This is the complete list of members for ProtoVessel, including all inherited members.
actionGroups | ProtoVessel | |
AddCrew(ProtoCrewMember pcm) | ProtoVessel | inline |
altimeterDisplayState | ProtoVessel | |
altitude | ProtoVessel | |
autoClean | ProtoVessel | |
autoCleanReason | ProtoVessel | |
Clean(string reason="") | ProtoVessel | inline |
CoM | ProtoVessel | |
CreateDiscoveryNode(DiscoveryLevels level, UntrackedObjectClass size, double lifeTime, double maxLifeTime) | ProtoVessel | inlinestatic |
CreateOrbitNode(Orbit orbit) | ProtoVessel | inlinestatic |
CreatePartNode(string partName, uint id, params ProtoCrewMember[] crew) | ProtoVessel | inlinestatic |
CreateVesselNode(string vesselName, VesselType vesselType, Orbit orbit, int rootPartIndex, ConfigNode[] partNodes, params ConfigNode[] additionalNodes) | ProtoVessel | inlinestatic |
crewableParts | ProtoVessel | |
crewedParts | ProtoVessel | |
ctrlState | ProtoVessel | |
discoveryInfo | ProtoVessel | |
displaylandedAt | ProtoVessel | |
distanceTraveled | ProtoVessel | |
flightPlan | ProtoVessel | |
GetAllProtoPartsFromCrew() | ProtoVessel | inline |
GetAllProtoPartsIncludingCargo() | ProtoVessel | inline |
GetDisplayName() | ProtoVessel | inline |
GetSituationString(ProtoVessel pv, List< CelestialBody > bodies) | ProtoVessel | inlinestatic |
GetVesselCrew() | ProtoVessel | inline |
GroupOverride | ProtoVessel | |
height | ProtoVessel | |
landed | ProtoVessel | |
landedAt | ProtoVessel | |
lastUT | ProtoVessel | |
latitude | ProtoVessel | |
launchedFrom | ProtoVessel | |
launchTime | ProtoVessel | |
Load(FlightState st) | ProtoVessel | inline |
LoadObjects() | ProtoVessel | inline |
longitude | ProtoVessel | |
MissingPartsWindowIndex | ProtoVessel | static |
missionTime | ProtoVessel | |
normal | ProtoVessel | |
orbitSnapShot | ProtoVessel | |
OverrideActionControl | ProtoVessel | |
OverrideAxisControl | ProtoVessel | |
OverrideDefault | ProtoVessel | |
OverrideGroupNames | ProtoVessel | |
persistent | ProtoVessel | |
persistentId | ProtoVessel | |
position | ProtoVessel | |
PQSmaxLevel | ProtoVessel | |
PQSminLevel | ProtoVessel | |
protoPartSnapshots | ProtoVessel | |
ProtoVessel(Vessel VesselRef) | ProtoVessel | inline |
ProtoVessel(Vessel VesselRef, bool preCreate) | ProtoVessel | inline |
ProtoVessel(ConfigNode node, Game st) | ProtoVessel | inline |
RebuildCrewCounts() | ProtoVessel | inline |
refTransform | ProtoVessel | |
RemoveCrew(ProtoCrewMember pcm) | ProtoVessel | inline |
ResetProtoPartSnapShots() | ProtoVessel | inline |
rootIndex | ProtoVessel | |
rotation | ProtoVessel | |
Save(ConfigNode node) | ProtoVessel | inline |
SaveVesselModules() | ProtoVessel | inline |
situation | ProtoVessel | |
skipGroundPositioning | ProtoVessel | |
skipGroundPositioningForDroppedPart | ProtoVessel | |
splashed | ProtoVessel | |
stage | ProtoVessel | |
targetInfo | ProtoVessel | |
vesselID | ProtoVessel | |
vesselModules | ProtoVessel | |
vesselName | ProtoVessel | |
vesselRef | ProtoVessel | |
vesselSpawning | ProtoVessel | |
vesselStateValues | ProtoVessel | |
vesselType | ProtoVessel | |
wasControllable | ProtoVessel | |
waypointInfo | ProtoVessel | |