |
CPartStatsUpgradeModule | PartModule to allow using the Upgrades system to change part fields. Doesn't support everything, but does support all the basic reflected part fields. |
►CIMouseEvents | |
►CEditorGizmos.GizmoHandle | |
CEditorGizmos.GizmoOffsetHandle | |
CEditorGizmos.GizmoRotateHandle | |
►CManeuverGizmoBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.OrbitGizmo | Gizmo used to maniuplate orbits in the MissionEditor This class is a modified version of the stock Maneuver gizmo and was modified to work within the bounds of the mission editor only |
CManeuverGizmo | |
CManeuverGizmoHandle | |
CTextButton3D | |
CTextProButton3D | |
►CIMoveHandler | |
CXSelectable | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAudio.Impacts | |
►CIMultipleDragCube | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticServoHinge | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticServoPiston | |
CModuleAeroSurface | |
CModuleAnimateGeneric | |
CModuleAnimationGroup | |
CModuleControlSurface | |
CModuleDeployablePart | |
CModuleJettison | |
►CModuleParachute | |
CModuleEvaChute | |
CModulePartVariants | This part module will allow a part to have multiple "Variants". A Variant is a visual alternative of a part. It can change its materials properites and model. (Model changes shouldnt be drastic so it keeps consistent but are possible) When adding this module, an automatic "Base" Variant is made, this variant will reset the part to its original state. Parts that have variants will display a small icon in the left corner of the part selector, this icon can be clicked to toggle between them. You can also select a variant from the PAW by rightclicking in the part. |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelDeployment | |
CRetractableLadder | |
CInternalIndicatorPanel.Indicator | |
CVehiclePhysics.Inertia | |
CTargeting.Sample.Info | |
CDeltaVAppValues.InfoLine | |
►CExpansions.Missions.INodeBody | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestPlantFlag | Test for plant flag. This test when a plant flag event is triggered in the specified body name and (optional)biome. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestScienceExperiment | Test for Science Experiments. Two situations are catered for. Experiments transmitted successfully to RnD and Experiments when deployed. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestSOILeft | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestSOIReached | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationFlying | Test if the selected vessel is flying |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationLanded | Test if the selected vessel is Landed |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationSplashed | Test if the selected vessel Splashed Down |
►CExpansions.Missions.INodeOrbit | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateAsteroid | This node will Spawn an asteroid in the game. It will be set Landed or in Orbit depending on its own settings. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateComet | This node will Spawn a comet in the game. It will be set Landed or in Orbit depending on its own settings. |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Actions.ActionCreateVessel | This node will Spawn a vessel in the game. If the vessel situation asks for the player to build it, it will change the scene to the editor and after building it, it will spawn it in the defined position. The vessel will be instantiated once the craft file is defined. In the case that the player builds the vessel, after creating it in the editor, the craft file reference will linked to this vessel situation which will allow when fire again, to spawn the vessel. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestOrbit | Test for vessel orbit. This test if the current orbit is within the tolerance value of another orbit. |
►CExpansions.Missions.INodeWaypoint | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestFlyThrough | Test if a vessel has reached a target volume. needs Vessel Selection. Might want 3d marker to appear in game when playing. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestGoTo | Test if a vessel has reached a target volume. needs Vessel Selection. Might want 3d marker to appear in game when playing. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalBoarded | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalEVA | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestPlantFlag | Test for plant flag. This test when a plant flag event is triggered in the specified body name and (optional)biome. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestTakeKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationFlying | Test if the selected vessel is flying |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationLanded | Test if the selected vessel is Landed |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationSplashed | Test if the selected vessel Splashed Down |
CGameEvents.Input | |
CVehiclePhysics.InputData | |
►CInputFieldHandler | |
CTimeInputFieldHandler | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInput.InputGroup | |
CInputLockManager | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInput.InputSetting | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInput.InputSettings | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInput.InputTab | |
CInspectorKeyValuePair< K, V > | Class based key value pair for use in inspector lists and arrays. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.IntContext< T, C > | |
CSteamworks.InteropHelp | |
CEdyCommonTools.InterpolatedFloat | |
CIntersectInformation | |
CTargeting.Interval | |
►CInvalidOperationException | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.BacktrackException | |
CKSP.IO.IOTools | Provide some common IO tools that are needed by plugins. |
CKSP.IO.IOUtils | Create streams in sandboxed environment |
►CIOverheatDisplay | |
CBaseConverter | |
►CIPartCostModifier | Implement this on a Part Module to be able to modify a part's cost |
CExpansions.Serenity.BaseServo | |
CFlagDecalBackground | This Part Module enables a part flag to be placed to a part and move it through it's surface. |
CModuleInventoryPart | |
CModulePartVariants | This part module will allow a part to have multiple "Variants". A Variant is a visual alternative of a part. It can change its materials properites and model. (Model changes shouldnt be drastic so it keeps consistent but are possible) When adding this module, an automatic "Base" Variant is made, this variant will reset the part to its original state. Parts that have variants will display a small icon in the left corner of the part selector, this icon can be clicked to toggle between them. You can also select a variant from the PAW by rightclicking in the part. |
CModuleProceduralFairing | |
CPartStatsUpgradeModule | PartModule to allow using the Upgrades system to change part fields. Doesn't support everything, but does support all the basic reflected part fields. |
►CIPartMassModifier | Implement this on a Part Module to be able to modify a part's mass |
CExpansions.Serenity.BaseServo | |
CFlagDecalBackground | This Part Module enables a part flag to be placed to a part and move it through it's surface. |
CModuleAsteroid | yes, asteroids are parts. |
CModuleComet | yes, comets are parts. |
CModuleInventoryPart | |
CModuleJettison | |
CModulePartFirework | |
CModulePartVariants | This part module will allow a part to have multiple "Variants". A Variant is a visual alternative of a part. It can change its materials properites and model. (Model changes shouldnt be drastic so it keeps consistent but are possible) When adding this module, an automatic "Base" Variant is made, this variant will reset the part to its original state. Parts that have variants will display a small icon in the left corner of the part selector, this icon can be clicked to toggle between them. You can also select a variant from the PAW by rightclicking in the part. |
CModuleProceduralFairing | |
CPartStatsUpgradeModule | PartModule to allow using the Upgrades system to change part fields. Doesn't support everything, but does support all the basic reflected part fields. |
►CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.IPartModuleAdjuster | Interface for all of the module adjusters |
CExpansions.Missions.Adjusters.AdjusterPartModuleBase | |
CIPartSizeModifier | Implement this on a Part Module to be able to modify a part's size |
CSteamworks.IPCFailure_t | |
CSteamworks.IPCountry_t | |
CIPersistenceLoad | If ConfigNode encounters a class with IPersistentLoad as its PRIMARY target then it will be called |
CIPersistenceSave | If ConfigNode encounters a class with IPersistentSave then it will be called just before the class is serialized |
►CIPid | |
CPIDclamp | |
►CIPointerClickHandler | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeIcon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCanvasBackground | |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanel | A panel that has a line drawn in it from an Float Curve |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanelPoint | A point that defines a line on a Curve |
►CKSP.UI.PointerClickHandler | For when you need clicks with PointerEventData and a Data field |
CKSP.UI.PointerClickAndHoldHandler | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.MaxProgression | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartReset | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.BuildingPickerItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.StageGroup | |
CKSP.UI.UIOnClick | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButton | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateButton | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateToggleButton | |
►CPart | |
CCompoundPart | |
CPieChartSlice | 3D pie chart slice object. Don't add manually, they're created by PieChart itself |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextSelector_B | |
CTMPro.TMP_Dropdown | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
CTMPro.TMP_ScrollbarEventHandler | |
►CIPointerClickHandler | |
CCommNet.CommNetUIModeButton | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINode | |
CExpansions.Serenity.AxisLimitLine | An object that visualizes the soft limit on some axis displays in the contrroller Window UI |
►CKSP.UI.PinnableTooltipController | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.NodeListTooltipController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.InventoryPartListTooltipController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.PartListTooltipController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionOverrideGroup | header for each override group. looks after display and edit of the name, as well as group collapse button. |
CUIPartActionInventorySlot | |
►CIPointerDownHandler | |
CDragPanel | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIConnectorDrag | Fires drag and drop for the MEGUINode, on each connector button. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCanvasBackground | |
CKSP.UI.PointerClickHandler | For when you need clicks with PointerEventData and a Data field |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButtonColorChanger | |
CManeuverNodeEditorVectorHandle | |
CXSelectable | |
►CIPointerEnterHandler | |
CComboButton | Represents a suit combo button. |
CEVAConstructionModeController | Manages the EVA Construction Panel display, and constantly checks for inventories that can be displayed. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeIcon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIPanelSeparator | This classes define the behaviour of a drageable separator, that resizes MEGUIPanels |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameter | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterGroupHeader | |
►CExpansions.Serenity.RoboticControllerWindowBaseRow | An row inside the Robotic Controller Window |
CExpansions.Serenity.RoboticControllerWindowAction | An action row inside the Robotic Controller |
CExpansions.Serenity.RoboticControllerWindowAxis | An axis row inside the Robotic Controller |
CInventoryPanelController | Manages the Inventory Panel tahts displayed in Editor and Flight |
CKSP.UI.DialogMouseEnterControlLock | |
►CKSP.UI.PointerEnterExitHandler | |
CKSP.UI.UIHoverPanel | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.InventoryPartListTooltip | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionGroups | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartReset | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MEPartCategoryButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.BuildingPickerItem | |
►CKSP.UI.TooltipController | |
CCommNet.TooltipController_SignalStrength | |
CKSP.UI.PinnableTooltipController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartDropZone | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SubassemblyDropZone | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipTypes.TooltipController_CrewAC | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipTypes.TooltipController_Text | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipTypes.TooltipController_TitleAndText | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipTypes.UIRadioButtonTooltip | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipTypes.UIStateButtonTooltip | |
►CKSP.UI.UIHoverSlidePanel | |
CKSP.UI.UICraftSaveFlyoutController | |
CKSP.UI.UILaunchsiteController | |
CKSP.UI.UIShipDescriptionHoverSlidePanel | |
CKSP.UI.UITimeWarpHoverController | |
CKSP.UI.UIOnHover | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButtonColorChanger | |
CManeuverNodeEditorManager | |
CManeuverNodeEditorSlider | |
►CManeuverNodeEditorTab | |
CManeuverNodeEditorTabIntercept | |
CManeuverNodeEditorTabOrbitAdv | |
CManeuverNodeEditorTabOrbitBasic | |
CManeuverNodeEditorTabVectorHandles | |
CManeuverNodeEditorTabVectorInput | |
CManeuverNodeEditorVectorHandle | |
CMEGapCategoryScroll | |
CPieChartSlice | 3D pie chart slice object. Don't add manually, they're created by PieChart itself |
CPreviewPanel | |
CSavingBtnSoftLock | This is a helper class that sets an EDITOR_SOFT_LOCK when the cursor is hovering the Save Button in the Editor. |
CSoftMasking.Samples.RectManipulator | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.ShowOnHover | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.Tooltip | |
CSuitButton | This class represents a suit type in the helmet suit picker window. On click, it will apply the selections into its proto crew. |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextSelector_A | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextSelector_B | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextEventHandler | |
CUINavMouseChecker | |
CUIPartActionInventorySlot | |
CUIPartActionVariantButton | |
CUIPartActionWindow | |
CXHoverable | |
CXSelectable | |
►CIPointerExitHandler | |
CComboButton | Represents a suit combo button. |
CEVAConstructionModeController | Manages the EVA Construction Panel display, and constantly checks for inventories that can be displayed. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeIcon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIPanelSeparator | This classes define the behaviour of a drageable separator, that resizes MEGUIPanels |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameter | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterGroupHeader | |
CExpansions.Serenity.RoboticControllerWindowBaseRow | An row inside the Robotic Controller Window |
CInventoryPanelController | Manages the Inventory Panel tahts displayed in Editor and Flight |
CKSP.UI.DialogMouseEnterControlLock | |
CKSP.UI.PointerClickAndHoldHandler | |
CKSP.UI.PointerEnterExitHandler | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.InventoryPartListTooltip | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionGroups | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartReset | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MEPartCategoryButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.BuildingPickerItem | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipController | |
CKSP.UI.UIHoverSlidePanel | |
CKSP.UI.UIOnHover | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButtonColorChanger | |
CManeuverNodeEditorManager | |
CManeuverNodeEditorSlider | |
CManeuverNodeEditorTab | |
CManeuverNodeEditorVectorHandle | |
CMEGapCategoryScroll | |
CPieChartSlice | 3D pie chart slice object. Don't add manually, they're created by PieChart itself |
CPreviewPanel | |
CSavingBtnSoftLock | This is a helper class that sets an EDITOR_SOFT_LOCK when the cursor is hovering the Save Button in the Editor. |
CSoftMasking.Samples.RectManipulator | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.ShowOnHover | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.Tooltip | |
CSuitButton | This class represents a suit type in the helmet suit picker window. On click, it will apply the selections into its proto crew. |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextSelector_A | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextSelector_B | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextEventHandler | |
CUINavMouseChecker | |
CUIPartActionInventorySlot | |
CUIPartActionVariantButton | |
CUIPartActionWindow | |
CXHoverable | |
CXSelectable | |
►CIPointerUpHandler | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIConnectorDrag | Fires drag and drop for the MEGUINode, on each connector button. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCanvasBackground | |
CKSP.UI.PointerClickHandler | For when you need clicks with PointerEventData and a Data field |
CManeuverNodeEditorVectorHandle | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextSelector_B | |
CXSelectable | |
►CPreFlightTests.IPreFlightTest | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionBlackListPreFlightCheck | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionPreflightCheck | |
CPreFlightTests.CanAffordLaunchTest | |
CPreFlightTests.CraftWithinMassLimits | |
CPreFlightTests.CraftWithinPartCountLimit | |
CPreFlightTests.CraftWithinSizeLimits | |
CPreFlightTests.ExperimentalPartsAvailable | |
CPreFlightTests.FacilityOperational | |
CPreFlightTests.LaunchSiteClear | |
CPreFlightTests.NoControlSources | |
CPreFlightTests.NoCrewInMannedVessel | |
CPreFlightTests.WrongVesselTypeForLaunchSite | |
►CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.IPropertyAccessor | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.PropertyWrapper< TObject, TValue > | |
►CKSP.UI.IRadioButton | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButton | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButtonColorChanger | |
►CCommNet.IRangeModel | The range model used by comment. Any range model needs to implement two methds: one for determining whether two nodes of the given power are in range, and one for determining what the uncorrected 0-1 strength of the link is. |
CCommNet.CommRangeModel | |
►CCommNet.IRelayEnabler | Any module that implements this interface can make all antennae, not just those of type RELAY, work as a relay. |
CCommNet.ModuleRelayEnabler | Enables relay for all antennas, not just those of type RELAY. Takes the use ModuleResource setup (RESOURCE) |
►CIResourceBroker | |
CResourceBroker | |
►CIResourceConsumer | |
CCommNet.ModuleRelayEnabler | Enables relay for all antennas, not just those of type RELAY. Takes the use ModuleResource setup (RESOURCE) |
CExpansions.Serenity.BaseServo | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticController | A Controller module for managing KSPAxisField/KSPAction values over time |
CModuleCommand | |
CModuleDataTransmitter | |
CModuleDockingNode | |
CModuleEngines | |
CModuleEnviroSensor | |
CModuleLight | |
CModuleRCS | |
CModuleReactionWheel | |
CModuleResourceHarvester | |
CModuleScienceLab | |
►CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelMotor | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelMotorSteering | |
►CIScalarModule | Implies the module is capable of manifesting a continuous state transition based on a scalar parameter, like an animation, particle FX, speed of something, etc. |
CModuleAnimateGeneric | |
►CModuleAnimationSetter | |
CModuleAnimateHeat | |
CModuleColorChanger | |
CModuleDeployablePart | |
CModuleJettison | |
CModuleLight | |
CModuleProceduralFairing | |
CModuleServiceModule | |
►CIScienceDataContainer | implement this if your module is able to hold scientific data and you want it to be transferable and all |
CModuleScienceContainer | Science Containers, unlike experiments, cannot gather their own data, they have to have it transferred to them. Used to store data like surface samples gathered while out on EVA. |
CModuleScienceExperiment | |
CModuleScienceLab | |
►CIScienceDataTransmitter | implementd this if your module IS a transmitter, so it can talk to other transmitters and combine efficiencies |
CModuleDataTransmitter | |
►CExpansions.Missions.IScoreableObjective | Inteface that defines that an objective test can be custom scored |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestCrewAssignment | Test if a Specific Crew Member in specific part or specific vessel |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestDistance | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestFlyThrough | Test if a vessel has reached a target volume. needs Vessel Selection. Might want 3d marker to appear in game when playing. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestFundsRecovery | Test for the recovered vessel funds amount. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestGameEvent | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestGoTo | Test if a vessel has reached a target volume. needs Vessel Selection. Might want 3d marker to appear in game when playing. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalBoarded | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalEVA | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalRecovery | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalRescue | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestMETTime | Test for time in mission for a vessel. This compares the Vessel's mission time against the actual time |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestMissionFunds | TestModule to test the current Mission Score |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestMissionScore | TestModule to test the current Mission Score |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestMissionTime | Test for mission time. This compares the game UT to the UT since the mission begin. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestOrbit | Test for vessel orbit. This test if the current orbit is within the tolerance value of another orbit. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestOrbitParams | Test for vessel orbit. This test if the current orbit is within the tolerance value of another orbit. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestPlantFlag | Test for plant flag. This test when a plant flag event is triggered in the specified body name and (optional)biome. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestResourcesRecovery | Test for the recovered resources when returned to HomeBody |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestScienceExperiment | Test for Science Experiments. Two situations are catered for. Experiments transmitted successfully to RnD and Experiments when deployed. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestSOILeft | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestSOIReached | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestTakeKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestTimeSinceNode | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselAltitude | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselCrewCount | Test for vessel crew count Test the aumount of kerbals within a vessel. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselMass | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselPartCount | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselResource | Test for vessel resource. Test the aumount of a resource within a vessel. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituation | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationFlying | Test if the selected vessel is flying |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselStage | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselStageActivated | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselState | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselStateCrashed | Test if the selected vessel has crashed |
►CIScreenCaster | |
CFinePrint.WaypointCastHit | |
COrbitRendererBase.OrbitCastHit | |
CPatchedConics.PatchCastHit | |
►CIScrollHandler | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCanvas | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.UIGridArea | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDGridArea | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
►CISelectHandler | |
CTMPro.TMP_ScrollbarEventHandler | |
CUINavMouseChecker | |
CXSelectable | |
►CISerializationCallbackReceiver | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.SearchResult | |
CVehiclePhysics.Engine.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.SpeedControl.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPLiquidCargo | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPSolidCargo | |
►CISettings | |
CAlarmClockSettingsUI | This is the settings page for gameplay settings. For the main settings database, see GameSettings.cs |
CAudioFXSettings | |
CGameplaySettingsScreen | This is the settings page for gameplay settings. For the main settings database, see GameSettings.cs |
CInputSettings | |
CVideoSettings | |
►CIShipconstruct | |
CShipConstruct | |
CVessel | Vessels define individual ships in flight. They work essentially as a header for the set of parts that make up the ship. |
►CIShipConstructIDChanges | Use this to track ID changes in PartModules |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticController | A Controller module for managing KSPAxisField/KSPAction values over time |
►CISiteNode | Interface used for adding MapNodes for sites in mapview |
CKSCSiteNode | Site node representing the KSC |
CLaunchSite | |
►CSoftMasking.ISoftMask | |
CSoftMasking.SoftMask | SoftMask is a component that can be added to UI elements for masking the children. It works like a standard Unity's Mask but supports alpha. |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ISRU | |
►CIStageSeparator | |
CLaunchClamp | |
CModuleDecouplerBase | |
CModuleDockingNode | |
CModuleServiceModule | |
►CIStageSeparatorChild | |
CModuleDecouplerBase | |
CModuleServiceModule | |
CSteamworks.ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse | |
CSteamworks.ISteamMatchmakingPlayersResponse | |
CSteamworks.ISteamMatchmakingRulesResponse | |
CSteamworks.ISteamMatchmakingServerListResponse | |
CISteerable | |
►CISubmitHandler | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionOverrideGroup | header for each override group. looks after display and edit of the name, as well as group collapse button. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartReset | |
CTMPro.TMP_Dropdown | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
CiT | iTweenHinting (iT) - An iTween(http://itween.pixelplacement.com) helper class that store all parameters of all tweening function to allow for code hinting/discovery. Tested compatibility with iTween Version: 2.0.37 |
►CITargetable | |
CCelestialBody | |
CFlightCoMTracker | |
CModuleDockingNode | |
►CPositionTarget | Via Sarbian with permission |
CDirectionTarget | |
CVessel | Vessels define individual ships in flight. They work essentially as a header for the set of parts that make up the ship. |
►CITechPerk | |
CTechPerk | |
CKSP.UI.UITreeView.Item | |
CSteamworks.ItemInstalled_t | |
►CExpansions.Missions.ITestNodeLabel | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestFlyThrough | Test if a vessel has reached a target volume. needs Vessel Selection. Might want 3d marker to appear in game when playing. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestGoTo | Test if a vessel has reached a target volume. needs Vessel Selection. Might want 3d marker to appear in game when playing. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalBoarded | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestKerbalEVA | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestPlantFlag | Test for plant flag. This test when a plant flag event is triggered in the specified body name and (optional)biome. |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestTakeKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationFlying | Test if the selected vessel is flying |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationLanded | Test if the selected vessel is Landed |
CExpansions.Missions.Tests.TestVesselSituationSplashed | Test if the selected vessel Splashed Down |
CTMPro.ITextElement | |
CIThrottleControl | |
►CIThrustProvider | |
CModuleEngines | |
►CIThumbnailSetup | |
CFlagDecalBackground | This Part Module enables a part flag to be placed to a part and move it through it's surface. |
►CIToggleCrossfeed | |
CModuleToggleCrossfeed | |
►CKSP.UI.ITooltipController | |
►CKSP.UI.IPinnableTooltipController | |
CKSP.UI.PinnableTooltipController | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipController | |
►CSpaceCenterBuilding | |
CAdministrationFacility | |
CAstronautComplexFacility | |
CFlagPoleFacility | |
CLaunchSiteFacility | |
CMissionControlBuilding | |
CRnDBuilding | |
CSpacePlaneHangarBuilding | |
CTrackingStationBuilding | |
CVehicleAssemblyBuilding | |
►CITorqueProvider | |
CModuleControlSurface | |
CModuleGimbal | |
CModuleRCS | |
CModuleReactionWheel | |
►CIUpdateSelectedHandler | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
►CFinePrint.Utilities.IUpdateWaypoints | |
CContracts.Templates.OrbitalConstructionContract | |
CContracts.Templates.RoverConstructionContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.BaseContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.SatelliteContract | |
CFinePrint.Contracts.StationContract | |
CSentinelMission.CometDetectionContract | |
CSentinelMission.SentinelContract | |
►CVectrosity.IVectorObject | |
CVectrosity.VectorObject2D | |
CVectrosity.VectorObject3D | |
►CIVesselAutoRename | Implement this interface if your part module has a better idea of what an ejected piece of a ship should be named. In case multiple of these interfaces are found, the one on the part with the highest-ranking vessel type wins. |
CModuleAsteroid | yes, asteroids are parts. |
CModuleComet | yes, comets are parts. |
CModuleDecouple.Jettisonning | |
CSteamworks.JoinClanChatRoomCompletionResult_t | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.JoinContext< U, K, T2, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.JoinContext< U, K, T2, T, C, P > | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPVehicleJoint.JointMotion | |
CKerbalAnimationManager | |
CKerbalAnimationState | |
►CKerbalFSM | |
CTutorialScenario.TutorialFSM | |
CKerbalMixingTransforms | |
CKerbalMovementParameters | |
CKerbalProp | Defines a Prop that a kerbal can use. |
CKerbalRagdollNode | |
CKerbalRoster | |
►CKerbNet.KerbNetMode | |
CKerbNet.KerbNetModeBiome | |
CKerbNet.KerbNetModeResource | Unlike the other modes, we will instantiate multiple resource modes for each resource, name and many other things will change. |
CKerbNet.KerbNetModeTerrain | |
CTMPro.KerningPair | |
CTMPro.KerningPairKey | |
CTMPro.KerningTable | |
CKeyboardLayout | |
CKeyCodeExtended | |
►CSmooth.Pools.KeyedPool< K, T > | Pool that lends values of type T with an associated key of type K. |
CSmooth.Pools.KeyedPoolWithDefaultKey< K, T > | Pool that lends values of type T with an associated key of type K and defines a default key. |
►CKFSMEvent | |
CKFSMTimedEvent | |
►CKFSMState | |
CTutorialScenario.TutorialPage | |
CKnowledgeItem< T > | |
CUpgradeables.KSCFacilityLevelText | |
CKSPActionParam | |
CKSPCameraUtil | |
►CKSPediaController | |
CKSPAssets.KSPedia.KSPedia | |
CKSPEditorUtil | |
CExpansions.KSPExpansionsUtils | |
CKSPFontAsset | |
CKSPParseable | Represents a cfg-parseable value that can be saved to file and parsed, regardless of data type This class is an abstraction for the many methods for writing and parsing the different data types |
CKSPScenarioType | |
CKSPSteamUtils | |
CKSPUpgradePipeline | |
CKSPUtil | |
CKSPWheelGravity | A non-static instanced version of VPP's Gravity, so KSP can have per vessel wheel gravity settings. |
CPQSLandControl.LandClass | |
CPQSMod_LandClassController.LandClass | |
CPQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass | |
CPQSMod_HeightColorMap2.LandClass | |
CPQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise.LandClass | |
CPQSMod_VertexPlanet.LandClass | |
CLandClassROC | |
CPQSLandControl.LandClassScatter | |
CPQSLandControl.LandClassScatterAmount | |
CPQSMod_LandClassController.LandClassScatterAmount | |
CPQSLandControl.LandClassScatterInstance | |
CKSP.UI.Language.LanguageDefinition | Holds a lanugage for localisation: includes a dictionary (string->string) and a font. Can be saved and loaded from XML. |
CLatLon | |
CEdyCommonTools.ColliderUtility.LayerCollisionMatrix | |
CLayerUtil | |
CGUIUtil.Layout | |
CSteamworks.LeaderboardEntry_t | |
CSteamworks.LeaderboardFindResult_t | |
CSteamworks.LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t | |
CSteamworks.LeaderboardScoreUploaded_t | |
CSteamworks.LeaderboardUGCSet_t | |
CPQSLandControl.LerpRange | |
CPQSMod_LandClassController.LerpRange | |
CAltitudeMultiTextureRamp.LerpRange | |
CSteamworks.LicensesUpdated_t | |
CPhysicsGlobals.LiftingSurfaceCurve | |
CLightStruct | |
CLibNoise.Models.Line | Model that maps the output of a module onto a line. |
CTMPro.TMP_Settings.LineBreakingTable | |
CLingoonaGrammarExtensions | Contains class extenstions to simplify string handling |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ReferenceNode.Link | |
CCommNet.Network.Link< _Net, _Data, _Link, _Path > | Node-2-Node link. Used in both internal network connections and network paths |
►CLink< CommNetwork, CommNode, CommLink, CommPath > | |
CCommNet.CommLink | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Collections.Linked | Extension methods for Linked<> and LinkedHeadTail<>. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.LinkedContext< K, T > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.LinkedContext< T > | |
►CLinkedList< Tri > | |
CPQSMeshPlanet.TriList | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.LinkedListContext< T > | |
CSmooth.Pools.LinkedListNodePool< T > | Singleton LinkedListNode<T> pool. |
CSmooth.Pools.LinkedListPool< T > | Singleton LinkedList<T> pool. |
CLinkedMesh | |
CLinkedMesh.LinkedTri | |
CLinkedMeshSO.LinkedTri | |
CLinkedMesh.LinkedVert | |
CLinkedMeshSO.LinkedVert | |
CConfigNode.ReadLinkList.LinkEndpoint | |
CConfigNode.ReadLinkList.LinkTarget | |
►CList< _Link > | |
CCommNet.Network.Path< _Net, _Data, _Link, _Path > | Network path. Used for pathfinding. |
►CList< BaseAction > | |
CBaseActionList | List of all defined part actions |
►CList< BaseAxisField > | |
CBaseAxisFieldList | |
►CList< BaseEvent > | |
CBaseEventList | List of all defined part actions |
►CList< KerningPair > | |
CKSPKerningPairList | Wrapper class to avoid the hard assembly type binding with the serialization process |
►CList< KSPFontAsset > | |
CKSPFontAssetList | Wrapper class to avoid the hard assembly type binding with the serialization process |
►CList< MaterialFlag > | |
CEditorUtilityGUI.MaterialFlagList | |
►CList< string > | |
CEdyCommonTools.CsvRow | Class to store one CSV row |
►CList< TextureDummy > | |
CPartToolsEditor.PartWriter.TextureDummyList | |
CKSP.UI.UIListMover.ListAnchor | |
CListDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
►CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ListDrawer< T > | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ObjectListDrawer | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ObjectToSearchListDrawer | |
CListExtension | |
CSmooth.Pools.ListPool< T > | Singleton List<T> pool. |
CAssemblyLoader.LoadedAssembly | |
CLoadingScreen.LoadingScreenState | |
CSteamworks.LobbyChatMsg_t | |
CSteamworks.LobbyChatUpdate_t | |
CSteamworks.LobbyCreated_t | |
CSteamworks.LobbyDataUpdate_t | |
CSteamworks.LobbyEnter_t | |
CSteamworks.LobbyGameCreated_t | |
CSteamworks.LobbyInvite_t | |
CSteamworks.LobbyKicked_t | |
CSteamworks.LobbyMatchList_t | |
CKSP.Localization.Localizer | This class is used to format the strings for localization, it changes the tags with its corresponding value deffined in the cfg files and also it calls the LingoonaGrammar library when neccesary. It uses internally a singleton, but all its public methods are static. |
CPQSCity2.LodObject | |
CPQSCity.LODRange | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.LogEntry | |
CiT.LookFrom | Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at a supplied Transform or Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.LookTo | Rotates a GameObject to look at a supplied Transform or Vector3 over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.LookUpdate | Similar to LookTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. |
CSteamworks.LowBatteryPower_t | |
CMainCanvasUtil | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsSetup.MainTab | |
CCBAttributeMap.MapAttribute | |
CCBAttributeMapSO.MapAttribute | |
COverlaySetup.MapConfig | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapContextMenu | |
CSpaceObjectCollider.MarchStep | |
►COrbitTargeter.Marker | |
COrbitTargeter.AnDnMarker | |
COrbitTargeter.ClApprMarker | |
COrbitTargeter.CursorMarker | |
COrbitTargeter.ISectMarker | |
CVehiclePhysics.MarkPoint | |
►CMaskableGraphic | |
CTMPro.TMP_SelectionCaret | A simple component that can be added to a newly created object where inheriting from MaskableGraphic is needed. |
CTMPro.TMP_SubMeshUI | |
►CTMPro.TMP_Text | Base class which contains common properties and functions shared between the TextMeshPro and TextMeshProUGUI component. |
CTMPro.TextMeshPro | |
CTMPro.TextMeshProUGUI | |
CSoftMasking.MaskChannel | Contains some predefined combinations of mask channel weights. |
CSteamworks.MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t | |
CMaterialColorUpdater | |
CMaterialDetails | |
►CMaterialEditor | |
CPQSMainEditor | |
CTMPro_SDFMaterialEditor | |
CMaterialExtension | |
CEditorUtilityGUI.MaterialFlag | |
CSoftMasking.Extensions.MaterialOps | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_BaseShaderGUI.MaterialPanel | Material panel that keeps track of whether the user opened or closed it. |
►CMaterialPropertyExtensions.MaterialProperty | |
CBufferMaterialProperty | |
CColorMaterialProperty | |
CFloatArrayMaterialProperty | |
CFloatMaterialProperty | |
CMatrixArrayMaterialProperty | |
CMatrixMaterialProperty | |
CTextureMaterialProperty | |
CVectorArrayMaterialProperty | |
CVectorMaterialProperty | |
CTimeOfDayAnimation.MaterialProperty | |
CMaterialPropertyExtensions | |
CTMPro.MaterialReference | |
CTMPro.MaterialReferenceManager | |
CSoftMasking.MaterialReplacements | |
CSoftMasking.MaterialReplacer | |
CMaterialBasedOnGraphicsSetting.MaterialSwapInformation | Information for materials to be swapped in depending on shader quality setting. |
►CLibNoise.Math | Provides math operations not found in System.Math. |
►CLibNoise.FastNoiseBasis | |
CLibNoise.FastBillow | |
CLibNoise.FastNoise | |
CLibNoise.FastRidgedMultifractal | |
►CLibNoise.GradientNoiseBasis | |
CLibNoise.Billow | |
CLibNoise.Perlin | |
CLibNoise.RidgedMultifractal | |
CLibNoise.Models.Sphere | Model that maps the output of a module onto a sphere. |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Blend | Module that blends the output of two source modules using the output of an weight module as the blending weight. |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.CurveOutput | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Select | |
CLibNoise.Modifiers.Terrace | |
CMathfx | |
CEdyCommonTools.MathUtility | |
CMatrix4x4D | |
CMBMReader | |
CMEBannerEntry | |
CMEBasicNodeListFilter< T > | |
CMEBasicNodeListFilterList< T > | |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowConvergence | A class represnting the point where two (or more paths) come together |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowExtensions | Extension methods for classes that are part of the Flow Namespace |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowUINodeLeader | Structure to hold each of the leaders |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIDropDownItem | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIDropDownItemListExtensions | |
CMemoryCache | |
CKSP.IO.MemoryStream | Emulates System.IO.MemoryStream. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCategoryColor | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeColors | Class to store Node color settings and attached to MELogic so can be configured in Unity |
CMainMenuEnvLogic.MenuStage | |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEPathGroup | A Group of Paths |
CTMPro.Mesh_Extents | |
CProceduralFairings.MeshArc | |
CMeshDetails | |
CProceduralFairings.MeshPoint | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MessageSystem.Message | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEValidityHighlighColor | |
CSteamworks.MicroTxnAuthorizationResponse_t | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizerPopupAddPart.MiniCategory | |
CEdyCommonTools.MiniJSON | |
CEdyCommonTools.MiniJsonExtensions | |
CMinMaxColor | |
CMinMaxFloat | |
CGameEvents.Mission | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionBiome | Class to store Missions Biome Data for any actions and tests that require Biome information. |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionCelestialBody | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionCheckpointValidator | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionCraft | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionFileInfo | A class to hold details of a mission file and some helper properties so we can pass this around as an object |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionImporting | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionInstructor | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionKerbal | |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionsApp.MissionListItem | class to store info about each mission in the app list |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionLocalizer | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionMappedVessel | Stores Mapping from Part VesselNaming to actual Craft. Is used to allow these mapped Part Vessel Names in mission nodes. |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionMappedVesselsExtension | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionQuaternion | |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionsAppObjectiveInfo | Stores information related to a Mission Objective for a Mission |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionsAppVesselInfo | Stores information related to a Vessel to be built for a Mission |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MissionControl.MissionSelection | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionsUtils | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionValidationTestResult | Structure of a validity Test Result |
CSteamworks.MMKVPMarshaller | |
CPartTools.ModelPartEvent | |
CModuleKerbNetAccess.Modes | |
CAvailablePart.ModuleInfo | |
CModuleResourceHandler | A subclass of PartModule to handle ModuleResource-limited PartModules. |
CProceduralSpaceObject.ModValue | |
CProceduralSpaceObject.ModWrapper | |
►CMonoBehaviour | |
CActionGroupsFlightController | |
CAddonLoader | Class to spawn addon entry point components |
CAdvancedRagdoll | |
CAerodynamicsFX | |
CAeroGUI | |
CAlarmClockMessageDialog | |
CAlarmClockScenarioAudio | |
CAlarmClockUIAlarmRow | A row to display the alarm in the main App window |
CAlarmClockUINextAlarm | A row to display the alarm in the main App window |
CAlarmMapNodeButton | The button attached to a map node object that lets you add an alarm from map |
CAltitudeMultiTextureRamp | |
CAmbienceControl | |
CAngleRenderEject | |
CAppUIMaster | The "Loader" for AppUI controls used in apps for generic bits |
CArrowPointer | |
CArrowPointerSystem | |
CAssetBase | |
CAssets._UI5.Rendering.Scripts.ImgFX_ColorMultiply | |
CAtlasSplitter | |
CAtmosphereFromGround | |
CAtmosphereProbe | |
CAudioMuter | |
CAxisGroupsInputHandler | |
►CBaseLabel | |
CExpansions.Missions.NodeLabel | |
CVesselLabel | |
CBlankMonoBehaviour | |
CBobber | |
CButtonHighlighter | |
CCameraFade | |
CCameraFX | |
CCameraFXModules.FlightCameraFX | |
►CCameraKeyFrameEvents.CameraKeyFrameEvent | |
CCameraKeyFrameEvents.Fade | |
CCameraKeyFrameEvents.SceneTransition | |
CCameraKeyFrameEvents.TextHeaderFlip | |
CCameraManager | |
CCameraMouseLook | |
CCameraOffCenter | |
CCameraOrbitHold | |
CCanvasPixelPerfectHandler | |
CCelestialBody | |
CChatController | |
CColliderMenuMouseChecker | |
CCollisionAnimationHandler | This component will store a list of Animation components in the attached GameObject and all it's children. If a Collision occurs on any collider on the object it will stop any of the animations from playing. |
CCollisionEnhancer | |
CCollisionEventsHandler | This component will try to find a script that implements the ICollisionEvents interface in the parent gameobject, and send collision event calls to it. Use this when you have colliders in child objects, but want to receive collision events on the parent. |
CCollisionManager | |
CColorImage | |
CColorLabel | |
CColorPicker | This is the main class that handles the color picker Color Area. |
CColorPickerTester | |
CColorPresets | |
CColorSlider | Displays one of the color values of aColorPicker |
CColorSliderImage | |
CComboButton | Represents a suit combo button. |
CComboSelector | Setup the SuitButton combos according the HelmetSuitPickerWindow.suitVariantList. |
CCometManager | |
CCometParticleController | |
CCometVFXController | |
CCommNet.CommNetBody | Celestial body which occludes telemetry. Home planets get telemetry links |
CCommNet.CommNetHome | A Home CommNetNode - for Kerbin's DSN |
CCommNet.CommNetNetwork | A slave for CommNetwork. Spawned by CommNetScenario |
CCommNet.CommNetNode | Simple monobehaviour with telemetry link |
CCommNet.CommNetUI | |
CCommNet.CommNetUIModeButton | |
CCommNet.Tooltip_SignalStrengthItem | |
CConeShadowTestRotate | |
CConsoleCommands | |
CConstructionVesselOverlays | This class is used to manage the CoM, CoL, CoT vessel marker/overlays in Construction Mode in the Flight scene. |
CContracts.Agents.AgentList | |
CController | |
CCoroutineHost | |
CCrashObjectName | |
CCreditsMultiTextHeader | |
CCreditsMusic | |
CCreditsSceneMain | |
CCrewHatchController | |
►CCurrencyWidget | |
CCostWidget | |
CFundsWidget | |
CReputationWidget | |
CScienceWidget | |
CCursors.CursorController | |
CCutsceneCamera | |
CDAE | |
CDatabaseGameObject | |
CDayNightGameObjectSwitch | |
CDebug_FloatNaNs | |
CDebugToolbar | |
CDeltaVAppSituation | |
CDeltaVAppStageInfo | |
CDeltaVAppStageInfoToggle | |
CDeltaVGlobals | This class stores DeltaV stuff that is needed in multiple scenes and not specific to a vessel and its calcs The vessel calcs can be found in |
CDestroyAfterTime | |
CDestroyOnSceneSwitch | |
CDestructibleBuilding | |
CDetonator | |
►CDetonatorComponent | |
CDetonatorBurstEmitter | |
CDetonatorCloudRing | |
CDetonatorFireball | |
CDetonatorForce | |
CDetonatorGlow | |
CDetonatorHeatwave | |
CDetonatorLight | |
CDetonatorShockwave | |
CDetonatorSmoke | |
CDetonatorSound | |
CDetonatorSparks | |
CDetonatorSpray | |
CDetonatorDriver | Used for runtime initialization of game-related stuff in detonator. |
CDifficultyOptionsMenu | |
CDirectoryActionGroup | This class manages a single collapsable directory element. |
CDisableOnPlay | |
CDishController | |
CDisplacementExplosion | |
CDoNotDestroy | |
CDoubleSlider | |
CDragCubeSystem | |
CDragPanel | |
CDrawDepth | |
CDynamicAmbientLight | |
CDynamicShadowSettings | |
CEditorBackgroundFlag | |
CEditorBounds | |
CEditorCamera | |
CEditorCameraOffset | |
CEditorDriver | |
CEditorGizmos.GizmoHandle | |
CEditorGizmos.GizmoOffset | |
CEditorGizmos.GizmoRotate | |
►CEditorLogicBase | Base class for Editor Logic |
CEditorLogic | |
CEVAConstructionModeEditor | Manages the Placement, Movement, Rotation, pivot logic of Parts being selected in EVA Construction Mode |
►CEditorMarker | |
CEditorMarker_CoL | |
CEditorMarker_CoM | |
CEditorMarker_CoT | |
CEditorToolsUI | |
CEditorVesselOverlays | This class is used to manage the CoM, CoL, CoT vessel marker/overlays in the Editor scene. |
CEdyCommonTools.ApplicationCursor | |
CEdyCommonTools.ApplicationQuit | |
CEdyCommonTools.AttachToTarget | |
CEdyCommonTools.BindLocalRotation | |
CEdyCommonTools.CameraFovController | |
CEdyCommonTools.CameraFovInput | |
CEdyCommonTools.CameraShift | |
CEdyCommonTools.LightGammaCorrection | |
CEdyCommonTools.PositionController | |
CEdyCommonTools.PositionInput | |
CEdyCommonTools.RealtimeGraphicBase | |
CEdyCommonTools.RotationController | |
CEdyCommonTools.RotationInput | |
CEdyCommonTools.ScaleController | |
CEdyCommonTools.SceneReload | |
CEdyCommonTools.SceneTools | |
CEdyCommonTools.ScreenBug | |
CEdyCommonTools.ScreenNotes | |
CEdyCommonTools.Spline | |
CEdyCommonTools.SplineFollower | |
CEdyCommonTools.TimeScale | |
►CEffectBehaviour | |
CAnimationFX | |
CAudioFX | |
CAudioLoopFX | |
CAudioMultiFX | |
CAudioMultiPooledFX | |
CAudioSingleFX | |
CModelAnimationFX | |
CModelMultiParticleFX | |
CModelParticleFX | |
CParticleConfigFX | |
CPrefabAnimationFX | |
CPrefabMultiParticleFX | |
CPrefabParticleFX | |
CPrefabSpawnFX | |
CROCEmitter | This class controls the Vals' Cryovolcano particle system, also add their emitters to the EffectBehaviour.emitters list. |
CEnvMapAnimator | |
CEVACamera | |
CEVAConstructionModeController | Manages the EVA Construction Panel display, and constantly checks for inventories that can be displayed. |
CEVAConstructionToolsUI | Manages the EVA Construction UI Tools such as Changing between construction mode. |
CExpansions.BundleLoader | |
CExpansions.Missions.ActionModule | |
CExpansions.Missions.Awards | The Awards class handles the collection of award definitions stored in the game. |
CExpansions.Missions.AwardWidget | UI widget to display awards at the end of the mission |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.CheckpointBrowserDialog | Mission dialog, displays a list of mission checkpoints to load |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.CheckpointEntry | This class represents a checkpoint entry in the mission checkpoint browser dialog |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.CrewCreationDialog | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBody_SurfaceGizmo | |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBody_InteractiveSurfaceGizmo | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBody_SurfaceGizmo_Area | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBody_SurfaceGizmo_PlaceVessel | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBody_SurfaceGizmo_Volume | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBody_SurfaceGizmo_Icon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPCelestialBodyGizmoHandle | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEActionPane | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIConnector | Mission expansion line connector, this uses vectoricy to draw a line between to MEGUINodes |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIConnectorDrag | Fires drag and drop for the MEGUINode, on each connector button. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIListOrderItem | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINode | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeBodyParameter | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUINodeIcon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIPanel | This class defines the behaviour of an Mission Editor panel, panels are subwindows of the ME that can be resized, hided or maximized in the screen |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIPanelSeparator | This classes define the behaviour of a drageable separator, that resizes MEGUIPanels |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameter | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParameterGroupHeader | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIParametersController | This class handles the SAP parameters prefabs based on attribute type |
►CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIScoreRangeItem | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUIScoreRangeTimeItem | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUITimeControl | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCanvas | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCanvasBackground | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCategorizer | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MENodeCategoryButton | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEPartSelectorBrowser | ME dialog that allow us to select which parts are going to be enabled in the VAB/SPH for this mission |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionBriefingDialog | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionEditorHistory | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionEditorLogic | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionEditorValidator | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionsBrowserDialog | Mission dialog, displays a list of missions to load |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionValidationDialog | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionValidationEntry | Validation entry for the Mission Validation Dialog |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.NodeListTooltipMasterController | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.UICollapsibleSection | Small UI Script to collapse UI sections |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowParser | |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowUIGroup_Or | |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowUIGroup_Then | |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowUINode | |
CExpansions.Missions.Flow.MEFlowUIText | |
CExpansions.Missions.MEGUINodeIconGroup | |
CExpansions.Missions.MENode | |
CExpansions.Missions.Mission | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionListGroup | |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MessageNodeDialog | |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionEndDialog | Spawning with F3 button don't work yet |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionPlayDialog | |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionSteamItemWidget | |
CExpansions.Missions.Scenery.Scripts.PositionMobileLaunchPad | |
CExpansions.Missions.TestModule | |
CExpansions.Serenity.AxisLimitLine | An object that visualizes the soft limit on some axis displays in the contrroller Window UI |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanel | A panel that has a line drawn in it from an Float Curve |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanelPoint | A point that defines a line on a Curve |
CExpansions.Serenity.CurvePanelPointHandle | A Handle of a CurvePanelPoint, used ffor setting tangents on keyframes |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedScienceCluster | A Data Class used to hold the information about a Manned Science Cluster. |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedScienceExperiment | A Data Class used to hold the information about a Manned Science Experiment. |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedSciencePart | A Data Class used to hold the information about a Manned Science Power Unit. |
CExpansions.Serenity.RoboticCollisions | This component class is added to robotic parts that have two rigidbodies to collect and pass on collision data to the Part. part reference must be set after creating component. |
CExpansions.Serenity.RoboticControllerManager | Singleton object that handles multicontroller variables and activities |
CExpansions.Serenity.RoboticControllerWindow | The Window used to edit a Controller sequence |
CExpansions.Serenity.RoboticControllerWindowBaseRow | An row inside the Robotic Controller Window |
CExplosionDestroyer | |
CExplosionSpawner | |
CExplosionTester | |
CExtendedInput | |
CFacilityScreenFitter | |
CFileGUI | |
CFileIO | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs | |
CFinePrint.WaypointManager | |
CFlagBrowser | |
CFlagBrowserButton | |
CFlagPoleLaunchpad | |
CFlightAutoSave | |
CFlightCamera | |
CFlightCoMTracker | |
CFlightDriver | |
CFlightEVA | |
CFlightGlobals | This class keeps all sorts of flight-related information that need to be accessed globally. Here are methods for sampling gravity, air pressure, temperature for any given flight state, as well as publicly available references to planet positions and other stuff. |
CFlightInputHandler | |
CFlightLogger | FlightLoggers collects information about the flight, so it can display them later |
CFlightOverlays | |
CFlightReflectionProbe | Creates and updates a reflection probe which will render a cubemap of the region surrounding the vessel so that the cubemap can be used for reflections on vessel parts. The cubemap can be used in all shaders that use a texture called _SpecMap that doesn't actually overwrite it in the material. |
CFlightUIModeController | |
CFlightVesselOverlays | This class is used to manage the CoM, CoL, CoT vessel marker/overlays in the Flight scene. |
CFloatingOrigin | |
CFlyAround | |
CFollowRot | |
CFuelFlowOverlay | |
CFXCamera | |
CFXDepthCamera | |
CFXFadeByPressure | |
CFXMonger | |
CFXObjectPhoneHome | |
CFXPrefab | |
CGalaxyCameraControl | |
CGalaxyCubeControl | |
CGameSettings | |
CGameVariables | |
CGAPCelestialBodyCamera | |
CGAPCelestialBodyCollisionSphere | |
CGAPKerbalAnimation | |
CGAPProceduralAsteroid | |
CGAPProceduralComet | |
►CGAPUtil_BiSelector | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPUtil_CelestialBody | This is the UI interface around the GAP for celestial bodies. |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPUtil_VesselFrame | |
CGAPUtil_DynamicCylinder | |
CGAPVesselCamera | |
CGasGiantMaterialControls | |
CGauge | |
CGizmoDrawer | Helper class to draw gizmos from outside MonoBehaviours. |
CHelixGauge | |
CHelmetSuitPickerWindow | This class set up the suit picker window objects which enables configure the kerbal suit. |
CHexColorField | |
CHighlighting.Highlighter | |
CHighlighting.HighlightingSystem | |
CHighLogic | |
►CIGameCamera | |
CInternalCamera | |
CIVACamera | |
CInternalButton | |
CInternalComponents | Globally accessable list of prefabs for use in internal spaces |
CInternalModel | |
►CInternalModule | |
CInternalAltimeterThreeHands | |
CInternalAnimationAirSpeed | |
CInternalAnimationAltimeter | |
CInternalAtmosphereDepth | |
CInternalAxisIndicatorPitch | |
CInternalAxisIndicatorRoll | |
CInternalAxisIndicatorYaw | |
CInternalButtonLight | |
CInternalCameraSwitch | |
CInternalCompass | |
CInternalFlagDecal | |
CinternalGeneric | |
CInternalIndicatorPanel | |
CInternalLabel | |
CInternalLeverThrottle | |
CInternalNavBall | |
CInternalRadarAltitude | |
CInternalSeat | |
CInternalSpeed | |
CInternalVSI | |
CInternalPart | |
CInternalProp | |
CInternalSpace | |
CInternalSpaceOverlay | |
CInternalText | |
CInventoryPanelController | Manages the Inventory Panel tahts displayed in Editor and Flight |
CiTween | |
CIVASun | |
CKeepRot | |
CKerbal | |
CKerbalExpressionAI | |
CkerbalExpressionSystem | |
►CKerbalInstructorBase | |
CKerbalInstructor | |
CKerbalPreview | This class is used to hold a reference to the materials of the helmet and body. In order to apply the suit selections into the 3D preview. |
CKerbalVisorGlossiness | This Script lowers the visor glossiness of the Kerbal that appears in the moon during the kspMainMenu scene. Assign this script to the visor mesh gameObject. |
CKrakensbane | |
CKSCPauseMenu | |
CKSP.FX.Fireworks.FireworkFX | Class representing a single firework from a launcher - shell + trails + bursts |
CKSP.FX.Fireworks.FireworkFXComponent | Class to customize a single firework artifice from the values fed by the module |
CKSP.UI.AlarmClockUIAddPane | The pane that hangs out and lets you add alarms |
►CKSP.UI.AnchoredDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KSCFacilityContextMenu | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KSCVesselMarker | |
CKSP.UI.AnchoredDialogHost | |
►CKSP.UI.BaseCrewAssignmentDialog | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MECrewAssignmentDialog | |
CKSP.UI.CrewAssignmentDialog | |
CKSP.UI.ButtonSpritesMgr | |
CKSP.UI.CanvasGroupEventLocker | |
CKSP.UI.CanvasGroupInputLock | |
CKSP.UI.ContentAspectController | |
CKSP.UI.CrewListItem | |
CKSP.UI.DialogMouseEnterControlLock | |
CKSP.UI.Dialogs.FlightResultsDialog | Spawning with F3 button don't work yet |
CKSP.UI.Dialogs.KerbNetDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Dialogs.WaypointTarget | |
CKSP.UI.DialogUISelectFile | |
CKSP.UI.DialogUISelectFileItem | |
CKSP.UI.DragHandler | |
CKSP.UI.DropHandler | |
CKSP.UI.EventTriggerForwarder | |
CKSP.UI.ExperimentalVersionReadout | |
►CKSP.UI.GenericAppFrame | A scalable (by dragging the mouse) generic app frame |
CKSP.UI.AlarmClockUIFrame | The main frame/window of the Alarm clock |
CKSP.UI.ManeuverToolUIFrame | The main frame/window of the Maneuver Tool |
CKSP.UI.GenericCascadingList | Basically a factory class to make UIlistItems |
CKSP.UI.InteractableCtrlUIStates | |
CKSP.UI.Language.Language | |
CKSP.UI.Language.LanguageText | |
CKSP.UI.MessageSystemAppFrame | A scalable (by dragging the mouse) messaging app frame |
CKSP.UI.PointerClickHandler | For when you need clicks with PointerEventData and a Data field |
CKSP.UI.PointerEnterExitHandler | |
CKSP.UI.PrefabSpawner | |
CKSP.UI.ProgressBar | |
CKSP.UI.RectTransformQuadFitter | |
CKSP.UI.RendererSortOrder | |
CKSP.UI.Rendering.CameraShaderReplacement | |
CKSP.UI.Rendering.InvertSortOrder | |
CKSP.UI.Rendering.RTCanvas | |
CKSP.UI.ResizingLayoutElement | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ACSceneDespawner | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ACSceneSpawner | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ActionGroupsPanel | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ActiveStrategyListItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Administration | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AdministrationSceneDespawner | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AdministrationSceneSpawner | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AltimeterSliderButtons | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncher | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncherButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIInputPanel | A panel that will display dynamic input fields based on the bound data class |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMember | This is the UI element, with a link to the object.field or property behind it |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberDateTime | An Input field for numeric data |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberDropdown | A Dropdown field for selecting an item from a list |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberDropdownMultiLine | A Dropdown field for selecting an item from a list |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberHeading | A Header for separating the inputs |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberInput | An Input field for string data |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberInputFloat | An Input field for numeric data |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberLabel | A label field for display data |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberLabelList | A label field for display data |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberRadioBool | A toggle between two values underpinned by a bool |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberSliderFloat | A label field for display data |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberSliderFloatMultiLine | A label field for display data |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AppUIMemberToggleBool | A toggle between two values underpinned by a bool |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AstronautComplex | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.BasePartCategorizer | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEPartCategorizer | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.CraftBrowserDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.CraftEntry | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.CraftSearch | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.AddDebugScreens | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.DebugScreen | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.DebugScreenCheats | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.DebugScreenConsole | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.DebugScreenInputLocks | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.DebugScreenScreenToggle | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.DebugScreenSpawner | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.ScreenDatabaseList | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.ScreenDatabaseAssemblies | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.ScreenDatabaseAudio | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.ScreenDatabaseConfig | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.ScreenDatabaseModels | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.ScreenDatabaseTextures | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.ScreenDatabaseStrings | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.CheatsCareer | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.CheatsComets | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.CheatsObjectThrower | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.DestroyAfterTime | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.HackGravity | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.MaxProgression | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.SetOrbit | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.SetPosition | This class enables the user to set the active vessel to a specific location whithin a celestial boy surface. When the ship is set, it's at the specified place in the specified orientation, with a surface-relative velocity of zero. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Contract.ScreenAddContracts | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Contract.ScreenContractExistingItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Contract.ScreenContractList | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Contract.ScreenContractNewItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Contract.ScreenContractTools | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Database.ScreenDatabaseOverview | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.GraphFPS | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.Memory | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ScreenDeltaVEngineInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ScreenDeltaVInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ScreenDeltaVPartsListInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ScreenDeltaVPropellantInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ScreenDeltaVStageInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ScreenFlightInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ScreenVesselMassInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ScreenVesselMassPartInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.ShowInputLocks | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.VersionInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.DebugScreenInputDouble | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.DebugScreenSlider | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.DebugScreenToggle | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.AllowPartClipping | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.BiomesVisibleInMap | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.IgnoreEVAConstructionMassLimit | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.IgnoreKerbalInventoryLimits | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.IgnoreMaxTemperature | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.InfiniteElectricity | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.InfinitePropellant | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.MiddleMouseClickSetPosition | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.NoCrashDamage | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.NonStrictPartAttachment | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.PauseOnVesselUnpack | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.StringsMissingKeysToggle | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.StringsOverrideMELock | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.StringsShowKeysToggle | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.UnbreakableJoints | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.GamePlay.Difficulty | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.GamePlay.KerbalScreen | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.GamePlay.KerbalScreenItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.GamePlay.ScreenKerbalCreate | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Mission.ScreenAddMissions | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Mission.ScreenMissionExistingItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Mission.ScreenMissionList | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Mission.ScreenMissionNewItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Mission.ScreenMissionTools | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Physics.ScreenAero | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Physics.ScreenDrag | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Physics.ScreenKerbalEVAMaterial | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Physics.ScreenPhysics | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Physics.ScreenThermal | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Resources.Debugging | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Resources.ScreenResources | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Serenity.ScreenRobotics | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Serenity.ScreenROCs | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Serenity.ScreenSerenity | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DirectoryController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.PartListTooltipMasterController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.PartListTooltipWidget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionGroups | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartSelector | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorInventoryOnlyIcon | This script manages the ui parts for the icon that appears when dragging an inventory item that can't be dropped in scene (hence it is inventory only item) |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorLaunchPadItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorPanels | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorPartIcon | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEPartSelectorEntry | The class is a subclass of the VAB/SPH editor part icon class. This class handles the display of parts into the UI of the game and all the related interactions with such parts, like filtering, enable, disable, tooltip display, etc. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDPartListItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorPartList | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorSaveFolderItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorSubassemblyItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorVariantItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.ActionGroupToggleButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.AltitudeTumbler | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.Dialogs.CrewHatchDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.Dialogs.CrewHatchDialogWidget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.Dialogs.ExperimentsResultDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.Dialogs.FlagPlaqueDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.GeeGauge | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.IVAEVACollapseGroups | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.KerbalPortrait | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.KerbalPortraitGallery | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.LEDLin | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.LEDRot | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.LightDisplay | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.LinearAtmosphereGauge | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.LinearControlGauges | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.MapViewPanelTransition | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.METDisplay | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.NavBall | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.NavBallBurnVector | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.NavBallToggle | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.RCSDisplay | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.SASDisplay | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.SpeedDisplay | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.StageTumbler | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.StagingLED | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.TelemetryUpdate | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.TemperatureGauge | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.TemperatureGaugeSystem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.ThrottleGauge | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Flight.VerticalSpeedGauge | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.HelixGauge | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_Null | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_PlanetInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_PlanetParameters | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_PlanetResources | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.KbAppUnowned | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_UnownedInfo | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.KbAppVessel | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_VesselCrew | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_VesselInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbAppFrame | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.KbItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbItem_flagImage | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbItem_kerbalInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbItem_resourceFooter | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbItem_resourceHeader | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbItem_resourceItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbItem_unownedInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbItem_vesselInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KerbalListItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KnowledgeBase | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KSCVesselMarkers | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.LED | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.LinearGauge | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapViewCanvasUtil | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MCListItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MEPartCategoryButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MessageSystemButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MessageSystemPopup | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MissionControl | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MissionRecoveryDialog | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizerButton | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEPartCategorizerButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizerPopup | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizerPopupAddPart | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PrereleaseWarningDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDArchivesController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDDropDownList | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDDropDownListContainer | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDDropDownListItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDNode | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDNodeList | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDNodeListItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDNodePrefab | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDPartList | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDPlanetListItemContainer | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDReportListItemContainer | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDSceneDespawner | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDSceneSpawner | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDTechTree | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDTechTreeSearchBar | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDTestSceneLoader | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ResourceDisplayOptions | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ResourceItem | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.RotationalGauge | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RotationalGaugeOffsetMarker | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsControlBase | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.ReflectedSettingsWindowTab | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsControlReflection | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsAxisScale | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsBoolToggle | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsBoolToggleBitMask | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsBoolTogglePPFX | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsFloatRange | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInputAxis | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInputKey | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsIntArrayButtons | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsIntArrayRange | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsIntButtons | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsIntRange | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsIntToggle | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsLabel | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsTrackIRBool | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsGraphicsResolution | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInputGroupTitle | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsKeyboardLayoutApply | Settings control to apply the selected layout |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsKeyboardLayoutInput | Settings control to display available layouts settings |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsKeyboardLayoutOs | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsScreenTab | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsTerrainDetail | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInputBinding | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInputBindingMode | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.Values.SettingsValueBoolTitleChange | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.Values.SettingsValueIntToString | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsScreen | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsScreenSetup | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsTemplate | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsTemplateDualLayouts | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsWindow | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsInput | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.Controls.SettingsLayoutConfig | Layout settings tab |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindow | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindow_6DOF | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindow_Mouse | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindow_TrackIR | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SimpleLayout | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.BuildingPicker | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.BuildingPickerItem | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.MissionSummaryDialog.MissionSummaryWidget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.MissionSummaryDialog.CrewWidget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.MissionSummaryDialog.PartWidget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.MissionSummaryDialog.ResourceWidget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceCenter.MissionSummaryDialog.ScienceSubjectWidget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpaceTracking | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SpriteTumblerObject | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.StageGroup | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.StageIcon | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.StageIconInfoBox | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.StageManager | Staging "rules": StageIcons are only created when a part becomes active. StageIcons are only destroyed when a part dies |
CKSP.UI.Screens.StrategyListItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.TrackingStationObjectButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.TrackingStationWidget | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Tumbler | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.uGUITumblerObject | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.UIApp | |
CDeltaVApp | |
CExpansions.Missions.Runtime.MissionsApp | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ActionGroupsApp | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.AlarmClockApp | The base app object for the Alarm Clock |
CKSP.UI.Screens.CargoApp | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ConstructionApp | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ContractsApp | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.CurrencyWidgetsApp | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EngineersReport | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KSPediaApp | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.MessageSystem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ResourceDisplay | |
CManeuverTool | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.UIAppSpawner | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.UIGridArea | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.UIScrollRectState | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.UISpaceCenter | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.VesselIconSprite | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.VesselRenameDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.VesselSpawnDialog | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.VSDSceneSpawner | |
CKSP.UI.SimpleAppFrame | A simple, non-scalable app frame |
CKSP.UI.SliderValueToText | |
CKSP.UI.StageManagerParentResizer | Hardcoded component meant for scaling the stagemanager parent recttransform so the top of the scrollable stage list always is at the bottom of the timewarp panel. |
►CKSP.UI.Tooltip | |
CCommNet.Tooltip_SignalStrength | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.NodeListTooltip | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.InventoryPartListTooltip | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.PartListTooltip | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipTypes.Tooltip_Text | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipTypes.Tooltip_TitleAndText | |
CKSP.UI.TooltipController | |
CKSP.UI.TweeningController | Controls everything in the tweening canvas. Will destroy everything in this canvas on scene load requested. |
CKSP.UI.TweeningElement | |
CKSP.UI.UIButtonToggle | |
►CKSP.UI.UICameraBase | |
CKSP.UI.UIDialogCamera | |
CKSP.UI.UIMainCamera | |
CKSP.UI.UIVectorCamera | |
CKSP.UI.UICanvasPrefab | |
CKSP.UI.UICanvasPrefabSpawner | |
CKSP.UI.UICascadingList | Heavily influenced by the limiations put on us by EzGUI. Moves items in and out of lists because of that. It needs a rewrite to adhere to how things work in U5 |
CKSP.UI.UIDragAndDropController | |
CKSP.UI.UIHoverSlidePanel | |
CKSP.UI.UIInputExtraMouseButtons | |
CKSP.UI.UIList | List for organizing items within a transform handled by a LayoutGroup. The only responsibility of this component is to add/remove/sort elements in this transform. |
►CKSP.UI.UIListItem | |
CKSP.UI.UIListItem_spacer | |
CKSP.UI.UIListMover | |
CKSP.UI.UIListSorter | Ïmproved list sorter |
CKSP.UI.UIListToggleController | |
CKSP.UI.UIMasterController | |
CKSP.UI.UIOnClick | |
CKSP.UI.UIOnHover | |
CKSP.UI.UIPanelTransitionManager | |
CKSP.UI.UIPlanetariumDateTime | |
CKSP.UI.UIPrefabSpawner | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButton | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButtonColorChanger | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButtonStateChanger | |
CKSP.UI.UIRectScaler | |
CKSP.UI.UISelectableGridLayoutGroup | |
►CKSP.UI.UISelectableGridLayoutGroupItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionControllerHeader | header for each override group. looks after display and edit of the name, as well as group collapse button. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionControllerOpenButton | header for each override group. looks after display and edit of the name, as well as group collapse button. |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionGroup_Base | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionGroup | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionOverrideGroup | header for each override group. looks after display and edit of the name, as well as group collapse button. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionOverrideToggle | Toggle for overriding the default group |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartItem | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionPartReset | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.EditorActionTitleItem | |
CKSP.UI.UISelectableList | |
►CKSP.UI.UISelectableListItem | |
CKSP.UI.UISelectableListItem_ColorButton | |
CKSP.UI.UISelectableListItem_StateButton | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateButton | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateImage | |
CKSP.UI.UIStatePanel | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateRawImage | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateText | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateToggleButton | |
CKSP.UI.UITextButton | |
CKSP.UI.UITimeWarpController | |
CKSP.UI.UITimeWarpScrubber | |
CKSP.UI.UITogglePanel | |
►CKSP.UI.UITransitionBase | |
►CKSP.UI.UIPanelTransition | |
CKSP.UI.UIPanelTransitionToggle | |
CKSP.UI.UIPanelTransitionRTScaler | Never saw the light of day.... Works in conjunction with UIPanelTransition and scales a recttransform using it's Top and Bottom values Only vertical scaling is implemented. |
CKSP.UI.UIPanelTweener | Very much like UIPanelTransition, only without any predefined states. Use to 'tween' panels to arbitrary positions |
CKSP.UI.UITransparencyController | |
CKSP.UI.UITreeView | |
CKSP.UI.UITreeViewItem | |
CKSP.UI.UIWarpToNextMorning | |
CKSP.UI.UIWindow | |
CKSP.UI.UIWindowArea | |
CKSP.UI.UIWorldPointer | |
CKSP.UI.Util.CanvasTools | |
CKSP.UI.Util.ImgText | |
CKSP.UI.Util.RectContainmentDetector | |
CKSP.UI.VesselListItem | |
CKSPAssets.KSPedia.KSPediaAspectController | |
CKSPAssets.KSPedia.KSPediaContentItem | |
CKSPAssets.KSPedia.KSPediaSpawner | |
CKSPCompression | |
CKSPLog | |
CKSPParticleEmitter | |
CLadderEndCheck | |
CLaunchPadFX | |
CLED | |
CLinearGauge | |
CLingoonaGrammarFormatter | This is a simple example for a reusable Unity Component utilizing the Lingoona Grammar Library to apply a formatted string to an UI Text element. |
CLoadCraftDialog | |
CLoadGameDialog | |
CLoadGameSearch | |
CLoadingAnimation | |
CLoadingBufferMask | |
CLoadingScreen | Singleton class which contains compiles various game objects. |
►CLoadingSystem | |
CExpansions.ExpansionsLoader | Keeps track of all expansions detected |
CFontLoader | |
CGameDatabase | A singleton class which parses the game directory for config files and files of various types. It creates a simple url access for these files and configs so they can be used in the game scripts. Contains the main instance of GameSettings. |
CPartLoader | Singleton class which contains compiles various game objects. |
CLocalParticleGravity | |
CLocalPhysXGravity | |
CLocalSpace | |
CLookAtObject | |
CMainMenu | |
CMainMenuEnvLogic | |
CMainMenuExpressionManager | A simple face animation controller to have Kerbals show a static facial expression |
CMainMenuTerrainSelector | |
CMakingHistoryAboutDialog | |
CManeuverGizmoBase | |
CManeuverGizmoHandle | |
CManeuverNodeEditorManager | |
CManeuverNodeEditorSlider | |
CManeuverNodeEditorTab | |
CManeuverNodeEditorTabButton | |
CManeuverNodeEditorVectorHandle | |
CManeuverToolCBContainer | A container that is used to render a CB in the Maneuver Tool visualizer window. |
CManeuverToolVisualTextBox | |
►CMapObject | |
CScaledMovement | |
►CMapView | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MissionEditorMapView | |
CMapViewFiltering | |
CMaterialBasedOnGraphicsSetting | |
CMaterialSetDirection | |
CMCAvatarController | |
CMCDespawner | |
CMCSceneSpawner | |
CMEBannerBrowser | |
CMEGapCategoryScroll | |
CMenuGravityOverride | |
CMenuMusic | |
CMenuNavigation | |
CMenuRandomKerbalAnims | |
CMeshLocator | |
CMeshOp | |
CMessageSystemAdvancedButton | |
CMiniKeyBindings | |
CMiniSettings | |
CMissionBriefingTag | |
CModalGUI | |
CModelPartEvent | |
CMonoUtilities | |
CMouse | |
►CMouseEventsHandlerBase | This component will try to find a script that implements the IMouseEvents interface in the parent gameobject, and send mouse event calls to it. Use this when you have colliders in child objects, but want to receive mouse events on the parent. |
CMouseEventsHandler | This component will try to find a script that implements the IMouseEvents interface in the parent gameobject, and send mouse event calls to it. Use this when you have colliders in child objects, but want to receive mouse events on the parent. |
►CMouseRayEventsHandler | This class emulates unity mouse events for objects that can only be interacted with ray casts |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.SpriteButton | Button implementation based on sprites and MouseEventsHandler |
CMunOrBustLogic | |
CMusicLogic | |
CNavWaypoint | |
CNestedPrefabSpawner | Spawns in prefabs from the list |
CNoiseEffect | |
COBJ | |
COrbitDriver | |
COrbitPhysicsManager | |
►COrbitRendererBase | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.GAPOrbitRenderer | Manages the display representation of an orbit in the MissionEditor Action Pane Display This class is a modified version of the stock OrbitRenderer and was modified to work within the bounds of the mission editor only |
►COrbitRenderer | |
►COrbitTargetRenderer | |
CContractOrbitRenderer | |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionOrbitRenderer | Custom Orbit renderer class used to display test orbit target during Mission execution |
COrbitTargeter | |
COverlayGenerator | |
COverlaySetup | |
CPart | |
CPartBuoyancy | |
CParticleBillboardModifier | |
CParticleColliderLaunchSequence | drops a number of chaoticly spinning colliders over time mimicing the jetwash effect of exhaust will enable and disable all colliders in its child heirarchy when its time for launch |
CParticleScaler | |
►CPartItemTransfer | |
CCrewTransfer | |
CExperimentTransfer | |
CPartJoint | |
►CPartModule | |
CAxisTestModule | |
CBaseConverter | |
CCommNet.ModuleProbeControlPoint | A module that dictates that this part, along with a minimum vessel crew, can remotely operate a probe. The idea being that the crew of a vessel can potentially control a rover/probe on the ground, without having to trace all the way back to KSC. |
CCommNet.ModuleRelayEnabler | Enables relay for all antennas, not just those of type RELAY. Takes the use ModuleResource setup (RESOURCE) |
►CCompoundParts.CompoundPartModule | |
CCompoundParts.CModuleFuelLine | |
CCompoundParts.CModuleLinkedMesh | |
CCompoundParts.CModuleStrut | |
CEVAResourceContainer | |
CExpansions.Serenity.BaseServo | |
CExpansions.Serenity.ModuleRoboticController | A Controller module for managing KSPAxisField/KSPAction values over time |
►CFlagDecal | |
CFlagDecalBackground | This Part Module enables a part flag to be placed to a part and move it through it's surface. |
CFlagSite | |
CFXModuleAnimateRCS | |
CFXModuleAnimateThrottle | |
CFXModuleConstrainPosition | |
CFXModuleLookAtConstraint | |
CKerbalEVA | |
CKerbalSeat | |
CLaunchClamp | |
CModuleAblator | |
CModuleActiveRadiator | |
CModuleAlternator | Alternators use the power of engines to generate resources (most commonly electricity) |
CModuleAnalysisResource | |
CModuleAnimateGeneric | |
CModuleAnimationGroup | |
CModuleAnimationSetter | |
CModuleAnimatorLandingGear | |
CModuleAsteroid | yes, asteroids are parts. |
CModuleBiomeScanner | |
CModuleCargoBay | |
►CModuleCargoPart | |
CModuleGroundPart | |
CModuleColorChanger | |
CModuleComet | yes, comets are parts. |
CModuleCommand | |
CModuleConductionMultiplier | |
CModuleCoreHeat | |
CModuleDataTransmitter | |
CModuleDecouplerBase | |
CModuleDeployablePart | |
CModuleDisplaceTweak | |
CModuleDockingNode | |
CModuleDragAreaModifier | |
CModuleDragModifier | |
CModuleDynamicNodes | |
CModuleEffectTest | |
CModuleEngines | |
CModuleEnviroSensor | |
CModuleExperienceManagement | |
CModuleFlightDisplay | |
CModuleFuelJettison | |
CModuleGenerator | |
CModuleGimbal | |
CModuleGPS | |
CModuleGrappleNode | |
CModuleInventoryPart | |
CModuleJettison | |
CModuleJointMotor | |
CModuleJointMotorTest | |
CModuleJointPivot | |
CModuleKerbNetAccess | |
CModuleLiftingSurface | |
CModuleLight | |
CModuleMirrorPlacement | This module is implemented on Parts that require rotation changes when being placed in the editor scene in Mirror symmetry mode. |
CModuleOrbitalScanner | |
CModuleOrbitalSurveyor | |
CModuleOverheatDisplay | |
CModuleParachute | |
CModulePartFirework | |
CModulePartVariants | This part module will allow a part to have multiple "Variants". A Variant is a visual alternative of a part. It can change its materials properites and model. (Model changes shouldnt be drastic so it keeps consistent but are possible) When adding this module, an automatic "Base" Variant is made, this variant will reset the part to its original state. Parts that have variants will display a small icon in the left corner of the part selector, this icon can be clicked to toggle between them. You can also select a variant from the PAW by rightclicking in the part. |
CModulePhysicMaterial | |
CModuleProceduralFairing | |
CModuleRCS | |
CModuleReactionWheel | |
CModuleRemoteController | |
CModuleResourceAutoShiftState | |
CModuleResourceDrain | Perform an Action on a Part to drain a resource from it over time. |
CModuleResourceIntake | |
CModuleResourceScanner | |
CModuleSampleCollector | |
CModuleSampleContainer | |
CModuleSAS | |
CModuleScienceContainer | Science Containers, unlike experiments, cannot gather their own data, they have to have it transferred to them. Used to store data like surface samples gathered while out on EVA. |
CModuleScienceExperiment | |
CModuleScienceLab | |
CModuleSeeThroughObject | |
CModuleServiceModule | |
►CModuleSpaceObjectAnalysis | |
CModuleAsteroidAnalysis | |
CModuleCometAnalysis | |
►CModuleSpaceObjectInfo | |
CModuleAsteroidInfo | |
CModuleCometInfo | |
►CModuleSpaceObjectResource | |
CModuleAsteroidResource | |
CModuleCometResource | |
CModuleStatusLight | |
CModuleStructuralNode | |
CModuleStructuralNodeToggle | |
CModuleSurfaceFX | |
CModuleTestSubject | |
CModuleToggleCrossfeed | |
CModuleTripLogger | |
CModuleWheelBase | |
►CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelSubmodule | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelBogey | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelBrakes | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelDamage | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelDeployment | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelLock | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelMotor | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelSteering | |
CModuleWheels.ModuleWheelSuspension | |
CMultiModeEngine | |
►CPartModuleFXSetter | |
CFXModuleThrottleEffects | |
CModuleHeatEffects | |
CPartStatsUpgradeModule | PartModule to allow using the Upgrades system to change part fields. Doesn't support everything, but does support all the basic reflected part fields. |
CRetractableLadder | |
CSentinelMission.SentinelModule | |
CPartPointer | This class serves as a pointer to an actual Part class, it should be instanced in a gameobject that has a collider, so it can be raycasted and then return the held part reference by this class. |
CPartResourceLibrary | |
CPartSelector | |
CPartTools | |
CPartToolsLibrary | |
CPatchedConicRenderer | |
CPatchedConicSolver | |
CPauseAudioFadeHandler | |
CPauseMenu | |
CPerformance | |
CphysicalObject | Small, one shot debris that are not persistent. This class will remove the objects at distance and ensure they are properly integrated with krakensbane systems. |
CPhysicMaterialLibrary | |
CPhysicsGlobals | |
CPieChart | 3D pie chart control |
CPieChartSlice | 3D pie chart slice object. Don't add manually, they're created by PieChart itself |
CPlanetarium | |
CPlanetariumCamera | |
CPopupDialog | |
CPopupDialogController | |
CPQ | |
CPQS | |
CPQS_Collider | |
CPQS_ColliderAdvanced | |
CPQS_ColliderRigidbodyTest | Fakes spherical gravity of a PQS and gives the collider test object a camera relative force to play with |
CPQS_KSPBinder | |
CPQS_PartCollider | |
CPQSCache | |
CPQSGlobeDisplay | |
CPQSMeshPlanet | |
CPQSMeshWrapper | |
►CPQSMod | |
CPQSLandControl | |
CPQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial | |
CPQSMod_AltitudeAlpha | |
CPQSMod_AltitudeUV | |
CPQSMod_BillboardObject | |
CPQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform | |
CPQSMod_CreateSphereCollider | |
CPQSMod_FlattenArea | |
CPQSMod_FlattenAreaTangential | |
CPQSMod_FlattenOcean | |
CPQSMod_GnomonicTest | |
CPQSMod_HeightColorMap | |
CPQSMod_HeightColorMap2 | |
CPQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise | |
CPQSMod_LandClassController | |
CPQSMod_MapDecal | |
CPQSMod_MapDecalTangent | |
CPQSMod_MaterialFadeAltitude | |
CPQSMod_MaterialFadeAltitudeDouble | |
CPQSMod_MaterialQuadRelative | |
CPQSMod_MaterialSetDirection | |
CPQSMod_MeshScatter | |
CPQSMod_OceanFX | |
CPQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast | |
CPQSMod_QuadMeshColliders | |
CPQSMod_RemoveQuadMap | |
CPQSMod_SmoothLatitudeRange | |
CPQSMod_SurfaceObjectQuads | |
CPQSMod_TangentTextureRanges | |
CPQSMod_TextureAtlas | |
CPQSMod_UV_Quad | |
CPQSMod_UV_Sphere | |
CPQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition | |
CPQSMod_VertexColorMap | |
CPQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend | |
CPQSMod_VertexColorNoise | |
CPQSMod_VertexColorNoiseRGB | |
CPQSMod_VertexColorSolid | |
CPQSMod_VertexColorSolidBlend | |
CPQSMod_VertexDefineCoastLine | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightMap | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightMapStep | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightNoise | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseHeightMap | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve3 | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightOblate | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightOffset | |
CPQSMod_VertexNoise | |
CPQSMod_VertexPlanet | |
CPQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve | |
CPQSMod_VertexSimplexColorRGB | |
CPQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight | |
CPQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute | |
CPQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightFlatten | |
CPQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap | |
CPQSMod_VertexSimplexMultiChromatic | |
CPQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor | |
CPQSMod_VertexVoronoi | |
CPQSMod_VoronoiCraters | |
CPQSMod_VoronoiCraters2 | |
CPQSROCControl | |
►CPQSSurfaceObject | |
CPQSCity | |
CPQSCity2 | |
CPQSMod_LandClassScatterQuad | |
CPQSMod_MeshScatter_QuadControl | |
CPrefabSpawner | |
CPreviewPanel | |
CPrivacyDialog | |
CProceduralAsteroidTest | |
CProceduralCometTest | |
CProceduralCubemap | |
►CProceduralSpaceObject | |
CProceduralAsteroid | |
CProceduralComet | |
CProceduralStarfield | |
CProgMeshControl | |
CProjectLoad | |
CProjectModelLoad | |
CProjectModelSave | |
CProjectSave | |
CPropCollider | |
CPropertyIDs | |
CPropObject | |
CPropTools | |
►CPSpaceObject | |
CPAsteroid | |
CPComet | |
CPSystem | Use a PSystem prefab to define a solar system setup starting with the root body (sun usually). The PSystemManager requires a reference to the PSystem prefab in order to set up the system. |
CPSystemBody | |
CPSystemManager | PSystemManager spawns a solar system defined by a PSystem prefab. If the local and scaled parent transforms are null it will spawn its own. If the spawnPQS flag is set then it'll spawn the pqs representations of planets into local space. |
CPSystemSetup | |
CQuickSaveLoad | |
CRDArchivesAvatarController | |
CRDPartCollisionHandler | |
CRDTech | |
CReentryFXParticleTrail | |
CResetTransformOnSceneSwitch | |
CResourceCache | |
CResourceMap | |
CResourceSetup | |
CROC | |
CROCManager | |
CRotato | |
CRUI.Icons.Selectable.IconLoader | Used in PartCategorizer for editor part category icons |
CRUI.Icons.Simple.IconLoader | Used in the RDController for tech tree icons |
CRunwayCollisionHandler | |
CSandCastleLogic | |
CSavingBtnSoftLock | This is a helper class that sets an EDITOR_SOFT_LOCK when the cursor is hovering the Save Button in the Editor. |
CScaledCamera | |
CScaledFloatingOrigin | |
CScaledSpace | |
CScaledSpaceFader | |
CScaledSun | |
CScenarioLoadDialog | |
CScenarioModule | ScenarioModule provides a base to write scenario-specific logic, like tutorials and missions. It handles persistence integration. |
CScenarioRunner | Provides an entry point for scenario module management. |
CSceneUtil | |
CScreenMessages | |
CScreenMessagesText | |
CScreenShot | |
CScreenSpaceObjectScaling | |
CScrollRectPixelPerfectHandler | |
CSerenityAboutDialog | |
CShaderTimeOffset | |
CSimpleOrbitController | |
CSiteNode | |
CSkySphereControl | |
CSmokeTrailControl | |
CSmooth.Compare.Utilities.LogUnregisteredOnDestroy | Simple utility that listens to finder events and logs all requests for unregistered comparers when the component is destroyed |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.DistinctLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.DistinctSlinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.ExceptLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.ExceptSlinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.GroupByLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.GroupBySlinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.GroupJoinLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.GroupJoinSlinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.IntersectLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.IntersectSlinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.JoinLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.JoinSlinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.OrderByLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.OrderBySlinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.SlinqTest | Test controller and (de)verifier for Smooth.Slinq. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.UnionLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.UnionSlinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.WhereTakeSelectAggregateLinq | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Test.WhereTakeSelectAggregateSlinq | |
CSmoothDisposer | |
CSmoothFollow2 | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.HorizontalFovSetter | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.Item | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.ItemsGenerator | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.Minimap | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.SoftMaskSampleChooser | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.SoftMaskToggler | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.Tooltip | |
CSpaceCenter | |
CSpaceCenterBuilding | |
CSpaceCenterBuildingCollider | |
CSpaceCenterCamera | |
CSpaceCenterCamera2 | |
►CSpaceCenterCrew | |
CGroundCrew | |
CMechanic | |
CMechanicDriller | |
CMechanicHammer | |
CMechanicLugWrench | |
CMechanicScrew | |
CMechanicWrench | |
CMechanicWrenchEnglish | |
CScientist | |
CSpaceCenterMain | |
CSpaceCenterSurfaceObject | |
►CSpaceNavigatorCamera | |
CSpaceNavigatorFreeCamera | |
CSpaceNavigatorLocalCamera | |
►CSpaceObjectCollider | |
CAsteroidCollider | |
CSPHCamera | |
CSplashdown | |
CStageGroupInfoItem | The mono that is displayed for each item in the stage group info panel |
CSteamManager | |
CSteamWorkshopExportDialog | Steam workshop export item dialogue |
CSuitButton | This class represents a suit type in the helmet suit picker window. On click, it will apply the selections into its proto crew. |
CSuitCombos | Stores the data loaded from the NEW_SUITCOMBOS nodes, and references the stock combos. |
CSuitLightColorPicker | This class set-ups the glow light color picker objects for the future suit. |
CSun | |
CSunCoronas | |
CSunFlare | |
CSunShaderController | |
CSurfaceFX | |
CSurfaceObject | |
CSVBoxSlider | |
CSystemInformation | |
Ctest_particles | |
CTestScripts.FacilitySceneryLoader | |
CTestScripts.HighLogicLoadedSceneSelector | |
CTestScripts.KerbalEVATestInitializer | This class is used on the EVA test scene to initialize the EVAs in the scene with vessel components and whatnot, as if they had been spawned from FlightEVA. |
CTestScripts.SceneryTestSceneLoader | |
CTestVehicleController | |
CTetrahedron | |
CTextButton3D | |
CTextMeshQueue | |
CTextProButton3D | |
CTextureTools | |
CTiltWindow | |
CTimedObjectDestructor | |
CTimeOfDayAnimation | |
CTimeWarp | |
CTiming0 | |
CTiming1 | |
CTiming2 | |
CTiming3 | |
CTiming4 | |
CTiming5 | |
CTimingFI | |
CTimingManager | |
CTimingPre | |
CTMPro.Examples.Benchmark01 | |
CTMPro.Examples.Benchmark01_UGUI | |
CTMPro.Examples.Benchmark02 | |
CTMPro.Examples.Benchmark03 | |
CTMPro.Examples.Benchmark04 | |
CTMPro.Examples.CameraController | |
CTMPro.Examples.ObjectSpin | |
CTMPro.Examples.ShaderPropAnimator | |
CTMPro.Examples.SimpleScript | |
CTMPro.Examples.SkewTextExample | |
CTMPro.Examples.TeleType | |
CTMPro.Examples.TextConsoleSimulator | |
CTMPro.Examples.TextMeshProFloatingText | |
CTMPro.Examples.TextMeshSpawner | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_ExampleScript_01 | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_FrameRateCounter | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextEventCheck | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextInfoDebugTool | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextSelector_A | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_TextSelector_B | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMP_UiFrameRateCounter | |
CTMPro.Examples.TMPro_InstructionOverlay | |
CTMPro.Examples.VertexColorCycler | |
CTMPro.Examples.VertexJitter | |
CTMPro.Examples.VertexShakeA | |
CTMPro.Examples.VertexShakeB | |
CTMPro.Examples.VertexZoom | |
CTMPro.Examples.WarpTextExample | |
CTMPro.TMP_ScrollbarEventHandler | |
CTMPro.TMP_SpriteAnimator | |
CTMPro.TMP_SubMesh | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextEventHandler | |
CTorus | |
CTrackingStationDishMovement | |
CTrackIR | |
CTrackRigObject | This will track the position and rotation of an object in a hierarchy. Made necessary by Unity 4's inability to activate a child of a deactivated parent. |
CTriangularPrism | |
CTriggersTools.AutoAscent | |
CTumbler | |
CTumblers | |
CUIAutoContentSizer | |
CUIButtonTextColor | |
CUICameraController | |
►CUIConfirmDialog | Mission expansion confirm dialogue with OK and Cancel buttons as well as a Checkbox for don't show this dialog again |
CUIFolderManagementDialog | Mission expansion confirm dialogue with OK and Cancel buttons as well as a Checkbox for don't show this dialog again |
CUIConstructionPanelPart | |
CUIListClamper | Clamps a list based on it's recttransforms size which is used as parent for list items adds another element at the top of the list to indicate the list is full |
►CUIMarquee | Utility Marquee tool for TMPro labels, moves the text horizontally when it's being truncated. |
CUIMarquee_ActionField | Marquee tool for labels in the action groups UI |
CUIMarquee_PAW | Marquee tool for labels in the PAW |
CUINavExplicit | |
CUINavMouseChecker | |
CUIPartActionController | |
CUIPartActionControllerInventory | |
CUIPartActionControllerSpawner | |
CUIPartActionInventorySlot | |
►CUIPartActionItem | |
CUIPartActionAeroDisplay | |
►CUIPartActionEventItem | |
CUIPartActionButton | |
►CUIPartActionFieldItem | |
CUIPartActionChooseOption | |
CUIPartActionColorPicker | |
CUIPartActionCycle | |
CUIPartActionFieldFloatRange | |
CUIPartActionFloatEdit | |
CUIPartActionFloatRange | |
CUIPartActionInventory | |
CUIPartActionLabel | |
CUIPartActionMinMaxRange | |
CUIPartActionProgressBar | |
CUIPartActionResourceDrain | Ths field is used for displaying a list of resources to drain with the resource name and drain rate for each resource. |
CUIPartActionScaleEdit | |
CUIPartActionToggle | |
CUIPartActionVariantSelector | |
CUIPartActionVector2 | |
CUIPartActionFuelFlowOverlay | |
CUIPartActionGroup | This class allows any dev or modder to group PAW fields into a collapsable Group. |
►CUIPartActionResourceItem | |
CUIPartActionResource | |
CUIPartActionResourceEditor | |
CUIPartActionResourceTransfer | |
CUIPartActionResourcePriority | |
CUIPartActionRoboticJointDisplay | |
CUIPartActionThermalDisplay | |
CUIPartActionResourceToggle | Prefab class used no display a PAW item for a resource to toggle, a delegate is added to add any kind of hebaviour to it. |
CUIPartActionVariantButton | |
CUIPartActionWindow | |
CUISkinManager | |
CUIVector2D | |
CUnderwaterFog | |
CUnitTestingWindow | Unit testing scene scripting |
►CUpgradeables.UpgradeableInterior | |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableInteriorMaterial | |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableInteriorScene | |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableInteriorSprite | |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableInteriorTexture | |
►CUpgradeables.UpgradeableObject | |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableFacility | |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableSlave | |
CVABCamera | |
CVectrosity.BrightnessControl | |
CVectrosity.LineManager | |
CVectrosity.VectorObject3D | |
CVectrosity.VisibilityControl | |
CVectrosity.VisibilityControlAlways | |
CVectrosity.VisibilityControlStatic | |
►CVehiclePhysics.GroundMaterialManagerBase | Base class for the components that host and manage the materials for the scene. |
CVehiclePhysics.VPGroundMaterialManager | |
►CVehiclePhysics.VehicleBase | |
CKSPWheelController | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPVehicleController | |
►CVehiclePhysics.VehicleBehaviour | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAdvancedDamper | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAeroSurface | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAntiRollBar | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAudio | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPBlockDebugger | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPDamage | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPDynamicSuspension | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPForceCones | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPPerformanceDisplay | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPProgressiveSuspension | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPResetVehicle | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPRollingFriction | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPSegmentedSpeedGauge | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPSettingsSwitcher | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPSuspensionGraph | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPTelemetry | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPTireEffects | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPTireFrictionModifier | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPTireFrictionMultiplier | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPVehicleInertia | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPVisualEffects | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPWeightData | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPWheelCollider | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPCameraController | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPCameraTarget | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPDiagnosticsCharts | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPGroundMarksRenderer | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPGroundParticleEmitter | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPHeadMotion | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPLiquidCargo | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPSolidCargo | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPVehicleJoint | |
►CVersioningBase | |
CVersioning | |
CVersionReadout | |
CVessel | Vessels define individual ships in flight. They work essentially as a header for the set of parts that make up the ship. |
CVesselAutopilotUI | |
CVesselDeltaV | This class stores ModuleEngines Data related to a Vessel or ShipConstruct which is used in DeltaV calculations. |
CVesselLabels | |
►CVesselModule | |
CAxisGroupsModule | |
CCometVessel | Vessel Module for Comets to be used for the work on the visuals that occur with them as they travel the cosmos |
CCommNet.CommNetVessel | VesselModule with telemetry link and control connection logic |
CFlightIntegrator | This script adds all external forces to the ship parts. |
CSuspensionLoadBalancer | Vessel Module for calculating and setting Suspension Load across a vessel. |
CVesselPrecalculate | This is the counterpart to FlightIntegrator. As FI runs after most other FixedUpdate things run and finally applies all physics changes for the frame prior to passing off to the integrator, this runs at the start of the frame and precalculates the values for the fixed frame, like CoM, vessel velocity and angular velocity, the force of gravity (and any drift compensation), vessel acceleration/G forces, and the like. It also will set position and rotation when on rails, or if off rails recompute the orbit based on those stats calculated. It handles being off rails specially: it will do its final update for any given UT in Update() rather than FixedUpdate() so the calculated pos/vel/etc stats for the vessel are correct for visual display. When on rails, nothing changes in PhysX integration so there is no need to run later. Note that so long as this is running, it tells the vessel's OrbitDriver not to do anything, and instead directly calls OrbitDriver's Update methods. This is because when off rails, orbit updating needs to occur after we determine vessel CoM and velocity, whereas when on rails, we need to update from the orbit before we calculate CoM and velocity. |
CVesselRetrieval | Manages the 'recovery queue' for vessels, after calling for a recovery from flight. |
CVesselSpawnSearch | |
CVesselSwitching | |
CVFXSequencer | |
CVolumeController | |
CVolumeNormalizer | |
►CVolumetricObjectBase | |
CBoxVolume | |
CConeVolume | |
CConeVolumeOcclusion | |
CSphereVolume | |
CWeldFX | This class controls the the welding gun FX and is a component of the welding gun prefab |
CWhackAKerbal | |
CWhatsNewDialog | |
CWindmillAnimScript | |
CMouse.MouseButton | |
CiT.MoveAdd | Translates a GameObject's position over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.MoveBy | Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position with FULL customization options. |
CiT.MoveFrom | Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.MoveTo | Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination with FULL customization options. |
CiT.MoveUpdate | Similar to MoveTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. |
CModelPartEvent.MPE | |
CMultiDim | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerRemoteToFront_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerRemoteWillActivate_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerRemoteWillDeactivate_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerSelectsPlaylistEntry_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerSelectsQueueEntry_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWantsLooped_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWantsPause_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWantsPlay_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWantsPlayingRepeatStatus_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWantsPlayNext_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWantsPlayPrevious_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWantsShuffled_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWantsVolume_t | |
CSteamworks.MusicPlayerWillQuit_t | |
CLingoona.NativeMethods | |
CNestedPrefabSpawner.NestedPrefab | |
CCommNet.Network.Net< _Net, _Data, _Link, _Path > | Network class. Overload SetNodeConnection to customize how links work |
►CNet< CommNetwork, CommNode, CommLink, CommPath > | |
CCommNet.CommNetwork | |
CSteamworks.NewLaunchQueryParameters_t | |
►CNode< CommNetwork, CommNode, CommLink, CommPath > | |
CCommNet.CommNode | A node on the comm network. Used for everything, vessels, ground stations, etc. |
CRnDDebugUtil.NodeMetrics | |
CMETutorialScenario.NodeTemplateName | used to access node with template name based on : MENode.basicNodeSource |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.NodeUtil | |
CCommNet.NodeUtilities | |
CNoiseGenerator | |
CPQSMod_VertexPlanet.NoiseModWrapper | |
CPartToolsEditor.NormalMapTools | |
CSteamworks.NumberOfCurrentPlayers_t | |
CGeometryBuffer.ObjectData | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ObjectToSearch | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Cheats.CheatsObjectThrower.ObjectType | |
CEdyCommonTools.ObjectUtility | |
►CCommNet.Occluder | |
CCommNet.Occluders.OccluderHorizonCulling | |
COcclusionCone | |
COcclusionCylinder | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Option | Extension methods for Option<T>. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.OptionContext< T > | |
CTMPro.TMP_Dropdown.OptionData | |
CTMPro.TMP_Dropdown.OptionDataList | |
COrbit | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.OrbitalConstruction | |
COrbitRendererData | |
►COrbitSnapshot | Represents the state of an orbiting object |
CExpansions.Missions.MissionOrbit | |
COrbitUtil | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.OrbitUtilities | |
CVehiclePhysics.EnergyProvider.Output | |
CSteamworks.P2PSessionConnectFail_t | |
CSteamworks.P2PSessionRequest_t | |
CSteamworks.P2PSessionState_t | |
CSoftMasking.Editor.PackageResources | |
CSteamworks.Packsize | |
CTargeting.PairOfIntervals | |
CKSP.UI.UIPanelTransition.PanelPosition | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.UIScrollRectState.PanelState | |
CKSP.UI.UIStatePanel.PanelState | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.AssetUsageDetector.Parameters | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDNode.Parent | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDNode.ParentAnchor | |
CParseExtensions | |
►CKSP.UI.Screens.PartListCategories.PartCategory | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartListCategories.BulkheadProfile | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartListCategories.TechTier | |
CPartCfg | |
CModuleCargoBay.PartCollider | |
CPartCrewManifest | Class which represents a part and the crew members which are assigned to it. |
CPartGameObjectInfo | Contains information of the state of a GameObject in a parts model hiererachy |
CPartGeometryUtil | |
CPartHeightQuery | |
CParticleSystemExt | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Editor.PartIcon | Use to Store a Part Icon GameObject Reference and cache it's Renderers |
CRnDDebugUtil.PartMetrics | |
CPartModuleUtil | |
CPartRawInfo | Contains information of the state of a GameObject in a parts model hiererachy |
CPartResource | |
CPartResourceDefinition | |
CPartResourceDrainDefinition | |
CPartSet | |
CDeltaVPartInfo.PartStageFuelMass | |
CPartThermalData | |
CVesselValues.PartValuesComparison< T > | |
CVesselValues.PartValuesOperation< T > | |
CPartToolsEditor.PartWriter | Contains the methods to write mu files |
CPatchedConics | |
CPatchRendering | |
►CPath< CommNetwork, CommNode, CommLink, CommPath > | |
CCommNet.CommPath | |
CPDebug | |
►CVehiclePhysics.PerformanceChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.AbsDiagnosticsChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.AccelerationsChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.AxleSuspensionChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.EngineChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.EssentialsChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.KineticEnergyChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.SuspensionAnalysisChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.SuspensionTravelChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.WheelLoadChart | |
CVehiclePhysics.WheelspinChart | |
CSteamworks.PersonaStateChange_t | |
CParticleConfigFX.PFXMaterial | |
CPhysicMaterialColor | Class that defines a shader color to associate with a PhysicMaterial Definition |
CPhysicMaterialDefinition | |
CPhysicsUtil | |
CLibNoise.Models.Plane | Model that maps the output of a module onto a plane. |
CTargeting.Plane | |
CPlanetaryResource | |
CPlanetarySample | |
CPlanetScanData | |
CSmooth.Platform.PlatformExtensions | Extension methods related to the runtime / base platform. |
CSteamworks.PlaybackStatusHasChanged_t | |
CKSP.IO.PluginConfigNode | A node containing configuration information |
CKSP.IO.PluginConfiguration | Acts as a proxy between plugins and the filesystem so plugins can't go and mess with stuff outside of KSP's install dir. Saves as an XML file in PluginData/assemblyname[/flightname]/config.xml. |
CPartToolsEditor.PNGWriter | |
CEdyCommonTools.Spline.Point | |
►CSmooth.Pools.Pool< T > | Pool that lends values of type T. |
CSmooth.Pools.PoolWithInitializer< T, U > | Pool that lends values of type T with an optional initializer that takes a value of type U. |
CSmooth.Pools.PoolsStatus | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer.PopupData | |
CPartGeometryUtil.PosRot | |
CPQS_GameBindings | |
CPQSCache.PQSGlobalPresetList | |
CPQSCache.PQSPreset | |
CPQSCache.PQSSpherePreset | |
CPQSTool | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.PreBuiltCraft | This class is used to store a list of PreBuiltCraftDefinition's. |
CFinePrint.Utilities.PreBuiltCraftDefinition | This class is used to hold PreBuilt Craft definitions for contracts that use prebuilt craft. |
CFinePrint.Utilities.PreBuiltCraftPosition | Used to store PreBuilt Craft Positions |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.PredicateContext< T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.PredicateContext< T, C, P > | |
CKSP.UI.PrefabSpawner.PrefabWrapper | |
CPreFlightCheck | |
CPreviewType | |
CProfileTimer | |
CProgMesh | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Progression | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.ProgressMilestone | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.ProgressUtilities | |
CFileIO.Projects | |
CPropTools.Prop | |
CPropellant | |
►CPropertyAttribute | |
CEdyCommonTools.HelpBoxAttribute | |
CUI_EnumAttribute | This PropertyAttribute will allow enums to have multiple selectable values. |
►CPropertyDrawer | |
CCurvePropertyDrawer | |
CEdyCommonTools.EditorTools.SplinePointDrawer | |
CKSP.EnumAttributeDrawer | Allows an Enum as a masking field. |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.DropdownOptionListDrawer | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.FontWeightDrawer | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.GlyphInfoDrawer | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.KerningPairDrawer | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.SpriteInfoDrawer | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.StyleDrawer | |
CVector3dPropertyDrawer | |
►CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.VPPropertyDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.AbsDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.AngularJointMotionDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.AntiSpinDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.AxleDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.BrakesDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.ChangeDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.ClutchDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.CurvePointDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.DifferentialDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.EngineDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.GearboxDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.HeadHorizontalMotionDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.HeadVerticalMotionDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.InertiaDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.JointMotionDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.RetarderDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.SpecificationsDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.StabilityControlDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.SteeringAidsDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.SteeringDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.TireFrictionDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.TractionControlDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.EditorTools.TransmissionDrawer | |
►CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.VPPropertyDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.AxleDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.BrakesDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.ClutchDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.DifferentialDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.EngineDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.GearboxDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.RetarderDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.SteeringDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.TireFrictionDrawer | |
CVehiclePhysics.UnityEditor.TransmissionDrawer | |
CProtoCrewMember | Crew member prototype |
CScenarioDestructibles.ProtoDestructible | |
CProtoPartModuleSnapshot | Represents the saved state of a part module |
CProtoPartResourceSnapshot | Represents the saved state of a part resource |
CProtoPartSnapshot | Represents the saved state of a part in a ship |
CProtoRDNode | |
CProtoScenarioModule | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ProtoStageIcon | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.ProtoStageIconInfo | |
CProtoTechNode | |
CScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.ProtoUpgradeable | |
CProtoVessel | Represents the saved state of a ship in flight |
CPropTools.Proxy | |
CiT.PunchPosition | Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's position and wobbles it back to its initial position with FULL customization options. |
CiT.PunchRotation | Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's rotation and wobbles it back to its initial rotation with FULL customization options. |
CiT.PunchScale | Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's scale and wobbles it back to its initial scale with FULL customization options. |
CUnityEngine.QuaternionD | |
CQuaternionExtensions | |
CUniLinq.QuickSort< TElement > | |
CVect.r2 | |
CVect.r3 | |
CVect.r4 | |
CRadiators.RadiatorData | |
CRadiators.RadiatorUtilities | |
CKSP.UI.RadioButtonGroup | A class which encapsulates all that is required to track and manage radio buttons as a group. |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButtonStateChanger.RadioButtonState | |
►CRandom | |
CKSPRandom | Represents a pseudo-random number generator, which is a device that produces a sequence of numbers that meet certain statistical requirements for randomness.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source. |
►CRawImage | |
CVectrosity.VectorObject2D | |
CTargeting.Ray | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDEnvironmentAdapter | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Recovery | |
CKSP.UI.Util.RectUtil | |
CRedistCopy | |
CRedistInstall | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ReferenceNode | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ReferenceNodeGUI | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.SearchResultGroup.ReferencePath | |
CVehiclePhysics.ReferenceSpecs | |
CVectrosity.RefInt | |
CPartModule.ReflectedAttributes | |
CPart.ReflectedAttributes | |
CBaseActionList.ReflectedData | |
CBaseFieldList< R, K >.ReflectedData | |
CBaseEventList.ReflectedData | |
CReflectionUtil | |
CSteamworks.RegisterActivationCodeResponse_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageAppSyncProgress_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageDeletePublishedFileResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageEnumerateUserSharedWorkshopFilesResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageEnumerateWorkshopFilesResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageFileReadAsyncComplete_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageFileShareResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageFileWriteAsyncComplete_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageGetPublishedFileDetailsResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageGetPublishedItemVoteDetailsResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStoragePublishedFileDeleted_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStoragePublishedFileUnsubscribed_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStoragePublishedFileUpdated_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStoragePublishFileProgress_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStoragePublishFileResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageSetUserPublishedFileActionResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageSubscribePublishedFileResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageUnsubscribePublishedFileResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageUpdatePublishedFileResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoteStorageUserVoteDetails_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoveAppDependencyResult_t | |
CSteamworks.RemoveUGCDependencyResult_t | |
CRenderTools | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.RDArchivesController.ReportData | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Satellite.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ARM.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Base.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Flag.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Grand.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ISRU.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Progression.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Recovery.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Research.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Sentinel.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometDetection.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Station.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Survey.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Test.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Tour.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.DeployedScience.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceArm.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceRetrieval.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometSample.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.RoverConstruction.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.VesselRepair.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.OrbitalConstruction.Reputation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Research | |
CResize | |
CResourceSetup.ResourceConfig | |
CResourceConverter | |
CModuleSpaceObjectInfo.ResourceData | |
CResourceData | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_PlanetResources.ResourceDataItem | |
CModuleResourceDrain.ResourceDrainStatus | |
CResourceGameSettings | |
CAvailablePart.ResourceInfo | |
CKerbalEVA.ResourceListItem | |
CPartSet.ResourcePrioritySet | This class just links up the double-list of part resources with a hashset of them for fast contains checks. |
CResourceRatio | |
CTMPro.TMP_DefaultControls.Resources | |
CResourceUtilities | |
CSteamWorkshopExportDialog.ReturnItems | |
►CRichTextUtil | Rich text helper methods for formatting various things |
CKSPRichTextUtil | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve3.RidgedNoise | |
CEdyCommonTools.RigidbodyUtility | |
CRnDCommsStream | Comms Streams are buffers that hold data from transmitter modules for a while, in order to get the full science value of submitting all the experiment data in one go. If the stream times out, however much data was stored gets submitted to R&D, which devaluates the subject more quickly than sending all the data at once. The xmitIncomplete flag can help avoid this by harmlessly terminating the stream if it times out prematurely. |
CRnDDebugUtil | |
CRocCBDefinition | ROC Biome Definition. |
CROCDefinition | Class for ROC_DEFINITION confignode. Contains the data for the definition of a ROC |
CPQSROCControl.RocPositionInfo | Store Roc Position Info |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceArm | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceRetrieval | |
CROCManager.ROCStats | |
CRomfarerUtils | |
CiT.RotateAdd | Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.RotateBy | Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.RotateFrom | Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time (if allowed) with FULL customization options. |
CiT.RotateTo | Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.RotateUpdate | Similar to RotateTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. |
CLoadingAnimation.RotatingObject | |
CEdyCommonTools.RotationController.Rotation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.RoverConstruction | |
CKSP.UI.UIPanelTransitionRTScaler.RTRectBounds | |
CRUIHoverController | A roughly implemented hover scheduler. Can hold 1 hover and hover out request. Adds 1 frame delay between each operation. |
CRUIutils | |
CSmooth.Platform.Runtime | Helper class that provides information about the target platform. |
CRunToolbarMenu | |
CRunwayCollisionHandler.RunwaySection | |
CMenuNavigation.SameParentSelectables | |
CTargeting.Sample | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Satellite | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.SaveUpgradePipeline | |
CiT.ScaleAdd | Adds to a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.ScaleBy | Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.ScaleFrom | Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.ScaleTo | Changes a GameObject's scale over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.ScaleUpdate | Similar to ScaleTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values with FULL customization options. Does not utilize an EaseType. |
CRUI.Algorithms.SCCFlowGraph | |
CRUI.Algorithms.SCCFlowGraphUCFinder | Unconnected component finder |
CScenarioLoadDialog.ScenarioSaveInfo | |
CSceneObjectPicker | |
CDynamicShadowSettings.SceneShadowSettings | |
CSceneTransitionMatrix | For changes in the transition matrix, use the inspector on the HighLogic gameobject. |
CSceneTransitionMatrix.SceneTransitions | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Progression.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Grand.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometDetection.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Flag.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Research.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Station.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Test.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Recovery.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Satellite.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Base.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ARM.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Survey.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometSample.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.RoverConstruction.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.VesselRepair.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.OrbitalConstruction.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ISRU.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.DeployedScience.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Sentinel.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Tour.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceArm.Science | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.ROCScienceRetrieval.Science | |
CScienceExperiment | |
CScienceLabSearch | When searching for a science lab to send data to, we get a lot of meta data we can package and send around (to UI stuff etc) without having to search again. |
CScienceUtil | |
CScreenMessage | |
CSteamworks.ScreenshotReady_t | |
CSteamworks.ScreenshotRequested_t | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.AddDebugScreens.ScreenWrapper | |
►CScriptableObject | |
CExpansions.ExpansionSO | |
CExpansions.Serenity.RobotArmFX.RobotArmScannerFX | |
CKSCUpgradeableLevelText | |
CKSP.UI.Util.UISkinDefSO | |
CLinkedMeshSO | |
►CMapSO | |
CCBAttributeMapSO | |
CCBTextureAtlasSO | |
CMiniBiome | This is the miniBiome asset class containing information for a mini biome. |
CModuleScienceExperiment.EVASituation | Class that Stores EVA situations that are loaded from EVASITUATION nodes within the MODULE node. |
CSphereBaseSO | |
►CTMPro.TMP_Asset | |
CTMPro.TMP_FontAsset | |
CTMPro.TMP_SpriteAsset | |
CTMPro.TMP_ColorGradient | |
►CTMPro.TMP_InputValidator | Custom text input validator where user can implement their own custom character validation. |
CTMPro.TMP_DigitValidator | EXample of a Custom Character Input Validator to only allow digits from 0 to 9. |
CTMPro.TMP_PhoneNumberValidator | Example of a Custom Character Input Validator to only allow phone number in the (800) 555-1212 format. |
CTMPro.TMP_Settings | |
CTMPro.TMP_StyleSheet | |
CTransformCopier | |
CVehiclePhysics.EngineDataAsset | |
CVehiclePhysics.ProjectPatchAsset | |
►CScriptableWizard | |
CLineMaker | |
CScriptOffloadingAssistant.ScriptComponent | Describes a script component attached to a game object |
CScriptDetails | |
CScriptOffloadingAssistant.ScriptTarget | |
►CScrollRect | |
CScrollRectDragOverride | This class presents a scrollRect, but lets you ignore (or retarget) the Drag events |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.SearchResultDrawParameters | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.SearchResultGroup | |
CExpansions.Serenity.DeployedScience.Runtime.DeployedScienceExperiment.SeismicPartData | Internal Class used to store entries in SeismicPartList |
►CSelectableEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.DropdownEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_InputFieldEditor | |
CUnityEditor.UI.BoxSliderEditor | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.SelectContext< U, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.SelectContext< U, T, C, P > | |
CEVAConstructionModeEditor.SelectedPartCollider | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.SelectOptionContext< U, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.SelectOptionContext< U, T, C, P > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.SelectSlinqContext< U, UC, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.SelectSlinqContext< U, UC, T, C, P > | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Sentinel | |
CSentinelMission.SentinelUtilities | |
CVFXSequencer.SequenceFX | |
CExpansions.Serenity.SerenityUtils | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.SearchResult.SerializableNode | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.SearchResult.SerializableResultGroup | |
►CSerializationBinder | |
CKSPFontTypeConverter | |
CSteamworks.servernetadr_t | |
CSteamworks.SetPersonaNameResponse_t | |
CTMPro.SetPropertyUtility | |
CVehiclePhysics.TireFriction.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.Gearbox.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.Driveline.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.TractionControl.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.AntiSpin.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.Differential.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.Inertia.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.SteeringAids.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.Gearset.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.StabilityControl.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.Brakes.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.Retarder.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.TorqueSplitter.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.Steering.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.DrivelineHelper.Settings | |
CVehiclePhysics.SettingsData | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsExpansion | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsFieldWrapper | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPSettingsSwitcher.SettingsGroup | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsPlatform | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsSetup | |
CSteamworks.SetUserItemVoteResult_t | |
CShaderDetails | |
CKSP.UI.UITransparencyController.ShaderFader | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_BaseShaderGUI.ShaderFeature | Representation of a #pragma shader_feature. |
CSoftMasking.TextMeshPro.Editor.ShaderGenerator | |
►CShaderGUI | |
►CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_BaseShaderGUI | Base class for TextMesh Pro shader GUIs. |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_BitmapShaderGUI | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_SDFShaderGUI | |
CPartToolsEditor.ShaderParameter | |
CSoftMasking.TextMeshPro.Editor.ShaderPatcher | |
CSoftMasking.TextMeshPro.Editor.ShaderGenerator.ShaderResource | |
CTMPro.ShaderUtilities | |
CiT.ShakePosition | Randomly shakes a GameObject's position by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.ShakeRotation | Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options. |
CiT.ShakeScale | Randomly shakes a GameObject's scale by a diminishing amount over time with FULL customization options. |
CShipConstruction | |
CShipTemplate | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometDetection.Significant | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometSample.Significant | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.VesselRepair.Significant | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.RoverConstruction.Significant | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Sentinel.Significant | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.OrbitalConstruction.Significant | |
CSimplex | |
CPQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve3.SimplexNoise | |
CSimplexNoise | |
CPQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper | |
CPieChart.Slice | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Slinq | Provides methods for the creation of chained Slinqs as well as various type specific Slinq comprehensions. |
CSmooth.Slinq.Slinq< T, C > | Allocation-free enumerator with advanced, LINQ-like functionality |
CSmooth.Slinq.Slinqable | Provides methods for creating basic Slinqs from various underlying collections or delegates. |
CEdyCommonTools.SmoothFloat | |
CSteamworks.SocketStatusCallback_t | |
CVehiclePhysics.Solver | |
CPatchedConics.SolverParameters | |
CVehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.SolverState | |
CSmooth.Collections.SortedDictionary | Helper class for instantiating SortedDictionary<>s without specifying a comparer. |
CSmooth.Collections.SortedList | Helper class for instantiating SortedList<>s without specifying a comparer. |
CTMPro.SortingLayerHelper | |
CSoundDetails | |
CPSystemSetup.SpaceCenterFacility | |
CLaunchSite.SpawnPoint | |
CPSystemSetup.SpaceCenterFacility.SpawnPoint | |
CVehiclePhysics.EngineDataAsset.Specifications | |
CVehiclePhysics.SpeedControl | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPSegmentedSpeedGauge.SpeedMark | |
CPhysicsUtil.SphereHit | |
CEdyCommonTools.SplineUtility | |
CTMPro.SpriteAssetUtilities.TexturePacker.SpriteData | |
CTMPro.SpriteAssetUtilities.TexturePacker.SpriteDataObject | |
CTMPro.SpriteAssetUtilities.TexturePacker.SpriteFrame | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.SpriteMap | A simple structure that loads textures into sprites if they exist, and defaults them if they do not. |
CAlarmClockScenario.SpriteMap | |
CTMPro.SpriteAssetUtilities.TexturePacker.SpriteSize | |
CiT.Stab | Plays an AudioClip once based on supplied volume and pitch and following any delay with FULL customization options. AudioSource is optional as iTween will provide one. |
CVehiclePhysics.StabilityControl | |
CRUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph | |
CGameEvents.StageManager | |
►CStandaloneInputModule | |
CStandaloneInputModuleCustom | |
CProceduralStarfield.StarClass | |
CSteamworks.StartPlaytimeTrackingResult_t | |
COrbit.State | |
CVehiclePhysics.Block.State | |
CKSP.UI.InteractableCtrlUIStates.State | |
CVehiclePhysics.Gearbox.StateVars | |
CVehiclePhysics.Engine.StateVars | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Station | |
CSteamworks.SteamAPI | |
CSteamworks.SteamAPICallCompleted_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamAppInstalled_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamAppList | |
CSteamworks.SteamApps | |
CSteamworks.SteamAppUninstalled_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamClient | |
CSteamworks.SteamController | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.SteamCraftInfo | |
CSteamworks.SteamEncryptedAppTicket | |
CSteamworks.SteamFriends | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServer | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServerApps | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServerClient | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServerHTTP | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServerInventory | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServerNetworking | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServerStats | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServerUGC | |
CSteamworks.SteamGameServerUtils | |
CSteamworks.SteamHTMLSurface | |
CSteamworks.SteamHTTP | |
CSteamworks.SteamInventory | |
CSteamworks.SteamInventoryDefinitionUpdate_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamInventoryEligiblePromoItemDefIDs_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamInventoryFullUpdate_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamInventoryResultReady_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamItemDetails_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamMatchmaking | |
CSteamworks.SteamMatchmakingServers | |
CExpansions.Missions.SteamMissionFileInfo | |
CSteamworks.SteamMusic | |
CSteamworks.SteamMusicRemote | |
CSteamworks.SteamNetworking | |
CSteamworks.InteropHelp.SteamParamStringArray | |
CSteamworks.SteamParamStringArray_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamParentalSettings | |
CSteamworks.SteamParentalSettingsChanged_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamRemoteStorage | |
CSteamworks.SteamScreenshots | |
CSteamworks.SteamServerConnectFailure_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamServersConnected_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamServersDisconnected_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamShutdown_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamUGC | |
CSteamworks.SteamUGCDetails_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamUGCQueryCompleted_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamUGCRequestUGCDetailsResult_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamUnifiedMessages | |
CSteamworks.SteamUnifiedMessagesSendMethodResult_t | |
CSteamworks.SteamUser | |
CSteamworks.SteamUserStats | |
CSteamworks.SteamUtils | |
CSteamworks.SteamVideo | |
CVehiclePhysics.Steering | |
CVehiclePhysics.SteeringAids | |
CSteeringObject | |
CSteamworks.StopPlaytimeTrackingResult_t | |
CSteamworks.StoreAuthURLResponse_t | |
CStoredPart | Class for the storage of a part inside an InventoryModule |
CStrategies.Strategy | |
CStrategies.StrategyConfig | |
►CStrategies.StrategyEffect | |
CStrategies.CurrencyExchanger | |
CStrategies.Effects.CurrencyConverter | |
CStrategies.Effects.CurrencyOperation | |
CStrategies.Effects.ValueModifier | |
CStrategies.StrategyEffectConfig | |
CStrategies.StrategySystemConfig | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Administration.StrategyWrapper | |
►CStreamReader | |
CEdyCommonTools.CsvFileReader | Class to read data from a CSV file |
►CStreamWriter | |
CEdyCommonTools.CsvFileWriter | Class to write data to a CSV file |
CStringBuilderCache | |
CSmooth.Pools.StringBuilderPool | Singleton StringBuilder pool. |
CKSP.UI.Language.StringExtensions | |
CStringExtensions | |
CKSPUtil.StringReplacement | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.StringUtilities | String utilites is soon to be deprecated due to the use of lingoona. |
CRUI.Algorithms.StronglyConnectedComponentFinder | Implementation of the Tarjan stronly connected components algorithm. |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.ObjectToSearch.SubAsset | |
CSteamworks.SubmitItemUpdateResult_t | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsSetup.SubTab | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindow.SubTabWrapper | |
CSuitCombo | This class represents the suit variants loaded from the NEW_SUITCOMBOS nodes, and holds the references for the default suits elements. |
CExpansions.ExpansionsLoader.SupportedExpansion | |
CPhysicsGlobals.SurfaceCurvesList | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.SurfaceLocation | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Survey | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.SurveyDefinition | SurveyDefinition prevents SurveyContracts from calling LoadNode more than absolutely necessary by storing the survey definitions in a loose structure. |
CFinePrint.Utilities.SurveyDefinitionParameter | SurveyDefinitionParameters load and hold hold the parameters for the survey definition structure. |
CKSPUtil.SystemDateTime | Use this instead of System.DateTime.Now function as it deals with invalid Time Zones. |
CFinePrint.Utilities.SystemUtilities | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindow.TabWrapper | |
CTMPro.TagAttribute | Structure used to store retrieve the name and hashcode of the font and material |
CTargeting | |
CTemperatureModel | Stores parameters to calculate a planet's temperature at an arbitrary altitude. The way the temperature is calculated is divided in intervals, which can have constant temperatures, linear functions, or quadratic functions |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Test | |
CKSP.Testing.TestManager | N3X15's shoddy Unit Testing framework, as standard frameworks don't work within Unity |
CKSP.Testing.TestResults | |
CKSP.Testing.TestState | |
CContracts.TextGen | |
CCreditsMultiTextHeader.TextHeader | |
CDialogGUILabel.TextLabelOptions | |
CDialogGUIButton.TextLabelOptions | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateText.TextState | |
CKSP.UI.UIStatePanel.TextState | |
CEdyCommonTools.TextureCanvas | |
CEdyCommonTools.EditorTools.TextureCanvasEditor | |
CTextureDetails | |
CPartToolsEditor.PartWriter.TextureDummy | |
CGameDatabase.TextureInfo | |
CTMPro.SpriteAssetUtilities.TexturePacker | |
CTextureScale | |
CTGAHeader | |
CTGAImage | Mu's TGA Image Library Copyright KSP 2012 - Dont nick it. |
CPartToolsEditor.TGAWriter | |
CThermalLink | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPTireEffects.TireFxData | |
CTMPro.TMP_BasicXmlTagStack | Structure used to track basic XML tags which are binary (on / off) |
CTMPro.TMP_CharacterInfo | TMP custom data type to represent 32 bit characters. |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_ColorGradientAssetMenu | |
CTMPro.TMP_Compatibility | |
CTMPro.TMP_DefaultControls | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_EditorUtility | |
CTMPro.TMP_FontUtilities | |
CTMPro.TMP_FontWeights | Contains the font asset for the specified font weight styles. |
CTMPro.TMP_LineInfo | Structure which contains information about the individual lines of text. |
CTMPro.TMP_LinkInfo | Structure containing information about individual links contained in the text object. |
CTMPro.TMP_MaterialManager | |
CTMPro.TMP_Math | |
CTMPro.TMP_MeshInfo | Structure which contains the vertex attributes (geometry) of the text object. |
CTMPro.TMP_PageInfo | |
CTMPro.TMP_PostBuildProcessHandler | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_ResourcesLoader | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_SpriteAssetMenu | |
CTMPro.TMP_SpriteInfo | |
CTMPro.TMP_Style | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_StyleAssetMenu | |
►CTMPro.TMP_TextElement | Base class for all text elements like characters (glyphs) and sprites. |
CTMPro.TMP_Glyph | |
CTMPro.TMP_Sprite | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextInfo | Class which contains information about every element contained within the text object. |
CTMPro.TMP_TextUtilities | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_UIStyleManager | |
CTMPro.TMP_UpdateManager | |
CTMPro.TMP_UpdateRegistry | Class for handling and scheduling text object updates. |
CTMPro.TMP_Vertex | |
CTMPro.TMP_WordInfo | Structure containing information about the individual words contained in the text object. |
CTMPro.TMP_XmlTagStack< T > | Structure used to track XML tags of various types. |
CTMPProUtil | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMPro_CreateObjectMenu | |
CTMPro.TMPro_EventManager | |
CTMPro.TMPro_ExtensionMethods | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMPro_FontPlugin | |
CTMProUtil | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Tour | |
CVehiclePhysics.TractionControl | |
CTrajectory | |
CTransferMath | |
►CTransferTypeBase | |
CTransferTypeSimple | |
CTransformExtension | |
CAssets.Editor.TransformGlobalPostion | |
CPQSMeshPlanet.Tri | |
CSphereBaseSO.Triangle | |
CTriPoly | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.CometSample.Trivial | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.VesselRepair.Trivial | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.RoverConstruction.Trivial | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.Sentinel.Trivial | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.OrbitalConstruction.Trivial | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Tumbler.TumblerObject | |
CSmooth.Algebraics.Tuple | Extension methods for Tuple<>s. |
CSmooth.Delegates.Tupled | Provides methods for invoking a delegate that takes individual parameters using a tuple |
►CTutorialPageConfig | |
CIntermediateTutorialPageStep | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.TypeButton | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapNode.TypeData | |
CKSP.UI.U5Util | |
CEdyCommonTools.UdpConnection | |
CEdyCommonTools.UdpListenThread | |
CEdyCommonTools.UdpSender | |
CSteamManager.UGCQuerySet | |
►CUIBehaviour | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.Draggable | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.RectManipulator | |
CSoftMasking.Samples.ShowOnHover | |
CSoftMasking.SoftMask | SoftMask is a component that can be added to UI elements for masking the children. It works like a standard Unity's Mask but supports alpha. |
CSoftMasking.SoftMaskable | |
CTMPro.TextContainer | |
CXHoverable | |
CXSelectable | |
CKSP.UI.UICanvasPrefabSpawner.UICanvasPrefabWrapper | |
CUIComponentUtils | |
CKSP.UI.UIExtensions | |
CKSP.UI.UIList< T > | |
CKSP.UI.UIListData< T > | |
CFlightUIModeControllerUtil.UIModePanelState | |
CKSP.UI.UIPrefabSpawner.UIPrefabWrapper | |
CUISkinDef | |
CUIStyle | |
CUIStyleState | |
CKSP.Testing.UnitTest | See /KSPExternalModules/UnitTests for a sample UnitTest. Output is in the log |
►CUnityEvent< ButtonTypes, CrewListItem > | |
CKSP.UI.CrewListItem.ClickEvent< ButtonTypes, CrewListItem > | |
►CUnityEvent< char, int > | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextEventHandler.CharacterSelectionEvent | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextEventHandler.SpriteSelectionEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< Color > | |
CColorChangedEvent | |
CTMPro.ColorTween.ColorTweenCallback | |
►CUnityEvent< double > | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MEGUITimeControl.TimeControlValueChange | |
►CUnityEvent< float > | |
CTMPro.FloatTween.FloatTweenCallback | |
►CUnityEvent< float, float > | |
CUnityEngine.UI.BoxSlider.BoxSliderEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< float, float, float > | |
CHSVChangedEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< int > | |
CKSP.UI.UISelectableList.SelectableListEventInt | |
CTMPro.TMP_Dropdown.DropdownEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< PointerEventData > | |
CKSP.UI.DragHandler.DragEvent< PointerEventData > | |
CKSP.UI.DropHandler.DropEvent< PointerEventData > | |
CKSP.UI.PointerClickHandler.PointerClickEvent< PointerEventData > | |
CKSP.UI.PointerEnterExitHandler.PointerDataEvent< PointerEventData > | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateButton.ClickEventData< PointerEventData > | |
►CUnityEvent< PointerEventData, CallType > | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButton.StateChangeEvent< PointerEventData, CallType > | |
►CUnityEvent< PointerEventData, PointerEnterExitHandler > | |
CKSP.UI.PointerEnterExitHandler.PointerDataObjectEvent< PointerEventData, PointerEnterExitHandler > | |
►CUnityEvent< PointerEventData, State, CallType > | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButton.ClickEvent< PointerEventData, State, CallType > | |
►CUnityEvent< PointerEventData.InputButton, Vector2 > | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay.DragEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< RaycastHit?> | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay.RaycastEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< String > | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateButton.ClickEvent< String > | |
►CUnityEvent< string > | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField.OnChangeEvent | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField.SelectionEvent | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField.SubmitEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< string, int, int > | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField.TextSelectionEvent | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextEventHandler.LineSelectionEvent | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextEventHandler.WordSelectionEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< string, string, int > | |
CTMPro.TMP_TextEventHandler.LinkSelectionEvent | |
►CUnityEvent< UIList, UIListItem, integer > | |
CKSP.UI.UIList.ListDropEvent< UIList, UIListItem, integer > | Event fired from UIListDropArea |
►CUnityEvent< UIRadioButton, CallType, PointerEventData > | |
CKSP.UI.UIRadioButton.StateChangeEvent2< UIRadioButton, CallType, PointerEventData > | |
►CUnityEvent< UISelectableListItem > | |
CKSP.UI.UISelectableList.SelectableListEventItem | |
►CUnityEvent< UIStateButton > | |
CKSP.UI.UIStateButton.OnValueChangeEvent< UIStateButton > | |
►CUnityEvent< Vector2 > | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay.MouseOverEvent | |
CPartUpgradeHandler.Upgrade | Upgrade holder. |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableObject.UpgradeLevel | |
►CSaveUpgradePipeline.UpgradeScript | |
►CSaveUpgradePipeline.ModuleReplace | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1123_dockingNode | |
►CSaveUpgradePipeline.PartOffset | |
►CSaveUpgradePipeline.PartReplace | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.probeCoreSphere | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_engineLargeSkipper | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_liquidEngine1_2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_liquidEngine2_2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_liquidEngine3 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_liquidEngineMini | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_microEngine | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_mk1pod | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_probeCoreOcto | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_probeCoreOcto2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_radialEngineMini | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_RCSBlock | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_rocketNoseCone | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_ServiceBay_125 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_ServiceBay_250 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_Size3to2Adapter | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_solidBooster | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_solidBooster_sm | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_stackBiCoupler | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v1120_stackTriCoupler | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_fuelTank1_2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_fuelTank2_2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_fuelTank3_2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_fuelTank4_2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_mk1_2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_stackDecoupler | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_stackDecoupler1_2 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_stackDecouplerMini | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_stackDecouplerSize3 | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_stackSeparator | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_stackSeparatorBig | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_stackSeparatorMini | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v170_toroidalFuelTank | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v110_LandingGearOffset | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v110_LandingLegLT1Offset | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v110_LandingLegLT2Offset | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v110_WheelModuleOverhaul | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v180_ModuleAeroSurface | |
CSaveUpgradePipeline.v180_ModuleControlSurface | |
CUrlDir.UrlConfig | |
CUrlDir | |
CUrlDir.UrlFile | |
CUrlDir.UrlIdentifier | |
CSteamworks.UserAchievementIconFetched_t | |
CSteamworks.UserAchievementStored_t | |
CSteamworks.UserFavoriteItemsListChanged_t | |
CSteamworks.UserStatsReceived_t | |
CSteamworks.UserStatsStored_t | |
CSteamworks.UserStatsUnloaded_t | |
CUtil | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.Utilities | |
CUtilMath | |
CSteamworks.ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ValidationColors | |
CConfigNode.Value | A value contained in a config node. string value name and string value |
CCapability.Value | Representation of a capability value. Use Update() to update from underlying class object |
CValueBox< T > | A reference-type wrapper for value types |
CValueModifierQuery | |
►CLibNoise.ValueNoiseBasis | |
CLibNoise.Voronoi | |
CiT.ValueTo | Returns a value to an 'oncallback' method interpolated between the supplied 'from' and 'to' values for application as desired. Requires an 'onupdate' callback that accepts the same type as the supplied 'from' and 'to' properties. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.ReflectedSettingsWindow.ValueWrapper | |
CAssetUsageDetectorNamespace.VariableGetterHolder | |
CVect | |
CUnityEngine.Vector2d | |
CTextureTools.Vector3Curve | |
CVector3Curve | |
CVector3d | |
CVectrosity.Vector3Pair | |
CTextureTools.Vector4Curve | |
CVector4Curve | |
CUnityEngine.Vector4d | |
CVectrosity.VectorChar | |
CVectorExtensions | |
CVectrosity.VectorLine | |
CVectrosity.VectorManager | |
CVehiclePhysics.VehicleData | |
CVehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.VehicleStateVars | |
CSteamworks.Version | |
CSphereBaseSO.Vertex | |
CRUI.Algorithms.Vertex< T > | |
CPQS.VertexBuildData | |
CTMPro.VertexGradient | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPHeadMotion.VerticalMotion | |
CVesselAutopilot | |
CVesselCrewManifest | Class which represents the parts in a vessel and the crew members which are assigned to them. |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.VesselDebugDeltaVEngineInfo | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.DebugToolbar.Screens.Debug.VesselDebugDeltaVInfo | |
CVesselEngiUtil | |
CVesselLabels.VesselLabelType | |
CVesselModuleManager | |
CVesselModuleManager.VesselModuleWrapper | |
CFinePrint.ContractDefs.VesselRepair | |
CVesselAutopilot.VesselSAS | |
CGameEvents.VesselSituation | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.MECrewAssignmentDialog.VesselSituationManifest | |
CGameEvents.VesselSpawnInfo | |
CVesselTripLog | |
CFinePrint.Utilities.VesselUtilities | |
CVesselValues | |
CViewportController | |
CSteamworks.VolumeHasChanged_t | |
CPQSMod_VertexVoronoi.Voronoi | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAxle | |
CFinePrint.Waypoint | |
CTestVehicleController.Wheel | |
CModuleWheels.WheelFrictionNode | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAudio.Wheels | |
CVehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.WheelState | |
CVehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.WheelStateVars | |
CModuleWheels.WheelSubsystem | |
CModuleWheels.WheelSubsystems | |
CModuleWheels.WheelUtil | |
CVehiclePhysics.VPAudio.Wind | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsSetup.Window | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Settings.SettingsSetup.WindowValue | |
CCameraFXModules.WobbleFXParams | |
CTMPro.WordWrapState | |
CConfigNode.WriteLinkList.WriteLink | |
CXKCDColors | |
CXKCDColorsTranslator | |
CTMPro.XML_TagAttribute | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.ZipAllContext< T2, C2, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.ZipAllContext< U, T2, C2, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.ZipAllContext< U, T2, C2, T, C, P > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.ZipContext< T2, C2, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.ZipContext< U, T2, C2, T, C > | |
CSmooth.Slinq.Context.ZipContext< U, T2, C2, T, C, P > | |
►CEditor | |
CCelestialBodyEditor | |
CCometManagerEditor | |
CCommNet.CommNetNetworkInspector | A slave for CommNetwork. Spawned by CommNetScenario |
CDeltaVAppSituationEditor | |
CDestructibleBuildingEditor | |
CExtraSpriteOptions | |
CGamePropEditor | |
CMapSOEditor | |
CNestedPrefabSpawnerEditor | |
CPartToolsEditor | |
CPQSCityEditor | |
CPQSMeshWrapperEditor | |
CProceduralCubemapEditor | |
CPropEditor | |
CSphereBaseSOEditor | |
CTextureToolsEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_FontAssetEditor | |
CTMPro.EditorUtilities.TMP_UiEditorPanel | |
CTriggersTools.AutoAscentInspector | |
CUpgradeables.UpgradeableObjectEditor | |
►CSelectable | |
CExpansions.Missions.Editor.ActionPaneDisplay | |
CKSP.UI.Screens.Mapview.MapNode | |
CTMPro.TMP_Dropdown | |
CTMPro.TMP_InputField | Editable text input field. |
CUnityEngine.UI.BoxSlider | |