Kerbal Space Program
This is the complete list of members for ROC, including all inherited members.
applyForces | ROC | |
arrowScanPoints | ROC | |
burstClipPath | ROC | |
burstEmitterMaxWait | ROC | |
burstEmitterMinWait | ROC | |
canbetaken | ROC | |
castShadows | ROC | |
CheckCollision(Vessel vessel) | ROC | inline |
collisionThreshold | ROC | |
depth | ROC | |
displayName | ROC | |
forceDirection | ROC | |
frequency | ROC | |
GetClosestScanPosition(Vector3 testPosition, out float bestDistanceToPoint) | ROC | inline |
GetClosestScanPositionWithRaycasts(Vector3 testPosition, out float distanceToPoint) | ROC | inline |
GetVFXForceScale(float burstClipTime) | ROC | inline |
idleClipPath | ROC | |
localSpaceScanPoints | ROC | |
modelName | ROC | |
modelTransform | ROC | |
myCelestialBodies | ROC | |
orientateup | ROC | |
PerformExperiment(ModuleScienceExperiment moduleScienceExperiment) | ROC | inline |
PickUpROC() | ROC | inline |
prefabName | ROC | |
radiusCenter | ROC | |
randomDepth | ROC | |
randomOrientation | ROC | |
randomRotation | ROC | |
recieveShadows | ROC | |
rocArrow | ROC | |
rocArrowLength | ROC | |
rocArrowXZScale | ROC | |
rocEmitter | ROC | |
rocID | ROC | |
rocScanpointLength | ROC | |
rocTransformLength | ROC | |
scale | ROC | |
SetStats(string type, string displayName, string prefabName, string modelName, bool orientateup, float depth, bool canbetaken, float frequency, List< RocCBDefinition > myCelestialBodies, bool castShadows, bool recieveShadows, float collisionthreshold, bool smallroc, bool randomdepth, bool randomorientation, List< Vector3 > localSpaceScanPoints, float burstEmitterMinWait, float burstEmitterMaxWait, bool randomRotation, float scale, float sfxVolume, string idleClipPath, string burstClipPath, FloatCurve vfxCurveForce, float vfxBaseForce, bool applyForces, Vector2 vfxForceRadius, Vector3 forceDirection, Vector3 radiusCenter) | ROC | inline |
sfxVolume | ROC | |
smallROC | ROC | |
type | ROC | |
UpdateModelTransform() | ROC | inlineprotectedvirtual |
UpdateRocArrow() | ROC | inlinevirtual |
upDirection | ROC | |
vfxBaseForce | ROC | |
vfxCurveForce | ROC | |
vfxForceRadius | ROC |