Kerbal Space Program  1.12.4
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ModuleServiceModule Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ModuleServiceModule:
PartModule IStageSeparator IStageSeparatorChild IScalarModule

Public Member Functions

override string GetInfo ()
 Returns formatted string of additional data for use in the VAB and SPH More...
override string GetModuleDisplayName ()
 Override this to provide a Localized version of the PartModules Name for UI components More...
int GetStageIndex (int fallback)
virtual bool IsEnginePlate ()
 Returns True if this Separator is an Engine Plate More...
bool IsMoving ()
override void OnActive ()
 Called when the part is set active (after unpacking etc) More...
void OnDestroy ()
override void OnStart (StartState state)
 Called when the part starts. The StartState gives an indication of where in flight you are. All values may not be plugged in! More...
virtual bool PartDetaches (out List< Part > decoupledParts)
 Returns True or False if the Service Module actually decouples itself when shrouds are jettisoned or not. More...
void SetScalar (float t)
 Call to tell the module to assume the given state. Mind transition may not happen instantly. Check GetScalar for the actual state of the thing. More...
void SetUIRead (bool state)
 Call to set whether or not the module will display its own UI. Read and Write define which kinds of information are allowed to be displayed More...
void SetUIWrite (bool state)
 Call to set whether or not the module will display its own UI. Read and Write define which kinds of information are allowed to be displayed More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PartModule
void AddPartModuleAdjuster (AdjusterPartModuleBase newAdjuster)
 Call this to add an adjuster to this part module. More...
void AddPartModuleAdjusterList (List< AdjusterPartModuleBase > moduleAdjusters)
 Applies the appropriate module adjusters. Performs checks to make sure that the adjusters are valid too. More...
bool AppliedUpgrades ()
 Returns true if upgrades are applied More...
void ApplyAdjustersOnStart ()
 Called when a part module is loaded and applies all of the currently loaded adjusters. More...
virtual void ApplyUpgradeNode (List< string > appliedUps, ConfigNode node, bool doLoad)
 Applies the upgrades to a confignode. Will either copy the upgrades back to the node or (if doLoad) calls load/onload on it. More...
virtual bool ApplyUpgrades (StartState state)
 Will find and apply upgrades. Called during Part's ModulesOnStart, before a module's OnStart. More...
void Awake ()
delegate bool boolPMApplyUpgrades (PartModule pm, StartState state)
delegate bool boolPMBoolDelegate (PartModule pm, bool apply)
void ClearPersistentId ()
 Clear the modules persistentId More...
void Copy (PartModule fromModule)
virtual void DemoteToPhysicslessPart ()
 This method will be called from Part class DemoteToPhysicslessPart when the part is being converted from physical to physicsless part. It is called before the joints and rigidbodies are destroyed. More...
virtual bool FindUpgrades (bool fillApplied, ConfigNode node=null)
 Find applicable upgrades to the partmodule (isunlocked and isenabled) and add to the upgradesApplied list. Pass true if you want to add the upgrades to upgradesApplied, false if you just want to know if at least one upgrade is applicable (unlocked rather than enabled) More...
virtual Color GetCurrentColor ()
 Returns the current part module color. More...
virtual Color GetCurrentColor (string fieldName)
 Returns the current part module color for a field where usespe. More...
uint GetPersistenActiontId ()
 Get the modules persistentID, and create one if it doesnt already have one More...
uint GetPersistentId ()
 Get the modules persistentID, and create one if it doesnt already have one More...
virtual string GetStagingDisableText ()
virtual string GetStagingEnableText ()
virtual string GetUpgradeInfo ()
 Called by Upgrade Stats dialog More...
bool HasUpgrades ()
 Returns true if upgrades exist for the partmodule More...
virtual bool IsStageable ()
 Should this module be counted when seeing whether to have a stack icon present? Override in a module for custom behavior; otherwise returns true if the module (or something the module inherits from above PartModule itself) overrides OnActive() More...
bool IsValidContractObjective (string objectiveType)
 Returns if, for example, an antenna part module qualifies as an antenna for contracts. More...
void Load (ConfigNode node)
virtual void LoadUpgrades (ConfigNode node)
 Loads module-relevant upgrades from the partmodule confignode More...
uint NewPersistentId ()
 Reset the modules persistentId to a new number More...
virtual void OnAwake ()
 Method fires once the module has been added to the part. Use for first time setup. Module will not have loaded fully by this point More...
virtual void OnColorChanged (Color color)
 Meant to be overwritten by part modules implementing color changes. In this case, it doesn't matter which color picker changed specifically. More...
virtual void OnColorChanged (Color color, string pickerID="")
 Meant to be overwritten by part modules implementing color changes More...
virtual void OnConstructionModeFixedUpdate ()
 This method will be called when in EVA Construction mode and this part and itself is disabled (when it is not attached to a vessel) every FixedUpdate(). More...
virtual void OnConstructionModeUpdate ()
 This method will be called when in EVA Construction mode and this part and itself is disabled (when it is not attached to a vessel) every Update(). More...
virtual void OnCopy (PartModule fromModule)
 Use OnCopy to copy any additional data from the PartModule provided More...
virtual void OnFixedUpdate ()
 Called every physics/fixed frame that the part is active More...
virtual void OnIconCreate ()
 Method fires just before components are stripped from the gameobject to make it an icon. (The part is instantiated and then various components like Part, PartModule, EffectBehaviour, Colliders, Particles, etc are stripped and then it's set as the icon prefab. This lets PartModules do stuff to the model right before that happens. More...
virtual void OnInactive ()
 Called before the part goes inactive (after packing etc) More...
virtual void OnInitialize ()
 Called on all modules after all parts are loaded but before they give the ship to the game More...
virtual void OnInventoryModeDisable ()
 This method will be called when this modules part and itself is first disabled (when it is not attached to a vessel) when created in Inventory/Construction mode. More...
virtual void OnInventoryModeEnable ()
 This method will be called when this modules part and itself is first enabled (when it is attached to a vessel) when created in Inventory/Construction mode. More...
virtual void OnLoad (ConfigNode node)
 Use OnLoad to load any additional data from the ConfigNode provided More...
void OnModuleAdjusterAddedWrapper (AdjusterPartModuleBase adjuster)
 Wrapper to check the mission expansion availability before performing processing specific to this part module when an adjuster is added. More...
virtual void OnModuleAdjusterRemoved (AdjusterPartModuleBase adjuster)
 Perform processing specific to this part module when an adjuster is removed. By default this does nothing is up to each part module to implement it properly. More...
virtual void OnPartCreatedFomInventory (ModuleInventoryPart moduleInventoryPart)
 This method is called when a part is being taken out from a slot while being in EVAConstruction mode. More...
virtual void OnSave (ConfigNode node)
 Use OnSave to serialize additional module information into the ConfigNode provided More...
virtual void OnStartBeforePartAttachJoint (StartState state)
 Called in flight scene in Part.Start just before the Part attachnode joints are created. More...
virtual void OnStartFinished (StartState state)
 Called when the part finishes starting. The StartState gives an indication of where in flight you are. All values may not be plugged in! More...
virtual void OnStoredInInventory (ModuleInventoryPart moduleInventoryPart)
 Called when the part is stored in an inventory. More...
virtual void OnUpdate ()
 Called every frame that the part is active More...
virtual void OnWasCopied (PartModule copyPartModule, bool asSymCounterpart)
 Called when the PartModule was copied, through Alt+Copy or symmetry More...
virtual void OnWillBeCopied (bool asSymCounterpart)
 Called when the PartModule is about to be copied, through Alt+Copy or symmetry More...
virtual bool OnWillBeMirrored (ref Quaternion rotation, AttachNode selPartNode, Part partParent)
 This is called in the Editor scene when a symmetry copy of a part is being positioned. Only called on the symmetry parts and only when symmetry mode is set to Mirror. It allows the mirror rotation to be changed and returned before being applied to the symmetry copy part.

rotationThe current calculated rotation. Will be updated if method returns true.
selPartNodeThe attachnode.
partParentThe part that will become this part's parent.
True if the rotation was changed. Otherwise will return false.
virtual List< Color > PresetColors ()
 Preset colors received for any part module. By default, returns only black, override to make your own selection. More...
virtual string PrintUpgrades ()
virtual void PromoteToPhysicalPart ()
 This method will be called from Part class PromoteToPhysicalPart when the part is being converted from physicsless to physical part. More...
void RemovePartModuleAdjuster (AdjusterPartModuleBase oldAdjuster)
 Call this to remove an adjuster from this part module. More...
void RemovePartModuleAdjusterList (List< AdjusterPartModuleBase > moduleAdjusters)
 Removes the appropriate module adjusters. Performs checks to make sure that the adjusters are valid too. More...
void Save (ConfigNode node)
virtual void SetStaging (bool newValue)
 Run by the part's staging toggle handler, sets staging on modules on symmetry counterparts. More...
void SetStagingState (bool newState)
 Set the staging enabled bool for this module. More...
virtual bool StagingEnabled ()
 Gets current staging status (is staging enabled for this module) Override me! More...
virtual bool StagingToggleEnabledEditor ()
virtual bool StagingToggleEnabledFlight ()
void ToggleStaging ()
virtual void UpdateStagingToggle ()
 Updates the staging toggle More...
delegate void voidPMApplyNodeDelegate (PartModule pm, List< string > appliedUps, ConfigNode node, bool doLoad)
delegate void voidPMDelegate (PartModule pm)
delegate void voidPMNodeDelegate (PartModule pm, ConfigNode node)

Public Attributes

string ExteriorColliderName
 The object name for the exterior collider. More...
bool IsDeployed
 Is the Service Bay shroud deployed or not? Persisted. More...
string JettisonZoneNames
 A comma separated list of meshes who's non-occluded contents should be jettisoned. More...
string moduleID = "serviceModule"
bool openCutaway = false
 Shown in Flight scene only. Allows he player to toggle the cutaway (show inside the service bay cover) on or off. More...
bool partDecoupled = true
 If this part decouples when it is staged. More...
string ShellMeshName
 A non-jettisonable mesh used for cutaway views More...
bool showMesh = true
 Shown in Editor scene only. Allows the player to toggle the Service Bay cover on or off. More...
bool UseJettisonZones = false
 If set to true, only non-occluded parts in jettison zones will be shed More...
- Public Attributes inherited from PartModule
bool isEnabled = true
bool moduleIsEnabled = true
string moduleName
bool overrideStagingIconIfBlank = true
ModuleResourceHandler resHandler = new ModuleResourceHandler()
bool showUpgradesInModuleInfo = false
ProtoPartModuleSnapshot snapshot
string stagingDisableText = ""
bool stagingEnabled = true
string stagingEnableText = ""
bool stagingToggleEnabledEditor = false
bool stagingToggleEnabledFlight = false
List< ConfigNodeupgrades
List< string > upgradesApplied = new List<string>()
bool upgradesApply = true
bool upgradesAsk = true


bool CanMove [get]
float GetScalar [get]
bool IsShrouded [get]
 Provided for code readability, it returns wether the service module is shrouded or not. More...
EventData< float, float > OnMoving [get]
EventData< float > OnStop [get]
string ScalarModuleID [get]
- Properties inherited from PartModule
BaseActionList Actions [get]
int ClassID [get]
string ClassName [get]
List< AdjusterPartModuleBaseCurrentModuleAdjusterList [get]
 List of all the module adjusters that are currently active on this part module. More...
BaseEventList Events [get]
BaseFieldList Fields [get]
string GUIName [get]
bool HasAdjusters [get]
 Has this part module been adjusted? More...
ReflectedAttributes ModuleAttributes [get, set]
Part part [get, set]
uint PersistentActionsId [get, set]
 A unique identifier for each vessel including from when it was Shipconstruct More...
uint PersistentId [get]
 A unique identifier for each vessel including from when it was Shipconstruct More...
Vessel vessel [get]
- Properties inherited from IScalarModule
bool CanMove [get]
 A flag stating whether or not the module is able to change state at all. More...
float GetScalar [get]
EventData< float, float > OnMoving [get]
EventData< float > OnStop [get]
string ScalarModuleID [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from PartModule
enum  PartUpgradeState { PartUpgradeState.NONE, PartUpgradeState.LOCKED, PartUpgradeState.AVAILABLE }
enum  StartState {
  StartState.None = 0, StartState.Editor = 1, StartState.PreLaunch = 2, StartState.Landed = 4,
  StartState.Docked = 8, StartState.Flying = 16, StartState.Splashed = 32, StartState.SubOrbital = 64,
  StartState.Orbital = 128
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PartModule
static ReflectedAttributes GetReflectedAttributes (Type partModuleType)
static PartUpgradeState UpgradesAvailable (Part part)
 Returns true if at least one module on the part has at least one upgrade available (isUnlocked) More...
static PartUpgradeState UpgradesAvailable (Part part, ConfigNode node)
 Returns true if at least one module on the part has at least one upgrade available (isUnlocked) More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from PartModule
static voidPMApplyNodeDelegate ApplyUpgradeNodeDel
static boolPMApplyUpgrades ApplyUpgradesDel
static bool ApplyUpgradesEditorAuto = true
static boolPMBoolDelegate FindUpgradesDel
static voidPMNodeDelegate LoadExpansionNodes
 Hook for loading extra nodes common to all part modules. More...
static voidPMNodeDelegate LoadUpgradesDel
static voidPMNodeDelegate SaveExpansionNodes
 Hook for saving extra nodes common to all part modules. More...
static voidPMDelegate SetupExpansion
 Hook for performing extra setup common to all part modules. More...
static string UpgradesAvailableString = "#autoLOC_6002273"
static string UpgradesLockedString = "#autoLOC_6002274"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PartModule
ConfigNode GetUpgrade (string name)
virtual void LoadUpgradesApplied (List< string > applieds, ConfigNode node)
 Load the applied upgrade names More...
virtual void OnModuleAdjusterAdded (AdjusterPartModuleBase adjuster)
 Perform processing specific to this part module when an adjuster is added. By default this does nothing is up to each part module to implement it properly. More...
virtual void SaveUpgradesApplied (ConfigNode node)
 Save the applied upgrades. More...
IEnumerator UpgradeWaitForScenarioModules ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from PartModule
static Dictionary< string,
exclusives = new Dictionary<string, ConfigNode>()
static Dictionary< Type,
reflectedAttributeCache = new Dictionary<Type, ReflectedAttributes>()

Member Function Documentation

override string ModuleServiceModule.GetInfo ( )

Returns formatted string of additional data for use in the VAB and SPH


Reimplemented from PartModule.

override string ModuleServiceModule.GetModuleDisplayName ( )

Override this to provide a Localized version of the PartModules Name for UI components


Reimplemented from PartModule.

int ModuleServiceModule.GetStageIndex ( int  fallback)

Implements IStageSeparator.

virtual bool ModuleServiceModule.IsEnginePlate ( )

Returns True if this Separator is an Engine Plate


Implements IStageSeparatorChild.

bool ModuleServiceModule.IsMoving ( )

Implements IScalarModule.

override void ModuleServiceModule.OnActive ( )

Called when the part is set active (after unpacking etc)

Reimplemented from PartModule.

void ModuleServiceModule.OnDestroy ( )
override void ModuleServiceModule.OnStart ( StartState  state)

Called when the part starts. The StartState gives an indication of where in flight you are. All values may not be plugged in!


Reimplemented from PartModule.

virtual bool ModuleServiceModule.PartDetaches ( out List< Part decoupledParts)

Returns True or False if the Service Module actually decouples itself when shrouds are jettisoned or not.

decoupledPartsOptionally return a list of Parts that will be jettisoned along with the shrouds.

Implements IStageSeparatorChild.

void ModuleServiceModule.SetScalar ( float  t)

Call to tell the module to assume the given state. Mind transition may not happen instantly. Check GetScalar for the actual state of the thing.


Implements IScalarModule.

void ModuleServiceModule.SetUIRead ( bool  state)

Call to set whether or not the module will display its own UI. Read and Write define which kinds of information are allowed to be displayed

Implements IScalarModule.

void ModuleServiceModule.SetUIWrite ( bool  state)

Call to set whether or not the module will display its own UI. Read and Write define which kinds of information are allowed to be displayed

Implements IScalarModule.

Member Data Documentation

string ModuleServiceModule.ExteriorColliderName

The object name for the exterior collider.

bool ModuleServiceModule.IsDeployed

Is the Service Bay shroud deployed or not? Persisted.

string ModuleServiceModule.JettisonZoneNames

A comma separated list of meshes who's non-occluded contents should be jettisoned.

string ModuleServiceModule.moduleID = "serviceModule"
bool ModuleServiceModule.openCutaway = false

Shown in Flight scene only. Allows he player to toggle the cutaway (show inside the service bay cover) on or off.

bool ModuleServiceModule.partDecoupled = true

If this part decouples when it is staged.

string ModuleServiceModule.ShellMeshName

A non-jettisonable mesh used for cutaway views

bool ModuleServiceModule.showMesh = true

Shown in Editor scene only. Allows the player to toggle the Service Bay cover on or off.

bool ModuleServiceModule.UseJettisonZones = false

If set to true, only non-occluded parts in jettison zones will be shed

Property Documentation

bool ModuleServiceModule.CanMove
float ModuleServiceModule.GetScalar
bool ModuleServiceModule.IsShrouded

Provided for code readability, it returns wether the service module is shrouded or not.

EventData<float, float> ModuleServiceModule.OnMoving
EventData<float> ModuleServiceModule.OnStop
string ModuleServiceModule.ScalarModuleID

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