Kerbal Space Program
Static Public Member Functions | |
static HTTPCookieContainerHandle | CreateCookieContainer (bool bAllowResponsesToModify) |
static HTTPRequestHandle | CreateHTTPRequest (EHTTPMethod eHTTPRequestMethod, string pchAbsoluteURL) |
static bool | DeferHTTPRequest (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest) |
static bool | GetHTTPDownloadProgressPct (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, out float pflPercentOut) |
static bool | GetHTTPRequestWasTimedOut (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, out bool pbWasTimedOut) |
static bool | GetHTTPResponseBodyData (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, byte[] pBodyDataBuffer, uint unBufferSize) |
static bool | GetHTTPResponseBodySize (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, out uint unBodySize) |
static bool | GetHTTPResponseHeaderSize (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, string pchHeaderName, out uint unResponseHeaderSize) |
static bool | GetHTTPResponseHeaderValue (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, string pchHeaderName, byte[] pHeaderValueBuffer, uint unBufferSize) |
static bool | GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint cOffset, byte[] pBodyDataBuffer, uint unBufferSize) |
static bool | PrioritizeHTTPRequest (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest) |
static bool | ReleaseCookieContainer (HTTPCookieContainerHandle hCookieContainer) |
static bool | ReleaseHTTPRequest (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest) |
static bool | SendHTTPRequest (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, out SteamAPICall_t pCallHandle) |
static bool | SendHTTPRequestAndStreamResponse (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, out SteamAPICall_t pCallHandle) |
static bool | SetCookie (HTTPCookieContainerHandle hCookieContainer, string pchHost, string pchUrl, string pchCookie) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestAbsoluteTimeoutMS (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint unMilliseconds) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestContextValue (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, ulong ulContextValue) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestCookieContainer (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, HTTPCookieContainerHandle hCookieContainer) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, string pchParamName, string pchParamValue) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, string pchHeaderName, string pchHeaderValue) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestNetworkActivityTimeout (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint unTimeoutSeconds) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestRawPostBody (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, string pchContentType, byte[] pubBody, uint unBodyLen) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestRequiresVerifiedCertificate (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, bool bRequireVerifiedCertificate) |
static bool | SetHTTPRequestUserAgentInfo (HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, string pchUserAgentInfo) |
inlinestatic |
Creates a cookie container handle which you must later free with ReleaseCookieContainer(). If bAllowResponsesToModify=true
than any response to your requests using this cookie container may add new cookies which may be transmitted with
future requests. If bAllowResponsesToModify=false than only cookies you explicitly set will be sent. This API is just for
during process lifetime, after steam restarts no cookies are persisted and you have no way to access the cookie container across
repeat executions of your process.
inlinestatic |
Initializes a new HTTP request, returning a handle to use in further operations on it. Requires
the method (GET or POST) and the absolute URL for the request. Both http and https are supported,
so this string must start with http:// or https:// and should look like
or such.
inlinestatic |
Defers a request you have sent, the actual HTTP client code may have many requests queued, and this will move
the specified request to the tail of the queue. Returns false on invalid handle, or if the request is not yet sent.
inlinestatic |
Gets progress on downloading the body for the request. This will be zero unless a response header has already been
received which included a content-length field. For responses that contain no content-length it will report
zero for the duration of the request as the size is unknown until the connection closes.
inlinestatic |
Check if the reason the request failed was because we timed it out (rather than some harder failure)
inlinestatic |
Gets the body data from a HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestCompleted_t, will return false if the
handle is invalid or is to a streaming response, or if the provided buffer is not the correct size. Use BGetHTTPResponseBodySize first to find out
the correct buffer size to use.
inlinestatic |
Gets the size of the body data from a HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestCompleted_t, will return false if the
handle is invalid.
inlinestatic |
Checks if a response header is present in a HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestCompleted_t, also
returns the size of the header value if present so the caller and allocate a correctly sized buffer for
inlinestatic |
Gets header values from a HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestCompleted_t, will return false if the
header is not present or if your buffer is too small to contain it's value. You should first call
BGetHTTPResponseHeaderSize to check for the presence of the header and to find out the size buffer needed.
inlinestatic |
Gets the body data from a streaming HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestDataReceived_t. Will return false if the
handle is invalid or is to a non-streaming response (meaning it wasn't sent with SendHTTPRequestAndStreamResponse), or if the buffer size and offset
do not match the size and offset sent in HTTPRequestDataReceived_t.
inlinestatic |
Prioritizes a request you have sent, the actual HTTP client code may have many requests queued, and this will move
the specified request to the head of the queue. Returns false on invalid handle, or if the request is not yet sent.
inlinestatic |
Release a cookie container you are finished using, freeing it's memory
inlinestatic |
Releases an HTTP response handle, should always be called to free resources after receiving a HTTPRequestCompleted_t
callback and finishing using the response.
inlinestatic |
Sends the HTTP request, will return false on a bad handle, otherwise use SteamCallHandle to wait on
asynchronous response via callback.
Note: If the user is in offline mode in Steam, then this will add a only-if-cached cache-control
header and only do a local cache lookup rather than sending any actual remote request.
inlinestatic |
Sends the HTTP request, will return false on a bad handle, otherwise use SteamCallHandle to wait on
asynchronous response via callback for completion, and listen for HTTPRequestHeadersReceived_t and
HTTPRequestDataReceived_t callbacks while streaming.
inlinestatic |
Adds a cookie to the specified cookie container that will be used with future requests.
inlinestatic |
Set an absolute timeout on the HTTP request, this is just a total time timeout different than the network activity timeout
which can bump everytime we get more data
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Set a context value for the request, which will be returned in the HTTPRequestCompleted_t callback after
sending the request. This is just so the caller can easily keep track of which callbacks go with which request data.
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Set the cookie container to use for a HTTP request
inlinestatic |
Set a GET or POST parameter value on the request, which is set will depend on the EHTTPMethod specified
when creating the request. Must be called prior to sending the request. Will return false if the
handle is invalid or the request is already sent.
inlinestatic |
Set a request header value for the request, must be called prior to sending the request. Will
return false if the handle is invalid or the request is already sent.
inlinestatic |
Set a timeout in seconds for the HTTP request, must be called prior to sending the request. Default
timeout is 60 seconds if you don't call this. Returns false if the handle is invalid, or the request
has already been sent.
inlinestatic |
Sets the body for an HTTP Post request. Will fail and return false on a GET request, and will fail if POST params
have already been set for the request. Setting this raw body makes it the only contents for the post, the pchContentType
parameter will set the content-type header for the request so the server may know how to interpret the body.
inlinestatic |
Set that https request should require verified SSL certificate via machines certificate trust store
inlinestatic |
Set the extra user agent info for a request, this doesn't clobber the normal user agent, it just adds the extra info on the end