static int | ClampValue (int value, int lowerBound, int upperBound) |
| Returns the given value clamped between the given lower and upper bounds. More...
static double | GetLarger (double a, double b) |
| Returns the larger of the two given numbers. More...
static double | GetSmaller (double a, double b) |
| Returns the smaller of the two given numbers. More...
static void | SwapValues (ref double a, ref double b) |
| Swaps the values contained by the two given variables. More...
static readonly double | DEG_TO_RAD = PI / 180.0 |
| Returns PI/180.0, used for converting degrees to radians. More...
static readonly double | PI = 3.1415926535897932385 |
| Returns the value of the mathematical constant PI. More...
static readonly double | Sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488 |
| Returns the square root of 2. More...
static readonly double | Sqrt3 = 1.7320508075688772935 |
| Returns the square root of 3. More...
double | CubicInterpolate (double n0, double n1, double n2, double n3, double a) |
| Returns the cubic interpolation of two values bound between two other values. More...
void | LatLonToXYZ (double lat, double lon, ref double x, ref double y, ref double z) |
| Provides the X, Y, and Z coordinates on the surface of a sphere cooresponding to the given latitude and longitude. More...
double | LinearInterpolate (double n0, double n1, double a) |
| Returns the linear interpolation of two values with the given alpha. More...
double | SCurve3 (double a) |
| Returns the given value, modified to be able to fit into a 32-bit integer. More...
double | SCurve5 (double a) |
| Returns the given value mapped onto a quintic S-curve. More...